

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

"The relationship between Education and Fertility Rate, an analysis for Andean Countries"

One of the topics that has generated discussions and focuses on demographic theory is undoubtedly the treatment of fertility rates, another important number of studies have incorporated different methods for measuring behaviors in count data, such as Poisson models, also used in the present document. On the other hand, by using panel data, we estimate a random effects model and evaluate the dete

Design Fire for Building Content in Arson Scenarios

The cost of fires caused by arson on a global-scale is estimated between 0.1 and 0.4% of a country's GDP. If arsonist uses liquid accelerants is the potential for growth much greater and the risk for loss of live is increased. It is desirable to reduce this risk by anticipating the accelerant in the design phase. In this thesis the possibility of predicting components behaviour when accelerant

Lojalitetsprogram inom flygbranschen - Hur SAS skapar värde med EuroBonus

Examensarbetets titel: Lojalitetsprogram i flygbranschen - Hur SAS skapar värde med EuroBonus Seminariedatum: 4/6 2014 Ämne/kurs: FEKH19, Examensarbete i Strategic Management på kandidatnivå, 15hp Författare: Sophia Andersson, Maida Bejtula och Pernilla Johansson Handledare: Merle Jacob Fem nyckelord: Lojalitetsprogram, värdeskapande, VRIO, EuroBonus, SAS Syfte: Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka

Swedwatch’s reports 2011-2013: what happened next and why? An analysis of trends in outcomes of investigated cases by the Swedish NGO Swedwatch

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a term increasingly used in academic discussions, political debates, media, corporate reports, Non-Governmental Organizations’ (NGOs) reports, and even by civil society and the public. But what does CSR actually mean? What do CSR practices actually constitute? Another increasingly debated issue is the growing power of the business sector and its direct effe

En studie om hur olika röstkvaliteter i kombination med bakgrundsbuller påverkar barns språkförståelse

Föreliggande studie baseras på en jämförelse mellan två likvärdiga grupper av barn. Syftet var att undersöka om barns språkförståelse påverkas mer av en dysfonisk (hes) röst i kombination med bakgrundsbuller jämfört med en typisk (funktionell) röst i kombination med bakgrundsbuller. Syftet var även att ta reda på barnens subjektiva upplevelse om lärarens röstkvalitet, kombinationen röstkvalitet oc

Cykelplanering i svenska storstadsregioner -vem styr (egentligen?)

Abstract In order to reduce climate emissions from transports and to move towards a more sustainable transport system, many municipalities and regions strive to increase the use of bicycle in cities. This study focuses on the three metropolitan areas in Sweden; Stockholm, Göteborg and Malmö. Their efforts with regional bicycle planning are investigated, looking at factors such as cooperation, resp

Message In A Bottle

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to gain an understanding on how SMEs can position themselves through brand identity, by investigating their strategic approach to brand identity creation and development. Methodology: This research is based on an exploratory case study with an iterative approach. The data collection has primarily been conducted by personal interviews and secondary documents.

Första steget till anställning: En studie om etnisk diskriminering vid granskning av CV:n

Denna studie syftar till att undersöka huruvida etniskt ursprung påverkar rekryterares bedömning av CV:n. Undersökningen gjordes i samarbete med ett bemanningsföretag där personalen dagligen arbetar med rekrytering. De tolv deltagarna fick i uppdrag att rekrytera en orderplockare. Deltagarna fick granska och skatta fem fiktiva CV:n. Varje CV fanns utformat i två versioner där enda skillnaden var eThis study aims to examine whether ethnicity affects the recruiters' evaluation of résumés. The study was conducted in collaboration with an employment agency where employees work daily with recruitment. Twelve participants were assigned to recruit a warehouse worker. Participants reviewed and estimated five fictitious résumés. Each résumé was designed in two versions, with the only difference

Mitigation of Environmental Impact from Shipping

Sjöfart är ett av de största framtida miljöhoten mot Östersjön. Samtidigt är det den marina aktivitet som är minst reglerad inom känsliga skyddsområden. Det beror till stor del på svårigheten att överföra information om skyddsvärden till sjökort. Även bristen på kunskap och forskning inom dessa områden är stor. Processen att kartlägga alla marina aktiviteter som pågår inom olika geografiska områdIn April 2014, the European Parliament endorsed a new Directive on Maritime Spatial Planning, a way to analyse and organize marine areas in an economically efficient and sustainable way. The Spatial planning includes mapping of all marine activities, such as aquaculture, shipping, nature conservation, military and wind turbines. Many interests are competing for the same geographical areas, and the

Anpassad stilvariation eller skilda samtalsstilar? En lexikal stilanalys av elevers skriftspråk i utredande texter

Syftet med denna undersökning har varit att studera huruvida de skillnader som observerats i tidigare forskning mellan flickor och pojkars skriftspråk även gör sig gällande i elevers utredande texter. Genom att studera hur elevers skriftspråk yttrar sig i olika ämneskontexter och texttyper har undersökningen även ämnat ge en uppfattning om huruvida dessa skillnader kan sägas vara ett resultat av s

Appraisal in Political Speech: A Comparative Discursive Study of Winston Churchill and Tony Blair

This study investigated alignments in speeches held by two historically prominent politicians: Sir Winston Churchill and Tony Blair. The speeches that comprised the data of this study were a speech from 3 September, 1939, for the former, and a speech held on 18 March, 2003, for the latter. The study made use of Martin & White’s (2005) account of appraisal theory. Firstly, the use of positive

Long Run Emission-Growth Nexus: An Empirical Evidence

This study presents an empirical investigation of i) testing the Granger Causality between economic growth and aggregated carbon dioxide (CO2) emission; and economic growth and disaggregated CO2 emission from burning fossil fuel coal, oil and natural gas respectively; ii) the potential impact on economic growth if countries substitute CO2 emission from dirty energy, coal, by emission from relative

Teknobränd? - En kvantitativ undersökning om teknologins inverkan på utbrändhet i arbetslivet

The kind of electoral system in use in a democracy affects voters possibilities regarding the number of parties/candidates any individual is allowed to support and if there is an opportunity to vote against parties/candidates that he or she does not want to see in power. In this study 235 Swedes were participated in a survey about how they experienced three different electoral systems regarding hoThe purpose of this study was to examine the relation between technostress, performance based self-esteem (PBS) and burnout among employees, further if technostress beyond PBS could act as a predictor for burnout. The participants in the study were white collar workers from a Swedish manufacturing industry who on a daily basis were using computer and information technology in their work. These com

Att ge utrymme åt etniska minoriteter i nyhetsmedia : en kritisk diskursanalys av The Huffington Posts underkategorier "Black Voices" och "Latino Voices"

In the United States of America media and the press have the important role of being ”the fourth estate of government” which means that American media has the task to examine the political processes taking place within the country, as well as the USA's actions abroad. The importance of media not being biased or not framing certain kind of information cannot be overemphasized, but despite this,

Promotion of Regionalism and Regional Identity in the Oresund Region

This study investigates how regionalism and regional identity is perceived and promoted in the Oresund region including a specific focus on Malmö, particularly from the perspective of the Oresund committee as an actor. The relevance of this focus is sanctioned by reported growth of regionalism in the Oresund region, and the sparse amount of research in whether organizations and their work could be

Vi och Dem : en studie av Sydsvenskans etniska framställning

I det mångkulturella samhälle Sverige idag är, har dagstidningar en viktig roll i att spegla detta samhälle på ett korrekt sätt. Vi har intresserat oss för hur personer med annan etnicitet presenteras och hur ämnen som immigration och integration framställs i Sydsvenskan. Vi vill undersöka hur representationen ser ut och om den kan tänkas vara en bidragande orsak till vardagens problem, såsom disk

Environmental Citizenship and Electric Vehicles - A Case Study of Norway and Denmark

This thesis focuses on the sale of electric vehicles (EVs) in Denmark and Norway in an attempt to gain insights into what stimulates and maintains pro-environmental behaviour. Norway stands out as an exceptional case with a significantly better marketshare of EVs than anywhere else in the world. In an attempt to shed more light on what causes these results, the study applies the theoretical framew

Understanding brain drain in Nigerian universities

Global migration of both skilled and unskilled persons from developing countries to developed countries is on the increase and to understand the underlying factors behind the increase, this research examines how migration theories like pull-push factors of migration, world system theory and Maslow’s hierarchy of need explain those factors that cause migration among Nigerian university workers. I r

Tuning of Learning Algorithms for Use in Automated Product Recommendations

In this thesis, we study the problem of predicting users' media preferences based on their, as well as other users' historical rating data. The model used is that a user's rating for an item can be explained by a sum of bias terms and an inner product between two vectors in some multidimensional feature space that is specic to the product domain. This model is tted using a stochastic d