

Din sökning på "*" gav 534565 sökträffar

Archaeology of the Cultural heritage - a study of concept, cooperation and cultural politics

This thesis is a study of the Swedish culture politics, in particular the area of cultural heritage. My ambition was to look into the cooperation between the municipalities in Scania (Skånes kommuner) and County Administrative Board in Scania (Länsstyrelsen i Skåne) to try and find out if that is the reason for the absence of useful information about our prehistoric cultural heritage on the web p

Slutet för ett stycke svensk glashistoria

Under 2000-talet har dåliga nyheter om Orrefors glasbruk återkommande stötts och blötts i medier. Varsel, uppsägningar och nedläggning har kommenterats av verkställande direktörer och ägare. Människor har blivit siffror i en arbetslöshetsstatistik och ett levande samhälles hantverk har ersatts av industriproduktion i andra delar av världen. Men att glaset försvinner betyder inte att människorna so

Classic Distinctions and Modern Conflicts in International Humanitarian Law: Exploring the Struggles and Consequences of Maintaining the Original Distinctions in International Humanitarian Law between Peace and War and International and Internal Conflict.

International Humanitarian Law has at its core distinctions and classifications: The sphere between jus in bello and jus ad bellum. Between Civilian and Combatant. Between proportional and indiscriminate attack. Between acceptable and prohibited targets. However the two most central distinctions in International Humanitarian Law are the distinction between War and Peacetime and between Internati

Sexuella manus - hur sex och sexualitet skildras i sex utvalda romaner

Utifrån Gagnon och Simons teori om sexuella script samt ett intersektionellt perspektiv så analyseras sex och sexualitet i sex romaner inom romantisk fiktion. De är: Kathleen Winsors Forever Amber, Kathleen E. Woodiwiss The Flame and the Flower, Jackie Collins American Star samt E. L. James trilogi Fifty Shades of Grey, Fifty Shades Darker och Fifty Shades Freed. Med hjälp av teorin om sexuella scFrom Gagnon and Simon's theories about sexual scripting and through an intersectional perspective sex and sexuality is analysed through six novels within romantic fiction. They are: Kathleen Winsors Forever Amber, Kathleen E. Woodiwiss The Flame and the Flower, Jackie Collins American Star samt E. L. James trilogi Fifty Shades of Grey, Fifty Shades Darker och Fifty Shades Freed. Aided by the t

Effects of outmigration of labour migrants on gender roles: A Study in Nepal

In Nepal, growing number of men work abroad leaving their wives back home. Study on the situation of these left behind wives is limited so far. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of outmigration of male labour migrants on gender roles in Nepalese context and to understand whether outmigration has bearing on women’s empowerment. Adopting purposive sampling and snowball technique

Between Power and Empowerment - Monitoring and Evaluation at a Grassroots Women's Fund in South Africa

In the past few years women’s empowerment and gender equality initiatives have been under increasing pressure to measure their impact. This thesis explores the stakeholders’ experiences with the monitoring and evaluation practice with a case study of a women’s fund that provides grants to grassroots women’s organizations in South Africa. The study is based on previous research, the grassroots deve

Finanspolitisk åtstramning och jämviktsarbetslöshet

Denna studie analyserar sambandet mellan finanspolitisk åtstramning och jämviktsarbetslöshet utifrån historisk, teoretisk och empirisk synvinkel. Den finner att mer finanspolitisk åtstramning är signifikant korrelerad med en ökad jämviktsarbetslöshet. Fackföreningstäthet och högre arbetslöshetsersättning är också signifikant korrelerade med en högre jämviktsarbetslöshet, något som möjligen är kännThis study analyses the relationship between fiscal austerity measures and equilibrium unemployment from historical, theoretical and empirical perspectives. Greater amounts of fiscal austerity measures are found to be significantly correlated with increases in equilibrium unemployment. Trade union density and unemployment benefits are also found to relate significantly to higher rates of equilibri

Religion and Migration: Religious Practices of First Generation Turkish Immigrants in Sweden

The aim of this thesis is to explore how religious practices of the immigrants are shaped after migrating to a more secular country. As a more concrete case, I am interested in the religious practices of Turkish immigrants in Sweden. For the purposes of the study fourteen semi-structured interviews with first generation Turkish immigrants in Malmö were conducted to investigate the changes in relig

Utredning av fosfortrender i Vegeån - en skattning av fosforläckage till recipient

Fosfor är ett av de viktigaste näringsämnena och ger upphov till övergödningsproblematik i åar, sjöar och hav. Tidigare undersökningar har visat att trenden för kvävekoncentrationen i Vegeån har varit tydligt minskande men att fosforkoncentration inte visat sig vara vikande. Vegeåns Vattendragsförbund vill undersöka varför samma trend inte syns för fosfor samt kartlägga hur stor den sammanlagda be

Inhibitionsmekanismens roll i Retrieval-Induced Forgetting Påverkan av kognitiv utmattning

Retrieval-induced forgetting (RIF) beskriver ett minnesfenomen där framplockningen av ett visst minne i vissa fall försämrar och påverkar tillgängligheten till andra, relaterade minnen. En framträdande förklaring har presenterats inom inhibitionsteori där aktiv inhibering anses orsaka RIF, genom facilitering i framplockningen av målminnet bland konkurrerande minnen i selektiv minnesframplockning. Retrieval-induced forgetting (RIF) refers to a memory phenomena where retrieval of a memory in some cases can deteriorate and affect the accessibility of related memories. A prominent explanation is presented in the inhibitory theory where active inhibition is considered to cause RIF by facilitating retrieval of a target memory among competing memories in selective memory retrieval. If exertion of

Kosten att proaktivt förebygga kriser: En kvalitativ studie om organisationers förebyggande krishantering

Den här studien undersöker hur fem olika organisationer arbetar proaktivt i förebyggande krishantering. Proaktivitet är ett begrepp som utgör ett kunskapsgap i forskningen på kriskommunikation. Syftet med denna studie är att utvinna fördjupande kunskaper om hur proaktivitet definieras och tolkas i relation till krishanteringens förebyggande fas. Studien bygger på en kvalitativ metod där fem styckeThis study examines how five different organizations work proactively in the preventing crises phase. Proactivity is a concept that represents a knowledge gap in the research on crisis communication. The purpose of this study is to extract deeper knowledge on how proactivity is defined and interpreted in relation to the prevention of crisis management phase. The study is based on a qualitative met

Successiv vinstavräkning - Hur ska värderingen ske skatterättsligt respektive civilrättsligt?

Under årens gång har reglerna varierat när det gäller hur pågående arbeten ska värderas, både när det gäller civilrätten och skatterätten. Bland byggföretag användes tidigare färdigställande¬metoden, vilken fortfarande kan användas, i de fall företag inte tillämpar successiv vinstavräkning. Färdigställandemetoden innebär att bolaget redovisar resultatet först när uppdraget väsentligen är fullgjortOver the years the regulations has varied in terms of how work in progress should be valued, both in civil law and in fiscal legislation. Construction companies previously used completed contract method, which can still be used in cases where companies do not apply the percentage of completion method. With completed contract method, the company recognizes income only when the task is essentially c

A Step Towards Imaging Angle Resolved Photoelectrons with X-Ray Radiation for Applications in Gas Phase

Photoionisation dynamics occurring in Ar and N2O upon the absorption of soft X-ray radiation, have been studied through the extraction of the beta parameter from the angular distributions of Ar 2p 3/2 and N2O Nt 1s photoelectrons by a means of Velocity Map Imaging Spectroscopy. The results of beta determined in the dipole approximation for N2O at different photon energies, coincided with pre-docu

Storytelling som vapen i ett kommunikativt maktspel

Varje dag dör människor i olika delar av världen på grund av att man inte värnar om sin sexuella och reproduktiva hälsa. Förmedling av kunskap är därför av största nödvändighet. Så även i Ryssland som utgör fallet i denna studie. Där strikt politik, religiösa grupper, och gamla värderingar hindrar spridningen av information om SRHR till folket. RAPD är den enda statliga NGO i landet som jobbar medEveryday people are facing serious consequences with their sexual and reproductive health. Dissemination of knowledge is therefore necessary. Russia is one country we have identified with this very problem. Strict politics, religious groups and old values are major obstacles that contribute to the prevention of spreading out the right information of a good SRHR to the people. RAPD is the only gove

An Organizational Field Analysis about Granting Children Residing in Sweden without Permits their Statutory Right to Schooling

The centre of analysis in this research has been the new welfare legislation in Sweden 2013 granting children residing in the country without a permit tuition free and legal access to the Swedish educational system. Methodological triangulation has been used were a quantitative analysis has been made involving efforts taken to identify the number of children in the municipalities of Sweden having

Climate and Energy: A Perfect Match? An Analysis of the Potential Impacts of the EU Emissions Trading System (EUETS) on European Energy Security

Energy security and climate change are prime political concerns in the European Union. The main instrument to combat climate change through reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the EU is the EUETS, a cap and trade system. This thesis investigates in a case study the question of how the EUETS potentially impacts European energy security. In order to analyze potential impacts, this study operational

Institutional quality as determinant for the success or failure in poverty reduction

After the economic recession suffered during the eighties decade, the population under poverty conditions has increased dramatically. With the purpose of amend the situation; President Carlos Salinas has established the biggest anti-poverty program in Mexican history, the Programa Nacional de Solidaridad (PRONASOL). The following three administrations continued the implementation of these policies