

Din sökning på "*" gav 531169 sökträffar

Electron transfer from cytochrome b559 and tyrosineD to the S2 and S3 states of the water oxidizing complex in photosystem II

We have investigated the electron transfer from reduced tyrosine YD (YDred) and cytochrome b559 to the S2 and S3 states of the water oxidizing complex (WOC) in Photosystem II. The EPR signal of oxidized cyt b559, the S2 state multiline EPR signal and the EPR signal from YD@? were measured to follow the electron transfer to the S2 and S3 states at 245 and 275 K. The majority of the S2 centers was r

Adding formoterol to budesonide in moderate asthma--health economic results from the FACET study

The FACET (Formoterol and Corticosteroid Establishing Therapy) study established that there is a clear clinical benefit in adding formoterol to budesonide therapy in patients who have persistent symptoms of asthma despite treatment with low to moderate doses of an inhaled corticosteroid. We combined the clinical results from the FACET study with an expert survey on average resource use in connecti

Potential barrier effects in Cs 3d resonance photoemission of CsF

We present and discuss the Cs 3d X-ray absorption spectra and resonant photoelectron emission spectra of CsF. The resonant photoelectron spectra excited at the Cs 3d absorption maxima, exhibit a strong resonance behavior. The different behaviour of participator and spectator channels and interference effects of the 4d partial photoionisation cross-section at the 3d resonances are discussed. The ex

Gerhard Oestreich, the Early Modern state and the Swedish state of research

This article deals with Gerhard Oestreich's concept of 'Sozialdisziplinierung' and its possible status as a challenger to the two main schools within the Swedish state of research concerning the Early Modern state-building process. These main streams in Swedish historical research concists of the Interventionists, who argue for the state's more or less brutal intervention in the local autonomous s

Aging of human muscle: structure, function and adaptability

With increasing age, human skeletal muscles gradually decrease in volume, mainly due to a reduced number of motor units and muscle fibers, and a reduced size of type 2 fibers. As a result, progressive weakening and impaired mobility occur. High-resistance strength training is beneficial, even in the very old, and could possibly reverse some of the detrimental effects of age-related weakness. The i

Stability of solitary waves for a nonlinearly dispersive equation

Solitary-wave solutions of a nonlinearly dispersive equation are considered. It is found that solitary waves are peaked or smooth waves, depending on the wave speed. The stability of the smooth solitary waves also depends on the wave speed. Orbital stability is proved for some wave speeds, while instability is proved for others.

Turnover of plant trait hierarchies in simulated community assembly in response to fertility and disturbance

Plant ecologists have placed increasing emphasis on a functional understanding of vegetation. One way to gain insight into the assemblage of vegetation communities is to investigate plant trait responses to environmental gradients or experimental treatments. We present simulations of responses of suites of traits to treatments differing in soil resources and disturbance intensity, in order to cons

Optical double resonance and zero field level crossing spectroscopy applied to the 5p^(3)6s^(5)S_(2) level in the Te-I spectrum

As a first application of optical double resonance and zero field level crossing spectroscopy to the elements of the sixth group in the periodic table of the atoms, the 5p36s5S2 level in the Te-I spectrum was investigated using natural tellurium in a high temperature quartz cell. For the electronic Landé-factor and the natural radiative lifetime the following values were obtained:$$g_J \left( {5p^

Vasodilation effect of atropine on rat mesenteric artery

AIM: To study the vasodilation effect of atropine and its mechanism. METHODS: Isometric tension was recorded in isolated rat super mesenteric arteries precontracted by noradrenaline (NE) to study the vasodilation effect of atropine, and to investigate the role of endothelial cell and vascular smooth muscle cell on vasodilation. RESULTS: Atropine was shown to significantly dilate the endothelium-in

Recruitment of resting stages may induce blooms of Microcystis at low N : P ratios

Some species of cyanobacteria form resting stages at the sediment surface when environmental conditions become unfavourable. As conditions turn more favourable, these resting stages hatch to the water phase, where the cells grow, reproduce, and sometimes form blooms. Since blooms of cyanobacteria have become an increasing threat to inland and brackish waters, it is important to assess the mechanis

See and Seen : Seeing Landscape through Artistic Practice

The point of departure for See and Seen text, website and exhibition) is the conventions of the Ideal Landscapes painted in Rome during the 17th century by artists such as Claude Lorrain and Nicolas Poussin. In 18th century England this translated into a particular gaze that became the fashion for how, and the parameters within which, the landscape was to be seen and that subsequently gave rise to

Mätteknik med spårgas : aktiva metoder för bestämning av volymer, luftflöden, flödesvägar och strömningssätt i småhus

I denna avhandling behandlas mätning av ventilation, flöden, volymer, luftomsättning samt luftutbytestid och kolvströmningsgrad för olika flödesvägar och strömningssätt i småhus med spårgas. Teori och mät- och beräkningsmetoder utvecklas och tillämpas vid fältmätningar i småhus. Som mätobjekt används allergikeranpassade enplansvillor byggda av LB-hus i Talldalen som är frånluftsventilerade och zon

En internationell fredspolitiker vid 1900-talets början - Anna Bugge Wicksell.

Letters and notes that expose collaboration in and between different creative networks and ethical-political theorists, governmental counsellors and personalities from 1886 to 1928 are now more accessible in the Anna Bugge Wicksell collection at the University Library of Lund. Anna Bugge Wicksell had central functions in The Neutral Conference for Continuous Mediation, after which she was co-opted

First stars. I. The extreme r-element rich, iron-poor halo giant CS31082-001. Implications for the r--process site(s) and radioactive cosmochronology

We present a high-resolution ( R= 75 000, S/ N ) spectroscopic analysis of the bright ( V= 11.7), extreme halo giant CS 31082-001([Fe/H] = -2.9), obtained in an ESO-VLT Large Programme dedicated to very metal-poor stars. We find CS 31082-001 to be extremely rich in r-process elements, comparable in this respect only to the similarly metal-poor, but carbon-enriched, giant CS 22892-052. As a result