

Din sökning på "*" gav 534719 sökträffar

Antagonism of thromboxane receptor induced contractions in isolated human groin lymphatics

In vitro studies were performed on lymphatics obtained from the groin in 19 patients undergoing vascular surgery. The lymphatics were mounted in tissue baths, and isometric contractions were induced by increasing concentrations of the thromboxane A2 (TXA2) mimetic U-46619. In comparison to K+ (124mM)-induced contraction, which were used as an internal standard, the response to U-46619 had an Emax

Interactions of papaya proteinase IV with inhibitors

Papaya proteinase IV (PPIV) is not inhibited by chicken cystatin, or human cystatins A or C, unlike most other proteinases of the papain superfamily. The enzyme inactivates chicken cystatin and human cystatin C by limited proteolysis of the glycyl bond previously shown to be involved in the inhibitory inactivity of the cystatins, but has no action on cystatin A. Contamination of commercial crystal

Preparation, crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of protein YtlP from Bacillus subtilis

Bacillus subtilis YtlP is a protein that is predicted to belong to the bacterial and archael 2'-5' RNA-ligase family. It contains 183 residues and two copies of the HXTX sequence motif conserved among proteins belonging to this family. In order to determine the structure of YtlP and to compare it with the paralogue YjcG and identified 2'-5' RNA ligases, the gene ytlP was amplified from B. subtilis

Timolol increased retrobulbar flow velocities in untreated glaucoma eyes but not in ocular hypertension

PURPOSE: To investigate retrobulbar blood flow velocities and the effects of topical timolol treatment in eyes with newly detected, previously untreated open angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension. METHODS: Fifteen eyes with open angle glaucoma (OAG) and 12 eyes with ocular hypertension (OH), in the same number of patients, all untreated and newly detected, were examined with colour Doppler imaging

Unique features of the insulin receptor in rat brain

We examined the structure of the affinity-labeled insulin receptors in rat brain, rat liver, and human IM-9 lymphocytes using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In gels run under reducing conditions, the alpha-subunit of the insulin receptor in brain had an apparent Mr of 127,000 distinctly lower than that seen in both rat liver and human lymphocytes (apparent Mr = 136,000)

Molecular and structural characterization of five novel mutations in the Bruton's tyrosine kinase gene from patients with X-linked agammaglobulinemia

Background: The Btk (Bruton's tyrosine kinase) gene has been shown to be mutated in the human immunodeficiency disease, XLA (X-linked agammaglobulinemia). Btk is a member of the Tec family of cytosolic protein tyrosine kinases with distinct functional domains PH, TH, SH3, SH2, and kinase. Mutations have been observed in each of the Btk subdomains in XLA. We have analyzed the Btk gene in six XLA pa

Prenylhydroxybenzoic acid compounds with pungent activity from Piper arieianum (CDC) leaves

Prenylhydroxybenzoic acid derivatives and other two analogues previously reported were isolated from Piper arieianum leaves. The structures of the compounds were assigned from detailed spectroscopical analysis (NMR 1D and 2D and HR ESI TOF MS) data and by comparison with data from the literature. These molecules posses pungent activity different to that of capsaicin and their activity is related t

Local signs and symptoms in relation to final amputation level in diabetic patients. A prospective study of 187 patients with foot ulcers

Local signs and symptoms were evaluated in 187 consecutively presenting diabetic patients undergoing amputation for foot ulcers. From admission until final outcome the patients were treated by the same multidisciplinary team both as in- and out-patients. At the time of amputation, the types of lesions were superficial/deep ulcer (n 17), ulcer with deep infection, but without gangrene (n 40), and g

Determination of the e(+)e(-)->gamma gamma(gamma) cross-section at LEP 2

A test of the benchmark QED process e(+) e(-) -->gammagamma(gamma) is reported, using the data collected with the DELPHI detector at LEP 2. The data analysed were recorded at centre-of-mass energies ranging from 161 GeV to 208 GeV and correspond to a total integrated luminosity of 656.4 pb(-1). The Born cross-section for the process e(+) e(-)-->gammagamma(gamma) was determined, confirming the vali

Mortality and cancer morbidity in cohorts of asbestos cement workers and referents

Total and cause specific mortality and cancer morbidity were studied among 1929 asbestos cement workers with an estimated median cumulative exposure of 2.3 fibre (f)-years/ml (median intensity 1.2 f/ml, predominantly chrysotile). A local reference cohort of 1233 industrial workers and non-case referents from the exposed cohort were used for comparisons. The risk for pleural mesothelioma was signif

The Bias of the World : Theories of Unequal Exchange in History

Popular AbstractDetta är en histora över teorier om ojämnt utbyte och deras upphovsmän. Den börjar med merkantilismen och Richard Cantillons jordvärdeteori, ger en kort beskrivning av tidig klassisk ekonomi och Gerald Fitzhugh. Bland det tidiga 1900-talets marxistiska ekonomer spelade ojämnt utbyte en roll i Otto Bauers tolkning av nationalistiska motsättningar, och i Henryk Grossmanns verk som enThis is a history of theories and theorists of unequal exchange. Starting with mercantilists and Richard Cantillon's theory based on land values, it briefly covers the early Classical economists and Gerald Fitzhugh. Among early 20th century Marxist economists, unequal exchange appeared in Otto Bauer's explanation of nationalist antagonism, and in Henryk Grossmann as countering the breakdown of cap