

Din sökning på "*" gav 529364 sökträffar

Concentration of acid hydrolysate by reverse osmosis and mechanical vapor recompression evaporation

The aim of this project was to investigate possible methods for the concentration of acid hydrolyzate obtained from hydrolyzing wood. A detailed study of concentration of sugar solution by reverse osmosis, RO, has been performed as well as a comparison with mechanical vapor recompression evaporation. The comparison has, in this specific case, shown that RO is currently more expensive. The result i

A software tool for increased efficiency in observer performance studies in radiology

Observer performance studies are time-consurning tasks, both for the participating observers and for the scientists collecting and analysing the data. A possible way to optimise such studies is to perform them in a completely digital environment. A software tool-ViewDEX (Viewer for Digital Evaluation of X-ray images)-has been developed in Java, enabling it to function on almost any computer. ViewD

Theory, boundaries and political communication - The uses of disparity

While the themes of fragmentation and insufficient coherence dominated discussions in the field of media and communication studies a decade ago, today they seem less urgent, even if at times still problematic. In terms of theory, the field is well served by its permeable boundaries, since much of its theory is 'imported'. Moreover, theory needs nondoctrinaire critical stances to address the distre

A structural insight into the inhibition of human and Leishmania donovani ornithine decarboxylases by 3-aminooxy-1-aminopropane

The critical role of polyamines in key processes such as cell growth, differentiation and macromolecular synthesis makes the enzymes involved in their synthesis potential targets in the treatment of certain types of cancer and parasitic diseases. Here we present a study on the inhibition of human and Leishmania donovani ODC (ornithine decarboxylase), the first committed enzyme in the polyamine bio

Effect of ticlopidine and prostaglandin E on endotoxin-induced pulmonary platelet sequestration in vivo

Prostaglandin E1 has earlier been shown to decrease pulmonary platelet trapping (PPT) following shock. This experiment was performed to evaluate a new method to study PPT in vivo, and to study the effect of prostaglandin E1 and a new antiplatelet drug (ticlopidine) on PPT in rabbits after i.v. administration of endotoxin. Following platelet labeling with In-111, the rabbits were placed under a sci

Direct assessment of synovial blood flow and its relation to induced hydrostatic pressure changes

A method for measuring synovial blood flow changes using the laser Doppler technique is described. Mean blood flow and mean pulse amplitude decreased by 50-70% in relation to the reference level when the intra-articular hydrostatic pressure in effusive knee joints of patients with rheumatoid arthritis was increased. As an increase of intra-articular pressure of as little as 20 mmHg decreased synov

T=0 Pairing Correlations and Band Crossing Phenomena in N=Z Nuclei

The structure of the N=Z nuclei Zn-60, Ga-62, Ge-64 and Kr-72 has been investigated at GASP spectrometer through the S-32 + Ca-40 and Ca-40 + Ca-40 reactions at 140 and 160 MeV, respectively, using reaction channel selection with the ISIS Si-ball. The high spin states of such nuclei have been investigated searching for the four quasi-particle g(9/2) alignment. TRS calculations have been performed

Performance of fountain codes in collaborative relay networks

Cooperative communications, where parallel relays forward information to a destination node, can greatly improve the energy efficiency and latency in ad-hoc networks. However, current networks do not fully exploit its potential as they only use traditional energy-accumulation, which is often used in conjunction with repetition coding or cooperative space-time codes. In this paper, we show that the

Taking Time and Making Journeys : Narratives on Self and the Other among Backpackers

Popular Abstract in Swedish Att packa ryggsäcken och resa till tropikerna, till vad man ofta kallar ‘tredje världen’ för en längre tids vistelse anses ofta vara av avsevärd betydelse för en individs identitet och framtida liv. För många resenärer upplevs resan som ett sätt att ta kontroll över den egna tiden och rörelsen, en kontroll som betraktas som en bristvara i de miljöer resenärerna kommer fThis work addresses the phenomenon of long-term, so-called ‘independent’ travelling, or backpacking, often to destinations described as the ‘third world’. It regards backpacker journeys as arenas for identity work, for expressing individuality and a ‘strong character’. Rather than merely being a parenthetic detour in time and space a backpacker’s trip to the tropics can be understood as a creative

Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in Stroke Patients

The overall aims of this thesis were to investigate the prevalence, severity and bother of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) in a clinical sample of stroke patients and to evaluate the effect of pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) in women with urinary incontinence after ischemic stroke. The thesis consisted of 6 articles based on 4 studies and a review. In the first study (Paper I), the Danish

Endoglin is not critical for hematopoietic stem cell engraftment and reconstitution but regulates adult erythroid development

Endoglin is a transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) accessory receptor recently identified as being highly expressed on long-term repopulating hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) However, little is known regarding its function in these cells. We have used two complementary approaches toward understanding endoglin's role in HSC biology: one that efficiently knocks down expression via lentiviral-dri

Sensegiving as mise-en-sens - The case of wind power development

In seeking to advance the understanding of the production, diffusion and negotiation of meaning in and between organisations, we introduce below the notion of mise-en-sens. Mise-en-sens refers to the performing art term of mise-en-sce` ne and builds on the French term sens denoting meaning as well as direction. Starting from a qualitative analysis of how Swedish wind farm developers manage the per

Muscarinic receptor density in the rat urinary bladder after denervation, hypertrophy and urinary diversion

Parasympathetic denervation of the urinary bladder results in supersensitivity to muscarinic agonists and in bladder hypertrophy. In the present study, the effects of denervation on the muscarinic receptors in the rat bladder were investigated, using a receptor binding technique with (-)3H-QNB as radioligand. The density of muscarinic receptors was increased in denervated, hypertrophied bladders b

Hormone-sensitive lipase, the rate-limiting enzyme in triglyceride hydrolysis, is expressed and active in beta-cells

Triglycerides in the beta-cell may be important for stimulus-secretion coupling, through provision of a lipid-derived signal, and for pathogenetic events in NIDDM, where lipids may adversely affect beta-cell function. In adipose tissues, hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) is rate-limiting in triglyceride hydrolysis. Here, we investigated whether this enzyme is also expressed and active in beta-cells.