

Din sökning på "*" gav 536023 sökträffar

Insights into structure and dynamics of the AAA+ motor of magnesium chelatase

Popular Abstract in Swedish Enzymet magnesium-kelatas katalyserar bildandet av magnesuim-protoporfyrin genom insättning av en magnesiumjon i protoporfyrin. Detta är det första unika steget i tillverkningen av klorofyll hos växter, alger och fotosyntetiska bakterier. Magnesium-kelatas är uppbyggt av tre olika proteiner som kallas I (vikt 40 kDa), D (70 kDa) och H (140 kDa). Tillsammans bildar dessaThe insertion of Mg2+ into protoporphyrin IX represents the first committed step in the chlorophyll and bacteriochlorophyll biosynthetic pathways. The reaction is catalyzed by the multisubunit enzyme Mg-chelatase, which consists of three subunits, known as I (molecular weight ~40 kDa), D (~70 kDa), and H (~140 kDa). To fully understand this first step in chlorophyll biosynthesis each protein compo

The Post-2015 Consultations: Fig Leaf Policy or Test Bed for Innovation?

The United Nations (UN)-led global consultations on new development goals, which will replace the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), started in 2012. In comparison with the creation of the MDGs, the road towards the post-2015 goals is much more inclusive and participatory. The consultations are part of a longer trend, in which intergovernmental organizations seek to strengthen their legitimacy

Swedish Cops : From Sjöwall & Wahlöö to Stieg Larsson

Michael Tapper considers Swedish culture and ideas from the period 1965 to 2012 as expressed in detective fiction and film in the tradition of Maj Sjöwall and Per Wahlöö. Believing the Swedish police narrative tradition to be part and parcel of the European history of ideas and culture, Tapper argues thaSwedish Copst, from being feared and despised, the police emerged as heroes and part of the mod

Rheology of Wheat Flour Doughs at Large Deformations and the Relation to Baking Quality and Physical Structure

The effects on dough rheology at large deformations in elongational flow and shear flow have been studied. The results are related to bread making quality in terms of bread volume and to the physical structure of the dough. A new method for evaluation of an instrumented mixograph is reported. A PLS model, including the five most important parameters from the mixogram, explained 90.9% of the variat

Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents with Autistic Spectrum Disorders: A Meta-Analysis

There is considerable evidence that children and adolescents with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) are at increased risk of anxiety and anxiety disorders. However, it is less clear which of the specific DSM-IV anxiety disorders occur most in this population. The present study used meta-analytic techniques to help clarify this issue. A systematic review of the literature identified 31 studies invo

Hints for teaching experiments and demonstrations

Directions are given for demonstrating various topics from the other book chapters: The wave-nature of light, singlet oxygen, chromatic adaptation of cyanobacteria, the properties of the human visual system, photoconversion of rhodopsin, photosynthesis of previtamin D, spectral properties of chlorophyll, photoconversion of protochlorophyllide, separation of chloroplast pigments, photoadaptation of

Bibeltolkningens bakgator: Synen på slavar, judar och homosexuella i historia och nutid

The purpose of this book is to analyse some of the most dreadful elements in the Wirkungsgeschichte of the Bible, i.e., how the biblical texts have been used as a weapon to humiliate, persecute and annihilate three marginalised groups: slaves, Jews and homosexuals. The three main chapters consist of (i) an exegetical presentation of the biblical passages, to which people have referred as proof tex