

Din sökning på "*" gav 529364 sökträffar

Green approach for the preparation of biodegradable lubricant base stock from epoxidized vegetable oil

A novel process for the production of biodegradable lubricant-based stocks from epoxidized vegetable oil with a lower pour point via cationic ion-exchange resins as catalysts was developed. This involves two steps, first, ring-opening reactions by alcoholysis followed by esterification of the resultant hydroxy group in the first step. The ring-opening reaction of epoxidized soybean oil with differ

Jämställdhetsrevolutionen finns i lagstiftningen

This article discusses Swedish gender equality policy and excellent gender equality laws. The problem is not a lack of policy documents and laws, the problem is turning this law system in to practise.

Outcome of teenage-onset anorexia nervosa in a Swedish community-based sample

In a prospective long-term outcome study of a representative sample of teenage-onset anorexia nervosa (AN), 51 individuals with AN, recruited after community screening, were contrasted with 51 matched comparison cases at a mean age of 24 years (10 years after AN onset). All 102 cases had been examined at age 16 and 21 years. At 24 years all probands were interviewed regarding mental and physical h

Blood flow velocity in the uterine and ovarian arteries during the normal menstrual cycle

Twelve healthy women with regular menstrual cycles were examined with a combination of two-dimensional real-time ultrasound and color and spectral Doppler techniques on cycle days 4 and 8 and daily from cycle day 12 until follicular rupture, then days + 1, +2, +5, +7 and +12 after follicular rupture. The uterine and subendometrial arteries, arteries in the ovarian stroma and hilum, in the wall of


DIGITAL ANALYSIS OF CARDIAC ACOUSTIC SIGNALS IN CHILDREN Milad El-Segaier, MD Division of Paediatric Cardiology, Department of Paediatrics, Lund University Hospital, Lund, Sweden SUMMARY Despite tremendous development in cardiac imaging, use of the stethoscope and cardiac auscultation remains the primary diagnostic tool in evaluation of cardiac pathology. With the advent of miniaturized and po

Incidence and clinical significance of non-tuberculous mycobacteria isolated from clinical specimens during a 2-y nationwide survey

A 2-y nationwide survey of patients in Denmark with non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) cultures was undertaken. Patients were identified by means of records held at the International Reference Laboratory of Mycobacteriology, Statens Serum Institut, Denmark. The objectives were to identify isolated NTM to species level, to describe the incidence of the various species and to evaluate the clinical s

Genuine effects of ventricular fibrillation upon myocardial blood flow, metabolism and catecholamines in patients with aortic stenosis

Objective-Ventricular fibrillation (VF) is life-threatening because of its haemodynamic and metabolic effects. The purpose was to examine if VF also has primary effects per se. We therefore investigated the early effects of VF on myocardial blood flow, metabolic characteristics and catecholamine concentrations in patients undergoing surgery for aortic stenosis. Design-The immediate effects of up t

Working class culture in a time of change: Reflections on cultural history, the new cultural history and the history beyond the new cultural history in Swedish working class history

Culture has, during the last two decades or so, come to influence historical research in such a way that it is no understatement to speak of "the cultural turn", a change in paradigm fully comparable to "the social turn" in the 1960s. Cultural history, as a concept, has changed over time, from a classic cultural history in the first part of the twentieth century, where culture is seen as "the grea

Evaluation of endometrial receptivity during in-vitro fertilization using three-dimensional power Doppler ultrasound

Objective To compare sonographic endometrial characteristics in in-vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles between women who conceive and those who do not. Methods Thirty-five women undergoing IVF treatment participated in the study. Using three-dimensional (3D) power Doppler ultrasound, we assessed endometrial patterns, volume and vascularization, after follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) stimulation but

Stroke epidemiology in Southern Sweden. Trends in incidence and survival across two decades with projections into the future

Popular Abstract in Swedish Stroke (även kallat slaganfall) är den tredje vanligaste dödsorsaken efter hjärtsjukdom och cancer i stora delar av världen. Strokesjukdomen består av blodpropp (hjärninfarkt), blödning i hjärnan (intracerebral blödning) eller blödning i dess hinnor (subaraknoidal blödning). Stroke definieras enligt WHO som snabbt påkomna neurologiska symptom (t.ex. förlamning, talsvåriBackground: Stroke is a major cause of death and disability. Investigations of the epidemiological trends for stroke might result in better understanding of stroke pathogenesis and prevention. Methods: The trends of first-ever stroke incidence and survival over 3 time periods (1983-85, 1993-95 and 2001/2002) in Lund-Orup health care district were studied. The first 2 study periods were retrospect

Association behaviour of glucitol amine gemini surfactants - Self-consistent-field theory and molecular-dynamics simulations

The association behaviour of a number of glucitol amine gemini surfactants has been investigated by means of molecular dynamics and self-consistent-field calculations. We have shown that the titratable head group of the surfactant is responsible for a micelle-to-membrane transition when changing the pH. Furthermore, the association structure of this group of surfactants is shown to be very sensiti

Biologer i arbetslivet - en alumni- och avnämarundersökning

I en enkätundersökning har biologer, examinerade under åren 1990-1999, besvarat frågor om färdighetsträningen i utbildningen och kompetenskraven i arbetslivet. Denna följdes av en intervjuundersökning med ett strategiskt urval av avnämare på chefspositioner och med personalansvar. Av alumnenkäten framgick att de som var mest nöjda med grundutbildningen i biologi var de som fortsatt till forskarutb

Muntlig framställning i årskurs 5: utveckling av kriterier för bedömning

The study is based upon material which is a part of the Swedish Agency for Education's evaluation of oral production in year five at primary school. The overall aim of this study is to examine w h a t is assessed by describing the childrens speech, developing and testing criteria for the proficiency in speech in relation to this assessment. For qualitative purposes, a description of the phenomenon