

Din sökning på "*" gav 529380 sökträffar

Unresectable peritoneal carcinomatosis from colorectal cancer : A single center experience

Background and objectives For unresectable peritoneal carcinomatosis (PC) median overall survival (OS) is 5-6 months. This article analyzes patients with PC from colorectal cancer (CRC) uneligible for debulking and hyperthermic intra-peritoneal chemotherapy, describing patient-and tumor-related factors possibly affecting survival. Patients and Methods From 2005 to 2009, 43 patients presented with

8-Year follow-up of randomized trial : Cytoreduction and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy versus systemic chemotherapy in patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis of colorectal cancer

Introduction: The treatment of peritoneal carcinomatosis is based on cytoreduction followed by hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy and combined with adjuvant chemotherapy. In 2003, a randomized trial was finished comparing systemic chemotherapy alone with cytoreduction followed by hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy and systemic chemotherapy. This trial showed a positive result favorin

From cohorts to molecules : Adverse impacts of endocrine disrupting mixtures

Convergent evidence associates exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) with major human diseases, even at regulation-compliant concentrations. This might be because humans are exposed to EDC mixtures, whereas chemical regulation is based on a risk assessment of individual compounds. Here, we developed a mixture-centered risk assessment strategy that integrates epidemiological and experim

Dynamics of a Staphylococcus aureus infective endocarditis simulation model

Infective endocarditis (IE) is a serious infection of the inner surface of heart, resulting from minor lesions in the endocardium. The damage induces a healing reaction, which leads to recruitment of fibrin and immune cells. This sterile healing vegetation can be colonized during temporary bacteremia, inducing IE. We have previously established a novel in vitro IE model using a simulated IE vegeta

Characterization of Occupational Lifting Patterns with Exposure Variation Analysis. Cross-sectional Workplace Study among Blue-Collar Workers

OBJECTIVES: To investigate and characterize the influence of sex, age, muscle strength, and cardiovascular fitness on manual lifting patterns using exposure variation analysis (EVA) during a full working day among blue-collar workers.METHODS: Muscular activity (surface electromyography [sEMG]) of the thigh, low-back, and shoulder was measured throughout the working day in 173 employees with manual

Continuity and change in forest restoration : A comparison of US ecology and forestry in the 1940s and 1990s

Previous research has paid little attention to the multiple meanings of the concept of forest restoration. To gain a more comprehensive view of forest restoration, this paper compares the US forest restoration debate of the 1940s and 1990s, in the disciplines of ecology and forestry. The paper focuses on historical approaches to pasts and futures, and on “sociotechnical imaginaries” providing soci

Vänstern som tror på den starkes rätt – för Ryssland

Den antiamerikanska vänstern har fått en märklig ny sängkamrat efter Rysslands invasion av Ukraina: den ”realistiska” skolan inom internationella relationer, företrädd av den amerikanske professorn John Mearsheimer. Detta trots att realismen visat sig usel som prognosverktyg och att tron på den starkes rätt över den svage är något som annars brukar leda till protester – åtminstone mot USA, skriverDen antiamerikanska vänstern har fått en märklig ny sängkamrat efter Rysslands invasion av Ukraina: den ”realistiska” skolan inom internationella relationer, företrädd av den amerikanske professorn John Mearsheimer. Detta trots att realismen visat sig usel som prognosverktyg och att tron på den starkes rätt över den svage är något som annars brukar leda till protester – åtminstone mot USA, skriver

1066 : Slaget vid Hastings

Boken är en analys av den normandiska erövringen av England, med fokus på slaget vid Hastings, men med utförliga redogörelser för tiden före och efter drabbningen.

Mild to Moderate Cognitive Impairment Does Not Affect the Ability to Self-Report Important Symptoms in Patients With Cancer : A Prospective Longitudinal Multinational Study (EPCCS)

Context: Patients with advanced cancer commonly suffer from both distressing symptoms and cognitive impairment, but the effect of cognitive impairment on the reliability and validity of symptom self-report is unknown. Objectives: To evaluate the reliability and validity of symptom self-report in cancer outpatients with and without mild to moderate cognitive impairment. Methods: This was an analysi

Type III, IV, and VI Collagens Turnover in Systemic Sclerosis – a Longitudinal Study

Tissue turnover, especially in the skin, is altered in systemic sclerosis (SSc), leading to tissue accumulation. The objective was to examine type III, IV, and VI collagens turnovers in SSc and investigate longitudinal alterations in relation to modified Rodnan Skin Score (mRSS). We included patients fulfilling the 2013 ACR/EULAR criteria for SSc (limited cutaneous [lcSSc, n = 20], diffuse cutaneo

On neural network modeling to maximize the power output of PEMFCs

Optimum operating conditions of a fuel cell will provide its maximum efficiency and the operating cost will be minimized. Thus, operation optimization of the fuel cell is essential. Neural networks can simulate systems without using simplifying assumptions. Therefore, the neural network can be used to simulate complex systems. This paper investigates the effects of important parameters, i.e., temp

Consistent boundary conditions for PDE filter regularization in topology optimization

Design variables in density-based topology optimization are typically regularized using filtering techniques. In many cases, such as stress optimization, where details at the boundaries are crucially important, the filtering in the vicinity of the design domain boundary needs special attention. One well-known technique, often referred to as “padding,” is to extend the design domain with extra laye

Crystal structures of two self-hydroxylating ribonucleotide reductase protein R2 mutants : Structural basis for the oxygen-insertion step of hydroxylation reactions catalyzed by diiron proteins

The R2 protein of ribonucleotide reductase catalyzes the dioxygen- dependent one-electron oxidation of Tyr122 at a diiron-carboxylate site. Methane monooxygenase and related hydroxylases catalyze hydrocarbon hydroxylation at diiron sites structurally related to the one in R2. In protein R2, the likely reaction site for dioxygen is close to Phe208. The crystal structure of an iron ligand mutant R2,

Recurrent risk of hospitalization among older persons with problematic alcohol use: A multiple failure-time analysis with a discontinuous risk model

Background and AimsOlder persons with problematic alcohol use vary in psychosocial functioning, age of onset for problem drinking and use of other drugs. The study measured the differential risks of all-cause, alcohol, polydrug and psychiatric-related repeated hospitalizations among older persons with problematic alcohol use.DesignA linked register-based cohort study with discontinuous multiple-fa

The HepMC3 event record library for Monte Carlo event generators

In high-energy physics, Monte Carlo event generators (MCEGs) are used to simulate the interactions of high energy particles. MCEG event records store the information on the simulated particles and their relationships, and thus reflect the simulated evolution of physics phenomena in each collision event. We present the HepMC3 library, a next-generation framework for MCEG event record encoding and m

Validating the Global Surgery Geographical Accessibility Indicator : Differences in Modeled Versus Patient-Reported Travel Times

Background: Since long travel times to reach health facilities are associated with worse outcomes, geographic accessibility is one of the six core global surgery indicators; this corresponds to the second of the “Three Delays Framework,” namely “delay in reaching a health facility.” Most attempts to estimate this indicator have been based on geographical information systems (GIS) algorithms. The a

Using Crash Databases to Predict Effectiveness of New Autonomous Vehicle Maneuvers for Lane-Departure Injury Reduction

Autonomous vehicle functions in safety-critical situations show promise in reducing the risk and saving lives in accidents compared to existing safety systems. Consequently, it is from many perspectives advantageous to be able to quantify the potential benefits of new autonomous systems for vehicle maneuvers at-the-limit of tire friction. Here, to estimate the potential in terms of saved lives and

Material and technique development for ultrasound optical tomography using spectral hole burning filters

The molecular sensitivity provided by optical photons has potential advantages in medical diagnostics, for example, in distinguishing healthy from cancerous tissue. However, scattering resulting from inhomogeneities in the refractive index of tissues prevents spatially resolved optical measurements in biological material, except at very shallow depths. This thesis presents research on a medical im