

Din sökning på "*" gav 535475 sökträffar

Scalar Theory as an example of AdS/QFT

Är hela världen, hela universum, endast ett hologram? Sent förra året (2013) publicerade en grupp fysiker sitt resultat från två simuleringar vilket kan vara början på att svara på frågan. Den första räknade ut observabler så som det radiella avståndet till händelsehorisonten, entropi med flera, baserat på strängteori. Den andra simuleringen beräknar en liknande sak fast i ett universum med lägre We take a look at the properties of scalar fields in anti--de--Sitter space in five dimensions. More specifically we define bulk--to--boundary and bulk--to--bulk propagators for a five--dimensional scalar field and use these to calculate four--point functions. Finally we take a look at two--point functions and three--point functions and numerically calculate masses, residues and decay constants fo

Studenter och Fairtrade - En kartläggning av inställningen till Fairtrade hos unga studenter i Lund

Examensarbetets titel Studenter och Fairtrade - En kartläggning av inställningen till Fairtrade hos unga studenter i Lund Seminariedatum 2014-06-05 Ämne/kurs FEKH29, Examensarbete kandidatnivå, 15 HP Författare Björn Garmfors, William Grafström, Simon Kerrén Handledare Clara Gustafsson Nyckelord Fairtrade, Status, Theory of Planned Behavior, Studenter, Lunds universitet Syfte Syftet med dennTitle Students and Fairtrade - A study of the attitude towards Fairtrade amongst young students in Lund Seminar date 2014-06-05 Course FEKH29, Degree Project Undergraduate level, 15 ECTS Authors Björn Garmfors, William Grafström, Simon Kerrén Advisor Clara Gustafsson Key words Fairtrade, Status, Theory of Planned Behavior, Students, Lund University Purpose The purpose of this paper is to ide

Marknadsstudie för identifikation av tillväxtmöjligheter

Several studies show difficulties that companies have in pursuit of annual growth. The same studies show that companies that succeed are those that focus on innovation and continuous product development. Atlas Copco is one of Sweden’s largest companies and the brand stands for sustainable product development. This examination project has been executed for one its daughter companies, Atlas Copco Co

Evaluation of Galil DMC-4080 as a Controller of Stewart Platform

Evaluation of the Galil DMC–4080 as a closed-loop controller of a stepper-motor driven Stewart Platform with mm- and mrad- precision and resolution. The project involves a full implementation and optimization of kinematic equations, implementing modes of motion & controller structure, as well the use of MATLAB simulations. The 4080 proves successful in static positioning but have limitations i

Konsumenters påverkan av lojalitetsprogrammens framväxt

Course: FEKH29 Business Administration: Bachelor thesis in Marketing, Undergraduate Level, 15 ECTS Authors: Sophie Jensen, Annika Klaus, Fredrik Ohlsson Advisor: Clara Gustafsson Key words: Loyalty, Loyalty program, consumer behavior, impact & customer club Purpose: The purpose of this study is to improve the understanding of how a younger target group respectively an older target group in

Gestalt or Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events (GRACE) Risk Score for Predicting Acute Coronary Syndrome and Associated Complications

Akut hjärtsjukdom, som bland annat innefattar hjärtinfarkt och vissa typer av kärlkramp, utgör idag en ledande orsak till lidande och död i världen. På svenska akutmottagningar söker varje år cirka 180 000 patienter för bröstsmärta, vilket kan vara ett symtom på någon av ovanstående sjukdomar. För att snabbt komma fram till rätt diagnos ska ansvarig läkare väga samman patientens sjukdomshistoria, Introduction: There is a need for risk stratification of emergency department (ED) chest pain patients. The Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events risk score (GRACE RS) predicts adverse events in patients with confirmed acute coronary syndrome (ACS), and has been validated on unselected ED patients with chest pain. Clinical gestalt is the unstructured overall clinical assessment, based on the ph

Sytronix - Energioptimering med asynkrona motorer och variabla pumpar

In the modern times of industry where hydraulic are of use, all the motors run on their nominal workload, where the pumps are constant. The given flow is regulated with the help of valves which chokes the flow. From an energy perspective this contributes to a great amount of energy losses, where the demand can be much lower than the supply. We can observe from today’s society that the energy costs

Portering av Android applikation till iOS

Mobile applications have become really important in today’s technological society. To be able to meet the customers’ demands, these applications must undergo a constant alteration and improvement. Many companies must therefore make their mobile applications support different platforms effectively. The purpose and goal of this thesis is to find a way to create a native iOS application from an Andro

Komponentval för automatiserade system

This report is dealing with the question whether or not it’s possible to choose components, for an automated system, in a way that allows the system itself to act as flawless as possible and to be able to inform the operator when service is due and therefore minimize the overall downtime of the system. It was soon established that this cannot be done simply by choosing components but has to be don

China and the Great Doubling: A race to the top or bottom for world labour standards?

Through economic openness, increased capital mobility and the resulting competition to innovate, the globalisation of capitalism ought to increase the wealth and living standards of all involved. However, in order for all to be involved, they must be of value to that economy. That the world lives largely in poverty means that the more the economy incorporates cheap labour, the lower the returns to

Hur kan den biologiska mångfalden ökas?

This study aims to examine different ways to enhance biodiversity in an area, focusing on the park Hemvärnsparken in Kyrkheddinge, Scania, Sweden and its surrounding area. An inventory of species of vascular plants, larger animals as well as butterflies, bees and bumblebees has been carried out within the park and maps have been drawn showing different kinds of habitats and other objects of intere

Employer Branding: The Stronger, The Attractive

Abstract: Employer branding process that creates the best match possible between the employer and the employee, leads to a business satisfaction and a person-organization fit. Not surprisingly, an efficient employer branding strategy also decreases the labour turnover rate within the company and helps to retain the talent. Naturally, the specified situation is desired by the employer and by the po

The civil society versus the state? A socio-legal study of discourses of human trafficking within four Swedish NGOs, the Swedish police and The EU Civil Society Platform against Trafficking in Human Beings

This study is based on discourse analysis establishing the discursive setting of four Swedish NGO participants of the EU Civil Society Platform against Trafficking in Human Beings, the Swedish Police and the EU Platform itself. By analysing the discursive setting through a social constructivist social theory I discuss what impact discourses have on the normative portrayal of the trafficking phenom

Energieffektivisering av en tidig 1800-talsbyggnad

There are many old buildings in Sweden today that in many aspects are worth saving for the future. Much focus is also on how to reduce the energy use in buildings. This theoretical study tries to give an example on that it is possible to combine these two parameters without risking the physical wellbeing or the aesthetic value of the building. The house in this report is situated in Vä, a communit

Kaizen - strävan efter perfektion

Titel: Kaizen - strävan efter perfektion Seminariedatum: 5 juni 2014 Kurs: FEKH49, Examensarbete i organisation på kandidatnivå 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Sara Bengtsson, Martin Gabrielsson & Emire Morina Handledare: Christine Blomquist Nyckelord: Lean, Kaizen, Ständig förbättring, Motivation, Sensemaking. Syfte: Arbetets syfte är att undersöka vilka faktorer det finns som kan Title: Kaizen - The Pursuit of Perfection Seminar Date: June 5th 2014 Course: FEKH49, Degree Project in Organization Undergraduate Level, 15.0 credits. Authors: Sara Bengtsson, Martin Gabrielsson & Emire Morina Advisor: Christine Blomquist Key Words: Lean, Kaizen, Continuous Improvement, Motivation, Sensemaking. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to evaluate which factors that

The Effect of Trade Liberalization on Capital Markets- Case of Canada and U.S FTA, Sector Level Study.

Transitional economies tend to see trade liberalization and capital reforms hand in hand. The main goal or aim for lawmakers is to maximize welfare effects when bringing trade and capital reforms within an economy. A nation gets greater access to international financial markets, which in turn attracts inflow of investments within economy. This newfound inflow of investments can also be attributed

Användningsområden för regn- och dagvatten

Sweden uses pure drinking water for all household areas such as flushing toilets, watering the lawn and so on. This can be seen as a waste and stormwater can therefore be used instead to save resources. When rainwater is going to be used, different possibilities exist. A rainwater tank can be used to collect water from roofs and store it in a sealed tank. A stormwater pond can be used which collec

Modeling albedo in the dry snow zone of the Greenland ice sheet

Hirham5, a weather model developed at DMI, does not have a very good approximation for the snow albedo. To make the model better a snow albedo code, based on Dickenssen’s equation for snow albedo, was implemented in the model where the albedo depended on more variables than just the temperature. This change is important since the radiation contributes more to the melt than the temperature. The sur

Mångfaldsutbildningars flexibla kundanpassning

Syftet är att undersöka hur olika faktorerna påverkar kundanpassningen i mångfaldsutbildningar. Utifrån denna kundanpassning vill vi även se vilka konsekvenser som kan uppstå i ett mångfaldsarbete.

Development of Safety Measures for Nightclubs

There have been numerous tragic incidents in nightclubs leading to hundreds of fatalities. This thesis attempts the current situation. Different nightclub fires from the past 17 years were analysed in order to identify the critical factors influencing these events. As most dominant factors the illegal operations of nightclubs; the use of pyrotechnics; the choice of materials; manual & automati