

Din sökning på "*" gav 536679 sökträffar

Group antenatal care: new pedagogic method for antenatal care-a pilot study.

OBJECTIVE: to investigate how women who attended group antenatal care experienced the information they received, compared with women who attended traditional antenatal care, and their satisfaction with the form of care. The aim was also to determine the effect of group antenatal care on women's social networks compared with traditional antenatal care. DESIGN AND SETTING: a pilot study with an inte

Is early mobilisation better than immobilisation in the treatment of wrist sprains?

Posttraumatic radial sided wrist pain is common and can represent a fracture or a ligament injury. However, in some patients radiographs and MRI are normal, indicating no specific diagnosis other than a wrist sprain. There is no consensus on the ideal treatment for this patient group. The aim was to investigate if patients with posttraumatic radial sided wrist pain and MRI not showing signs of fra


This volume is a harvest of articles from the first conference in a series on the cognitive neuroscience of language. The first conference focused on the cognitive neuroscience of second language acquisition (henceforth SLA). It brought together experts from as diverse fields as second language acquisition, bilingualism, cognitive neuroscience, and neuroanatomy. The articles and discussion article

Diversity of IgE-encoding transcripts in sinus mucosa of subjects diagnosed with non-allergic fungal eosinophilic sinusitis

Abstract in UndeterminedBackground The role of allergy in the aetiopathogenesis of chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) remains controversial. For example, in some cases with sinus fungal infections allergy can be demonstrated by standard tests. In other cases, such signs can be absent despite elevated levels of IgE-positive cells in sinus tissue and the presence of IgE and eosinophils in the sinus mucous

Total hip arthroplasty and perioperative oral carbohydrate treatment: a randomised, double-blind, controlled trial.

CONTEXT: Perioperative oral carbohydrate intake is beneficial to general surgery patients. Total hip arthroplasty is a common surgical procedure, and even a moderate improvement in patient outcome could have a significant effect on the resources needed for these patients. However, few studies have focused on the effects of carbohydrate intake on orthopaedic patients. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of th

Impact of Interatrial Communication on Left Ventricle Performance in Patients with Significant Post-tricuspid Shunt.

Infants with post-tricuspid valve shunts (PTS) may benefit from interatrial communication (IAC). The effect of IAC on left ventricular (LV) performance in these patients was studied. IAC was documented prospectively in 55 patients with PTS. Clinical status, echocardiographic dimensions of LV, mitral inflow Doppler, tissue Doppler velocities and time intervals were measured. Creatinine kinase (CK),

Identification of candidate disease genes by integrating Gene Ontologies and protein-interaction networks: case study of primary immunodeficiencies.

Disease gene identification is still a challenge despite modern high-throughput methods. Many diseases are very rare or lethal and thus cannot be investigated with traditional methods. Several in silico methods have been developed but they have some limitations. We introduce a new method that combines information about protein-interaction network properties and Gene Ontology terms. Genes with high

HLA DR-DQ Genotyping by Capillary Electrophoresis for Risk Assessment for Celiac Disease.

The risk for celiac disease (CD) is clearly related to specific HLA DQA1 and DQB1 alleles, but HLA -typing is often considered too costly for frequent use.Here we present a method using sequence-specific primed PCR (PCR-SSP) for HLA-DR-DQ genotyping optimized for capillary electrophoresis on Applied Biosystems 3130xl Genetic Analyzer. Requiring a total of three PCR reactions and a single electroph

Endothelial cell protein C receptor-mediated redistribution and tissue-level accumulation of factor VIIa.

Background: Recent studies show that FVIIa binds to endothelial cell protein C receptor (EPCR) on vascular endothelium; however, the importance of this interaction in hemostasis or pathophysiology is unknown. Objective, The aim of the present study is to investigate the role of FVIIa interaction with EPCR on the endothelium in mediating FVIIa transport from the circulation to extravascular tissues

Evaluation of measurement of fat mass reduction after liposuction in obese patients.

Abstract Body composition measurements are used to evaluate surgical treatment, such as bariatric surgery in over weight patients. Nowadays, there are many different methods to measure body composition available. However, none of them has been validated for use in patients after operation. The aim of the present study was to compare the amount of surgically removed fat with two different methods,

The Role of the b-prefix in Gulf Arabic Dialects as a Marker of Future, Intent and/or Irrealis

This paper presents arguments for a re-analysis of the b-prefix in Gulf Arabic dialects. Similar to several other dialects, Gulf Arabic possesses a b-prefix that is inserted before the p-stem (prefix form) of the verb. However, the Gulf Arabic b-prefix differs substantially from the one encountered in other Arabic dialects. According to most previous studies, the Gulf Arabic b-prefix encodes futur

The importance of axonal undulation in diffusion MR measurements: a Monte Carlo simulation study.

Many axons follow wave-like undulating courses. This is a general feature of extracranial nerve segments, but is also found in some intracranial nervous tissue. The importance of axonal undulation has previously been considered, for example, in the context of biomechanics, where it has been shown that posture affects undulation properties. However, the importance of axonal undulation in the contex

Tamoxifen reduces the risk of contralateral breast cancer in premenopausal women: Results from a controlled randomised trial.

BACKGROUND: Adjuvant treatment with tamoxifen reduces the risk of contralateral breast cancer in hormone-responsive postmenopausal patients, whereas the effect in premenopausal women has not been fully elucidated. We have therefore studied the effect of tamoxifen on contralateral breast cancer in premenopausal women in a controlled randomised trial. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Premenopausal women (564)

EANM guidelines for ventilation/perfusion scintigraphy : Part 2. Algorithms and clinical considerations for diagnosis of pulmonary emboli with V/P(SPECT) and MDCT.

As emphasized in Part 1 of these guidelines, the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism (PE) is confirmed or refuted using ventilation/perfusion scintigraphy (V/P(SCAN)) or multidetector computed tomography of the pulmonary arteries (MDCT). To reduce the costs, the risks associated with false-negative and false-positive diagnoses, and unnecessary radiation exposure, preimaging assessment of clinical prob

Mortality and cancer incidence in cohorts of Swedish fishermen and fishermen's wives: Updated findings.

OBJECTIVES: Intake of fish is an important source for many essential substances, such as n-3 PUFA. However, certain fish also contains relatively high levels of PCBs and dioxins. In Sweden, the concentrations of these compounds are higher in fatty fish caught at the east coast as compared to fish from the west coast. The aim of the present study was to assess cancer incidence and mortality pattern

Total desmosines in plasma and urine correlate with lung function.

To evaluate the relationship between the matrix degradation biomarkers, desmosine and isodesmosine (desmosines), and lung function.Plasma and creatinine-corrected urinary total desmosines (P- and U-desmosines), lung function and carbon monoxide diffusion capacity (DL,CO) were measured in a cohort of subjects from the Swedish Twin Registry.Concentrations of U- and P-desmosines were measured in 349

Incidence Trends in the Diagnosis of Giant Cell Tumor of Bone in Sweden Since 1958.

The Swedish Cancer Registry (founded in 1958) constitutes a unique resource for epidemiological studies of giant cell tumor of bone with potential for use for population-based studies of incidence over time. The aim of this study was to provide what we believe is the first modern population-based assessment of the incidence trends of giant cell tumor, a unique osteoclastogenic lytic stromal tumor

Older patients with acute myeloid leukemia benefit from intensive chemotherapy: an update from the Swedish acute leukemia registry.

Most patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) are older, the median age is 71 years, and survival decreases rapidly with age. The achievement of complete remission and long-term survival mostly require intensive combination chemotherapy, but standard regimens are often believed to be too toxic for older patients. The Swedish Acute Leukemia Registry is unique and contains data on 98% of all patie

Morgagni Hernia Repair in a Small Child Using da Vinci Robotic Instruments - A Case Report.

BACKGROUND: The recently introduced use of robotic surgery in minimally invasive surgery procedures facilitates several steps in the operative procedure. We report the first case of a robot-assisted laparoscopic repair of a Morgagni hernia using the da Vinci(R) Surgical System from Intuitive Surgical(R) (Sunnyvale, CA, USA) in a 7.8 kg 18-month-old child. METHODS: Four trocars were used to gain ac