

Din sökning på "*" gav 535450 sökträffar

Hur ska vi förstå mänskliga rättigheter? : en filosofisk analys av begreppet ur ett moraliskt och politiskt perspektiv

Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att utveckla förståelsen av begreppet mänskliga rättigheter genom två olika perspektiv; ett moraliskt och ett politiskt. Materialet i uppsatsen utgörs av texter skrivna av tre olika filosofer: Martha C. Nussbaum, Charles Beitz och Philip Pettit. De tre erbjuder tre olika teorier för att förstå mänskliga rättigheter. En metod baserad på Quentin Skinners teori för attThe purpose of this essay is to develop the idea of human rights, using a moral and a political perspective. The material consists of texts written by three philosophers: Martha C. Nussbaum, Charles Beitz, and Philip Pettit. Each of them has their own idea of human rights. To fulfill the purpose of the essay a method based on Quentin Skinners theory of analyzing political philosophy is created. Th

Flödesanalys av mottagningsplats

The aim of the study was to examine the organization and capacity of an off-site center located in Varberg, Sweden. The off-site center is a place where evacuees can get help in case of a nuclear accident, and it is a part of the nuclear preparedness in Sweden. The capacity of the off-site centre was estimated using empirical data collection (experiments), hand calculations and computer simulation

Myanmar Peace Support Initiative

The actions of states are governed by norms. These norms regulate what is looked upon as desirable behaviour and what is not. In recent years the norm about women, peace and security has developed and resulted in the UN Security Coun-cil Resolution 1325. The aim of the resolution is to make peace processes more inclusive and take issues related to women into concern. Despite the resolution much is

Mer än böcker : en studie av bokens framställning i fyra litterära magasin

Syftet med uppsatsen är att genom en jämförande kvalitativ undersökning av de fyra litterära magasinen Vi läser, Books & Dreams, Fyrahundrafemtio och LitteraturMagazinet och undersöka hur boken och litteratur förmedlas i dessa litteraturmagasin. För att förstå bakgrunden till hur litteratur förmedlas i magasinen krävs en bredare förståelse för hur litteratur i allmänhet presenteras idag. Därfö

Model-based Design Development and Control of a Wind Resistant Multirotor UAV

Multirotor UAVs have in recent years become a trend among academics, engineers and hobbyists alike due to their mechanical simplicity and availability. Commercial uses range from surveillance to recreational flight with plenty of research being conducted in regards to design and control. With applications towards search and rescue missions in mind, the main objective of this thesis work is the de

Responsibility to Protect - An emerging norm or part of sovereignty?

The main controversy in international law the past decades has been the approach to a non-international conflict exposing civilians to threats of genocide or mass atrocities. One corner stone of international law is the protection of a state and its internal affairs, the principle of non-intervention; another one is the protection of human rights. During the 1990s, the two principles were seen as

The power of memory and the political dialogue in Greece : The rise of radicalism

This study explores the contexts in which the conflict evolved and how history was perceived, narrated and used by institutions, communities and individuals who sought to influence public opinion and policymakers. The theoretical point of departure is the concept of collective memory, defined as the totality of discourses through which a society makes sense of itself, the present and the future th

Work Engagement and Organizational Changes: Relationship and Facilitating Factors

Working life is continuously changing and there is a greater responsibility on the individual to be able to adapt to change. For employees to be able to take on this responsibility and to be high performers, organizations need their employees to have high work engagement. This study therefore investigated the relationship between work engagement, organizational change, and employees’ perception of


For over a decade and recently as a means to overcome the crippling effects of the credit crunch and its recessionary effects on European economies, EU institutions have initiated an expansive innovation policy centered on the development and support of entrepreneurs and emerging growth ventures. Private investment in the form of venture capital (VC) is necessary to support this policy in that the

Parkering vid bostaden - en studie av parkeringsefterfrågan, bilanvändning och bilinnehav

This thesis investigates parking in residential areas, in the context of today’s car dependent society. The aim is to study the demand for parking in residential areas and to contribute to the knowledge of how this kind of parking can be used for changing travel behavior towards less car use, by investigating the demand for parking and the importance parking facilities in residential areas on hous

Mänskliga rättigheter som påverkas av global handel : en studie av svenska universitetsstudenters syn på globalt ansvarstagande

This study treats Swedish university students view on responsibility for human rights that are affected badly by the global trading environment. Human rights can no longer be seen as a local matter between the state and the individual, as globalization, technology and new ways to communicate has given the world tools to both contributing to the violation and the promotion of human rights globally.

User Experience Design in an Axis Camera Setup Interface

I en värld där UX-standarden höjs av att använda välutvecklade vardagsprodukter, förväntas det bättre och bättre UX Design av alla produkter inom IT-branschen. Man skulle kunna säga att UX Design inte bara är avgörande för den framtida positionen på övervakningskamerabranschen, utan även ett krav för att möta efterfrågan av att det inte längre endast är experter som installerar kameror. UX Design In a world where the UX-standard is rising from the use of well-developed everyday products, better UX Design is becoming more and more expected of all products within the IT-industry. It can not only be argued that an investment in UX Design is critical for the future position on the surveillance camera industry, but also required to meet requirements of the non-experts installing the camera. UX

Bolagsskattens vara eller icke vara

Bolagsskatten är en omdebatterad skatt. OECD har till och med kallat skatten för den farligaste skatten för företagens tillväxt. Sedan Sverige gick med i EU har den svenska bolagsskattesatsen halkat efter nytillkommna medlemsländer. Den europeiska trenden är tydligt för en sänkning av bolagskattesatsen och Sverige tappar i konkurrenskraft. Skattesänkningar har som mål att bredda skattebasen men saCorporation tax is a controversial tax. The OECD has even called the tax one of the most dangerous taxes for business growth. Since Sweden joined the EU, the Swedish corporate tax rate has been falling behind the rest of the EU members. The European trend is clearly for a reduction in corporate tax rate, and Sweden is losing competitiveness. Tax cuts aims to broaden the tax base but also in a glob

Global Evaluation of Contingent Convertibles: Testing for Evidence of Market Discipline in the CoCo Market

In this paper, we investigate evidence of market discipline from contingent convertible (CoCo) issues. Previous research has focused on the monitoring aspect of market discipline, by testing risk sensitivity of market prices (subordinated notes and debentures (SND)) to accounting measures of bank risk. We take a similar approach using CoCo spreads and additionally use issue specific features. We a

Kommunicerad närhet: en sociologisk undersökning av intimitetsskapande i icke-monogama relationer

Med utgångspunkt i den monogaminorm som är så gott som allrådande i det moderna samhället är syftet med denna undersökning att ta reda på hur intimitet skapas i relationer som går bortom denna norm. Sex personer som har erfarenhet av icke-monogama relationer intervjuas för att synliggöra hur överenskommelser, förväntningar och gränsdragningar bidrar till skapande av närhet och intimitet. Dessa ber

Positiva effekter av aktiesplit

Undersökningens avser att mäta om överavkastning i samband med aktiesplit är möjligt att uppnå på den svenska aktiemarknaden? En jämförelse mellan large cap, mid cap och small cap kommer att presenteras för att kunna precisera vilken företagsstorlek som genererar störst överavkastning. Undersökningen ämnar presentera resultat utifrån mätningsmetoder som inte tidigare har förekommit vid studier på The study is intended to measure whether abnormal return associated with stock split is possible to achieve on the Swedish stock market? A comparison of large cap, mid cap and small cap will be presented in order to specify the company size that generates the greatest abnormal return. The study intends to present the results by measuring techniques not previously occurred in studies in this area.

Reviewing the EU-China Foreign Affairs: The case study of the EU arms embargo on China

The thesis analyses the EU arms embargo on China and the reasons why this sanction is in place since 1989. The arms embargo case characterizes the EU-China foreign relations also in general and in order to understand the real background behind this case, historical institutionalist perspective and path dependence theory is used. The thesis acknowledges two different paradigms – normative power and