

Din sökning på "*" gav 533333 sökträffar

Multifactor variance assessment for determining the number of repeat simulation runs in evacuation modelling

Evacuation models commonly employ pseudorandom sampling from distributions to represent the variability of human behaviour in the evacuation process, otherwise referred to as ‘behavioural uncertainty’. This paper presents a method based on functional analysis and inferential statistics to study the convergence of probabilistic evacuation model results to inform deciding how many repeat simulation

Fighting over every hectare: the challenges for the protection of Old-growth forests in Sweden - An analysis of the Swedish forest debate

Old-growth forests have profound roles in the provision of biodiversity and multiple ecosystem services. These forests and their protection are threatened by structures within the Swedish Forestry Model and Sweden’s attitude towards the European Union’s environmental and climate policies relating to forest management. A literature review and semi-structured interviews employed through a mixed-meth

Suicide inhibitors of the human enzyme PARP-14

Introduction: PARP-14 is a human enzyme that use NAD+ to perform ADP-ribosylation on targets, which serves as a signalling system. The enzyme is important in for instance DNA repair and immunity, as well as regulating other PARPs in the enzyme family. Background: There are several features of PARP-14 that needs to be further studied, such as its connection to some diseases and cancers. It is of gr

System in Package (SiP) with Embedded Antenna

System in Package (SiP) is often used in wireless technologies where different active and passive components can be integrated under the same substrate, resulting in smaller devices and lower costs. The design of the embedded antennas in system in package is a challenge from various points of view. Since system in packages are often used when a small module is needed, and as the size of the module

The trade-off between reproduction and innate immunity in the great tit (Parus major): a brood size manipulation experiment

According to optimal resource allocation theory, reproductive investment is determined by the trade-off between present and future reproduction and offspring quality and quantity. The immune system, including innate immune function, protects the body against disease-related mortality. As such, it can be representative of the bird´s survival prospects, and has the potential to influence the outcome

Ledare i krissituationer

Titel: Ledare i krissituationer Nivå: Kandidatuppsats, Service Management, Lunds Universitet Författare: Azra Merdanovic och Maiken Höglund Persson Handledare: Johan Alvehus Syfte: Att kritiskt undersöka huruvida det existerar strategier ledare kan använda vid krissituationer som uppmärksammas av media. Metod: Kvalitativ studie med en abduktiv ansats. Data samlades in via Youtube där vi valde

Sakägare vid överföring av andel i samfällighet

Under det senaste året har ett avgörande från Högsta domstolen blivit vida omdiskuterat bland förrättningslantmätare. Avgörandet har gett upphov till många frågor, men få svar. Avgörandet i fråga, NJA 2023 s. 104, berörde en samfällighet på Skaftölandet i Lysekils kommun. Efter inkommen ansökan, beslutade lantmäterimyndigheten om fastighetsreglering. Beslutet innebar att fyra fastigheters samtligaOver the past year, a judgment from the Supreme Court has sparked widespread debate among cadastral surveyors. The judgment has raised many questions but provided few answers. The judgment in question, NJA 2023 p. 104, concerned a joint property unit in Skaftölandet, in the municipality of Lysekil. The Supreme Court stated that part-owners should normally be considered interested parties in a cada

Digitala rabattkupongers upplevda påverkan på konsumentbeteende vid online-shopping

Titel: Digitala rabattkupongers upplevda påverkan på konsumentbeteende vid online-shopping. - En kvalitativ studie på unga konsumenter. Nivå och kurs: Kandidatuppsats i Service Management, VT 2019. KSMK65 Service Management: Examensarbete för kandidatexamen, 15 hp. Institution: Institutionen för Service Management och tjänstevetenskap vid Lunds universitet, Campus Helsingborg. Författare: Alva Ber

Tunable Magnetism in Atomically Thin Itinerant Antiferromagnet with Room-Temperature Ferromagnetic Order

Addressing the need for modulated spin configurations is crucial, as they serve as the foundational building blocks for next-generation spintronics, particularly in atomically thin structures and at room temperature. In this work, we realize intrinsic ferromagnetism in monolayer flakes and tunable ferro-/antiferromagnetism in (Fe0.56Co0.44)5GeTe2 antiferromagnets. Remarkably, the ferromagnetic ord

Two millennia of climate change, wildfires, and caribou hunting in west Greenland

Changing climatic conditions is a perpetual circumstance for mankind. In this study, we investigate local environmental and climatic changes near Kangerlussuaq, west Greenland. Our reconstruction is based on a lake sediment core and methods include chemical proxies and a palynological analysis. The investigated site is located 15 km from the Aasivissuit Inuit summer hunting ground, which has been

Is acetylcholine a signaling molecule for human colon cancer progression?

Objective. Non-neuronal acetylcholine (ACh) has been suggested to be a mediator for the development of various types of cancer. We analyzed a possible role for this molecule in carcinogenesis and/or progression of human colon cancer, in patient biopsies harvested from the colon during surgery. We addressed whether ACh synthesis (by choline acetyltransferase) and/or degradation (by ACh esterase), a

Journal of European Public Policy Virtual Special Issue on Normative Power

The social sciences have many different understandings of ‘normative power’, but in European Union (EU) studies normative power has three particular meanings. The first meaning of normative power is its emphasis on normative theory, that is, how we judge and justify truth claims in social science. The second meaning of normative power is as a form of power that is ideational rather than material o

Självutveckling i tonåren: Hur upplevt socialt stöd, självkännedom och självmedkänsla relaterar till livstillfredsställelse och psykisk ohälsa över tre år

Upplevt socialt stöd, självkännedom och självmedkänsla är faktorer som tidigare visat sig hänga samman med tonåringars livstillfredsställelse och psykiska ohälsa i flera tvärsnittsstudier. Denna studie hade för avsikt att undersöka hur de ovan nämnda variablerna förhåller sig till varandra över tre år och om sambanden mellan socialt stöd och livstillfredsställelse respektive psykisk ohälsa medieraPerceived social support, self-awareness and self-compassion are factors that have previously been shown to be associated with adolescent life-satisfaction and psychological distress in cross-sectional studies. The aim of this study was to examine how these variables relate to each other over three years and whether the relationship between perceived social support and well-being, as well as psych

Dekontextualisering och generalisering av minnen för inlärda främmande ord

När vi lär oss av nya erfarenheter är minnen till en början detaljrika och kontextspecifika, och är lättare att plocka fram när inlärningssituationen återinrättas. Med tiden och upprepade framplockningar tenderar dock vissa minnen att förlora kontextuella detaljer (dekontextualiseras), och bli åtkomliga för framplockning i nya situationer (generaliseras). Denna studie gjordes i syfte att undersökaWhen we learn from new experiences, memories are initially detailed and context-specific, making them easier to retrieve when the learning situation is reinstated. Over time and repeated retrievals, however, some memories tend to lose contextual details (decontextualize) and become accessible for retrieval in new situations (generalize). This study aimed to investigate under which circumstances th

Mammors upplevelse av att ha ett prematurt barn som vårdas på en neonatal intensivvårdsavdelning

Bakgrund: År 2020 föddes 13,4 miljoner prematura barn i världen och att bli förälder till ett prematurt barn innebär en ökad stress. Föräldrar till prematura barn upplever ångest och depressiva symtom i större utsträckning än föräldrar till fullgångna barn. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa mammors upplevelse av att ha ett prematurt barn som vårdas på en neonatal intensivvårdsavdelning. Metod: En syste

Ny diplomatihistoria : Historisk bakgrund och nordisk framtid

Diplomatihistorien hör till en av historievetenskapens giganter som under sin livsbana ofta ifrågasatts och utmanats. Denna artikel inleds med en historiografisk tillbakablick på framväxten av New Diplomatic History, dess definitioner av tidigmodern diplomati, samt en överblick av aktuella forskningsteman och frågor i internationell forskning. Särskilt fokus läggs på nordisk diplomatihistoria via Diplomatic history is one of the giants of historical scholarship, which has often been questioned and challenged throughout its lifetime. This article discusses the field of New Diplomatic History centered on definitions of diplomacy in general and specifically on research on the early modern period during the last decades. Special focus is placed on Nordic early modern diplomatic history through