

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

Affärsanalys för proaktiv hotell management Case: Hotell och konferensbranschen

This report – is based on a case study – that outlines the importance of Sustainable Business Modell in order to maintain and improve the profitability for small and mediumsized hotels. The result of this report will be based on a small family owned hotel located in Southern part of Sweden – Skanör – that has a fairly great reputation in the area. Hotell Gässlingen is a small hotel with 28 rooms,

Studies of cytoskeletal proteins FilP, Scy and CtpS in Streptomyces venezuelae

Popular science summary: Understanding the bacterial cytoskeleton The bacterial cytoskeleton was discovered not too long ago. Since its discovery, it has been a source of information and understanding of how this essential cellular system is established and maintained. The cytoskeleton allows for subcellular organization, which is the key behind many cellular functions. One such function is pola

Urban land expansion model based on SLEUTH, a case study in Dongguan city, China

The SLEUTH urban model is developed with sets of predefined growing rules involving Spontaneous Growth, New Spreading Center Growth, Edge Growth, Road Influenced Growth and Self-modification. They are applied continuously to lead the urban simulation to a specific morphology. A SLEUTH land use model was set up to simulate urban growth trajectory of Dongguan city from 1997 to 2009. The accuracy of

Växters fenologiska svar på ett förändrat klimat: modellering av knoppsprickning för hägg, björk och asp i Skåne

Växters fenologiska händelser påverkas av klimatet och tid för knoppsprickning hos träd kan därför användas som indikator på klimatförändringen. Enligt forskning kommer temperaturen med största sannolikhet att öka i framtiden och med det följer att växters knoppsprickning förväntas ske tidigare. I denna studie har tidpunkten för knoppsprickningen för hägg, björk och asp i Skåne simulerats med hjälPlants phenological events are influenced by the climate and the timing of budburst of trees is therefore an excellent indicator for climate change. According to research, temperature will most likely increase in future and with that follows an earlier budburst. In this study, budburst were simulated for bird cherry, birch and aspen in Skåne, in the southern part of Sweden, with two phonological m

From intuitional to commonsensical conceptions of rape: a critical discourse analysis of gendered norms in legal decision-making behind a veil of objectivity

The persistently high annual numbers of rape in Sweden and numerous legal amendments following internal critique, prove the legal response to be ineffective for the subjects of the protection of the law. Viewed in combination with the prevalence of detrimental conceptions of sexuality and rape, this actualizes questions regarding the potential for and shape of influences on the decision-making act


The goal was to investigate the possibility of designing a piece of furniture with a high initial- and long-term value to increase the probability of it being kept for generations. The methods to find out were: qualitative empirical studies, analysing second-hand shops and antique-shops, and literature studies. The research suggests that emotional value and the story around the object is of high i

Social Stress

Uppsatsen behandlar hur den sociala miljön påverkar anställdas stress ur ett socialpsykologiskt perspektiv. Med kvalitativ metod undersöks heltidsanställda hos studentnationer vid Lunds Universitet och vad som upplevs som stressfaktorer i deras arbete samt hur detta påverkar dem. Social respons från omgivningen samt maskspel i interaktionsritualer framstod som betydande faktorer för respondenterna

Mapping of loci linked to degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in mice heterozygous for engrailed1

Abstract Engrailed1 (En1) is a developmental gene in the homeobox family, and it is well established as a key factor for programming and maintenance of dopaminergic neurons of the mesencephalon. Heterozygousity for the gene causes progressive degeneration of dopaminergic neurons of substantia nigra pars compacta and decreased striatal dopamine levels in most studied mouse strains, including Swiss

Arbetsrelaterad Identitetsutveckling efter Organisationsförändring ur ett Medarbetarperspektiv

Studiens syfte var att studera hur medarbetare förhåller sig till organisationsförändringar och vilken betydelse sådana förändringar har för den egna arbetsrelaterade identitetsutvecklingen. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med fem medarbetare från fem olika organisationer med erfarenhet av att genomgå förändringar. Intervjumaterialet analyserades med tematisk analys, vilket resulterade i The aim of this study was to explore co-workers’ approach to organizational change and the meaning of those changes related to their own work-related identity development. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with five co-workers from five different organizations who had experienced major organizational change. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data, and six main themes were identifie

Associations between Unprotected Sex and Individual, Family and Extrafamilial Factors - A cross-sectional study of 17-18 year old Swedish students in upper secondary school

Background: A majority of sexually active adolescents in Sweden use contraception during sex, however STIs such as chlamydia has been seen to increase among 15-19 year olds. The overall aim of this study was to look into a wide set of factors that influence sexual risk-taking within individual, family and extrafamilial factors. A special focus was put on the influence of family factors on unprotec

Creating Future Leaders? - An Analysis of the Sense-Making of Trainees

The number and popularity of graduate trainee programmes has recently increased rapidly in Sweden, while few studies have been conducted on the participants, leading to an incomplete understanding of what implications the programmes have for trainees. We analysed the sense-making of trainees based on a qualitative research design from an interpretative tradition. Data was gathered through 15 semi-

Entering the door to Africa – A qualitative study on the obstacles and facilitators of the southern African market

Background Sub-Sahara Africa has seen tremendous economic growth the last years. Between 2001-2011 six of the world’s fastest growing economies were in Sub-Sahara Africa. This makes the region a very attractive market for firms and investors interested in growing their business. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to identify the key factors that affect growth for firms that are active or plann

Strategic Market Research using an Outside-in Approach

The area management responsible for the United Kingdom, Ireland, and the Nordic region within the Company expressed a desire to identify new business opportunities in the Nordic region. The motive was to use the identified opportunities as an argument for additional resource allocation to the Nordic region. In previous years, the Company has performed a number of projects focused on identifying op

Modellering av tågnät på Arriva DK

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to develop two simulation models of Arrivas train network in Denmark to facilitate the process of timetabling. One of the models assumes deterministic times in the other model these times are stochastic. The purpose of the deterministic model is to evaluate if timetables are free from conflicts, a process that currently involves a lot of manual labor. The mai

Radiolucent pressure sensors

In a mammography examination, an x-ray image is taken of the patient’s breast. The examination can be painful due to the fact that the breast has to be properly compressed to attain good image quality. To reduce discomfort for the patient it has been suggested to measure pressure distribution over the entire breast. This thesis investigates design and manufacturing of a radiolucent pressure senso

Transcriptome analysis to elucidate the radiation of endemic finches (Nesospiza acunhae) on the islands of Tristan da Cunha

Abstract There is adaptive radiation of endemic finches on the islands of Tristan da Cunha. On each of two of the islands a small-billed and a large-billed subspecies have evolved independently. In this study we analysed the transcriptome of the finch Nesospiza acunhae of Inaccessible Island with the use of RNA-seq reads. The rapid improvement in nextgeneration sequencing technologies as well as

Utilization of evacuation model for airports using risk based fire safety scenario

This report focuses the use of egress models to study the airport evacuation with special focus on security doors in case of total evacuation in airport terminal buildings. Case studies are made in arrival hall and departure hall of the airport terminal based on the scenarios identified in a preliminary risk analysis carried out in the terminal. Evacuation strategies are employed in the two differ

Äldres upplevda nytta av hörapparater i relation till kognitiv förmåga och prestation på dikotiska lyssningstest

Bakgrund: Den subjektiva upplevelsen av hörapparatnytta skiljer sig mellan olika hörapparatanvändare. Detta kan bero på flera olika faktorer, dock visar forskningen inga entydiga svar om vilka faktorer det är som mest påverkar nyttan. Det primära syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilken nytta äldre personer upplever med sina hörapparater samt studera relationen mellan kognitiv förmåga, dik

Övergångszoner mellan ballastspår och ballastfria spår

In today’s railway facilities there are several types of track systems with different characteristics, which must interconnect in order to obtain a closed network. The area where a track system passes over into another track system is called a transition zone. The track systems’ different characteristics chiefly consist of differences in settlement tendency and track stiffness. The transition zone