

Din sökning på "*" gav 535429 sökträffar

Effekten av blomremsor och landskapskomplexitet på solitära bin och getingar

During the past fifty years pollinators in Europe have been declining. Agricultural intensification is considered to be main driver for this decline. In Europe agricultural schemes are used in order to e.g. maintain biological diversity. As a part of these schemes several European countries use flower strips to increase the amount of pollinators in the landscape. Status and Trends of European Poll

I gave Gold for Iron

In 1806 Prussia had to face tremendous economic pressure. In this article an interdisciplinary approach on wartime economy is applied. Controlling for different spheres that influence the economy during wars, the success of the Prussian state in the War of Liberation will be discussed. Prussia’s pre-industrialized status therefore allows observing early measures for taking influence on the economi

Realisering av SCADA-system för ventilation

This is a thesis which describes a process for realizing a SCADA system using Codesys and iX developer, after a given function description. This is followed by an investigation about the Modbus protocol. That is applied to do the communication possible between the different parts in the system. The report includes a simple part of theory. This treats concepts like SCADA, PLC, I/O-devices, communic

Rollbaserad åtkomstkontroll inom organisationer - rätt åtkomst till rätt användare vid rätt tillfälle

The paper examines the extent to which role-based access control is used within organizations to control and assign access rights to users. Furthermore, this paper investigates whether organizations are aware of security risks that arise when users are assigned too many or incorrect access rights and the steps they take to reduce the problem. The survey was conducted through the collection of qual

Market Valuation of Ethics: How Valuation Multiples are Affected by Investors’ Ethical Perception

Previous research has focused on the correlation between CSR and returns, whilst considerably less efforts have been undertaken to investigate whether CSR affects a company’s valuation. Therefore this paper focus on investigating the correlation between these two variables. This is done by comparing valuation multiples of constructed indices consisting of bad and socially responsible companies to


The thesis presented below presents an experimental study, performed at Lund University, Sweden, focused on the evacuation of a railway tunnel filled with smoke. The experiment is aimed at the evaluation of the efficiency of high-bright and dynamic lights located at the intersection between the tunnel walls and the sidewalk. The experiment is carried out in a Virtual Reality environment using a he

Response to Emergency Wayfinding Systems by People from Different Cultures

Some colors might have different connotations depending on people’s cultural backgrounds. When talking about evacuation, the color employed for exit signs and flashing lights plays a significant role because it is in charge of transmitting a message to the evacuees, either danger or safety. The aims of this study are to evaluate the influence of red and green emergency wayfinding systems on people

Social Cooking

Detta projekt tar avstamp i uttrycket social matlagning. Ordet social matlagning är en sammansättning av två ord som var och en för sig kan betyda många saker. Matlagning kan vara att ta det man har och kombinerar detta för att få mat på bordet. Ordet social kan var att man bry om sina medmänniskor. Vi tror att kombinationen av dessa två ord kan leda till något större än vad orden gör var och en f

Identification and functional studies of genetic aberrations underlying adipocytic tumour development

Popular science summary: Genetic aberrations underlying adipocytic tumour development Adipocytic tumours are the most common mesenchymal tumours. We have identified genetic aberrations in such tumours using high-resolution single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array analysis. We have also performed functional studies of specific genetic aberrations and found genes of importance for tumour develo

Inventering av nedlagda deponier i Sjöbo kommun enligt Naturvårdsverkets vägledning

The aim of this study is to conduct preliminary risk assessments of two abandoned landfills in the villages of Bjärsjölagård and Fränninge, in the municipality of Sjöbo, Scania. Assessing risks connected to abandoned landfills is of great importance as they can contain a large number of pollutants, hence pose a risk for their surroundings by polluting soil, ground water and even buildings. It is a

Styrmedelspotential på vägen mot ett hållbart transportsystem

In this study suggested political instruments for a future sustainable transportation system are analyzed. This is done by a survey study with answers from municipality workers in ten different municipalities in the Scania region, southern Sweden. The questions covers the respondents transportation habits and their opinions on 19 different political instruments and how these instruments, if put in

Subjective Image Quality Evaluation Using the Softcopy Quality Ruler Method

Image quality is in essence based on subjective experience, and the involvement of human subjects is therefore necessary in one way or the other in order to make reliable assessments of it. This topic is of interest for Axis Communications AB -- the market leader in surveillance cameras. In this thesis, the softcopy quality ruler method described in ISO 20462 is evaluated through a study of one s

Personality and information use in fish: bolder crucian carps learn faster

Popular science summary: Bolder the brighter – personality affects learning performance in crucian carp Just as humans, many animals have a personality. For example some individuals are more prone to take risks – they are bold, while others prefer to play it safe – being shy. Bold animals increase their risk of being attacked by a predator but may also receive higher gains by being first to a foAbstract Gathering information about the environment is crucial to living organisms as it makes up the foundation upon which decisions are made. In a diverse environment a huge amount of information sources arise. An individual can choose to follow other’s decision (social information use) or to gather its’ own information. Which sources are used and how well they are perceived vary between indi

Forecasting Foreign Exchange Rates, A comparison between forecasting horizons and Bayesian vs. Frequentist approaches

Forecasting foreign exchange rates and financial asset prices in general is a hard task. The best model has often been shown to be a simple random walk, which implies that the price movements are unpredictable. In this thesis models that have been somewhat successful in the past are developed and investigated for different forecasting horizons. The aim is to find models that significantly dominate

Forbearance Policy in an Asset Quality Review Framework

The big risk topic in recent years, in the nancial industry, has been about capital requirements. The nancial crisis in 2008 displayed several shortcoming regarding weak capital buers in banks. After that crisis big eorts have made sure that the capital buers have been improved drastically over Europe. Now another issue is starting to worry nancial regulators in Europe regarding the quality of ban

Projekt som arbetsmetod - En lågkostnadsproducents strategiska val

Examensarbetets titel: Projekt som arbetsmetod - En lågkostnadsproducents strategiska val. Seminariedatum: 2014-06-04 Ämne/kurs: FEKH19 Examensarbete Strategic Management på kandidatnivå, 15 högskole-poäng. Författare: Ida Eckerström, Josefine Ericson, Emelie Wenthzel Handledare: Ola Mattisson Fem nyckelord: Lågkostnadsproducent, Projekt, Strategival, H&M, Dynamisk kapabilitet. Syfte: At

Self-Playing Labyrinth Game Using Camera and Industrial Control System

In this master’s thesis, an industrial control system together with a network camera and servo motors were used to automate a ball and plate labyrinth system. The two servo motors, each with its own servo drive, were connected by joint arms to the plate resting on two interconnected gimbal frames, one for each axis. A background subtraction-based ball position tracking algorithm was developed to m