

Din sökning på "*" gav 530339 sökträffar

Focus on motivation in the work rehabilitation planning process. A qualitative study from the employers perspective

Since the working environment act was passed in 1991 employers in Sweden are to plan and control the working environment conditions in workplaces. They are responsible for organized rehabilitation at the workplace including the development of rehabilitation plans and a plan for interventions in order for a sick-listed client to be able to return to work.The aim of this study was to describe employ

Polarized light cues underlie compass calibration in migratory songbirds

Migratory songbirds use the geomagnetic field, stars, the Sun, and polarized light patterns to determine their migratory direction. To prevent navigational errors, it is necessary to calibrate all of these compass systems to a common reference. We show that migratory Savannah sparrows use polarized light cues from the region of sky near the horizon to recalibrate the magnetic compass at both sunri

Verb serialization in Kammu

This paper presents the different kinds of serial verb constructions found in Kammu (a Mon-Khmer language spoken in northern Laos). Special focus is placed on how diagnostic tests (interrogative constructions, irrealis constructions and the scope of negation) can be applied to illustrate the contrast between the most prototypical serial verb constructions (e.g. directional coverbs and resultatives

The influence of urban design on outdoor thermal comfort in the hot, humid city of Colombo, Sri Lanka

The outdoor environment is deteriorating in many tropical cities due to rapid urbanization. This leads to a number of problems related to health and well-being of humans and also negatively affects social and commercial outdoor activities. The creation of thermally comfortable microclimates in urban environments is therefore very important. This paper discusses the influence of street-canyon geome

Samverkan lärare-­studenter nyckeln till lyckad förändring

Vår utgångspunkt är den nya kursen »Individ och samhälle« på den reformerade läkarutbildningens avslutande termin. Som lärare betonar vi vikten av att kompetensmål, arbetsformer och examination hänger samman på ett klart och tydligt sätt, så att de studerande styrs rätt i sitt lärande. Som studerande lyfter vi fram förutsättningarna för en aktiv studerandemedverkan: att involveras medan möjlighet

A linear distinguishing attack on SCREAM

A linear distinguishing attack on the stream cipher Scream is proposed. When the keystream is of length 2(98) words, the distinguisher has a detectable advantage. When the keystream length is around 2(120) the advantage is very close to 1. This shows certain weaknesses of Scream. In the process, the paper introduces new general ideas on how to improve the performance of linear distinguishing attac

Particle identification studies with an ALICE test TPC

Using a test TPC, consisting of the ALICE TPC field cage prototype in combination with the final ALICE TPC readout and electronics, the energy loss distribution and resolution were measured for identified protons. The measurements were compared to theoretical calculations and good quantitative agreement was found when detector effects were taken into account. The implications for particle identifi

Fluid Flow, Combustion and Efficiency With Early or Late Inlet Valve Closing

This paper is a study of the effects of valve timing and how it influences the in-cylinder fluid flow, the combustion, and the efficiency of the engine. An engine load of 4.0 bar imepdndedt was achieved by setting the inlet valve closing time early or late to enable unthrottle operation. Inlet valve deactivation was also used and asymmetrical valve timing, i.e., valve timing with the two inlet val

Vowel harmony shift in Mongolian

It has generally been assumed that Mongolian has vowel harmony of the palatal (front-back) type, but in this article I will present acoustic data from several Mongolian dialects, which show that there has been a shift in the phonetic basis of vowel harmony from palatality in Classical Mongolian to pharyngeality in modern East Mongolian (including Khalkha and Inner Mongolian). I will also treat Mo

Clinical experience with a customized fenestrated endograft for juxtarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm repair

Despite the numerous stent-graft devices available, unsuitable anatomy is still the greatest exclusion criterion for endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair (EVAR). The present report describes an on-site preprocedural customization of a conventional Zenith stent-graft device just before the endovascular procedure that includes the creation of fenestrations and scallops as necessary fo

The effects of maternal exposure to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin on testicular steroidogenesis in infantile male rats

Exposure of adult male animals to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) decreases serum androgen concentrations. Reduction in androgen levels after maternal exposure has also been reported, but these results have not been reproduced. We have earlier shown that TCDD stimulates rather than inhibits testosterone synthesis in the prenatal rat testis. The aim of the present study was to elucidate