Din sökning på "*" gav 534705 sökträffar
Vascular effects of anandamide and N-acylvanillylamines in the human forearm and skin microcirculation.
1 The endocannabinoid anandamide is an emerging potential signalling molecule in the cardiovascular system. Anandamide causes vasodilatation, bradycardia and hypotension in animals and has been implicated in the pathophysiology of endotoxic, haemorrhagic and cardiogenic shock, but its vascular effects have not been studied in man. 2 Human forearm blood flow and skin microcirculatory flow were reco
A new classification for the Dactylina/Dufourea complex.
Abstract is not available
School nurses' view of schoolchildren's health and their attitudes to document it in the school health record - a pilot study.
This study highlights school nurses' view of schoolchildren's health and their attitude to document it in the school health records. A strategic sample of 12 school nurses was interviewed. The interviews were semistructured and analysed with qualitative content analysis. The findings showed that the school nurses' viewed schoolchildren as physical healthy although they called attention to growing
Konstnären som forskare
Areal reduction factors from rain movement
Mid-infrared polarization spectroscopy of polyatomic molecules: Detection of nascent CO2 and H2O in atmospheric pressure flames
We report the application of mid-infrared polarization spectroscopy (IRPS) for detection of nascent CO2 and H2O in atmospheric pressure flames. The recorded IRPS spectra demonstrated both the quantitative nature of the method and the suppression of strong infrared emission from flames. In spite of the high line-density of the hot polyatomic ro-vibrational spectrum, lines belonging to different CO2
Generation of midbrain dopaminergic neurons in vivo and in vitro: the role of Neurogenin2
Popular Abstract in Swedish I hjärnan finns många olika typer av nervceller. De använder sig av olika signalsubstanser, kallade neurotransmittorer, för att kommunicera med andra nervceller. En viss typ av nervceller använder neurotransmittorn dopamin. Dopaminceller finns på många ställen i hjärnan men de flesta ligger i mellanhjärnan i ett par olika cellgrupper som var och en skickar signaler tillParkinsons disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder where dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra (SNc) in the mesencephalon are progressively eliminated. The ensuing loss of dopaminergic innervation of the basal ganglia manifests itself as severe motor deficits in PD patients. Clinical trials have shown that cell replacement therapy, where dopaminergic neuroblasts derived from fetal vent
Assessment of Functional Outcome in a National Quality Register for Acute Stroke. Can Simple Self-Reported Items Be Transformed Into the modified Rankin Scale?
Background and Purpose-To enable self-reporting of functional outcome in quality registers, the corresponding questions have to be easy to interpret. In scientific research, the modified Rankin Scale (mRS) is a standard assessment method. Such methods, with an outsider observer, are not feasible to use in quality registers. For several aspects, eg, comparisons between outcome in clinical studies a
Signatures of SN Ia in the galactic thick disk. Observational evidence from alpha -elements in 67 dwarf stars in the solar neighbourhood
We present the first results of a larger study into the stellarabundances and chemical trends in long-lived dwarf stars in the solarneighbourhood that belong to (based on their kinematics) the thin andthick galactic disk, respectively. We confirm that the trends of alpha-elements in the thin and thick disk are distinct (this has previouslybeen shown for Mg by Fuhrmann cite{Fuhrmann}, but e.g. Chen
Pooling reputations
It is shown that there are economics of scope in carrying a reputation, providing a rationale for multi-product firms in the absence of technological or organisational economies. It is also shown that a reputation for producing high quality of an old good may be necessary to introduce and maintain the production of a new good. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
In Vitro Activity of Lipopeptides Pal-Lys-Lys-NH2 and Pal-Lys-Lys Alone and in Combination with Antimicrobial Agents against Multiresistant Gram-positive Cocci.
The in vitro activities of the lipopeptides pahnitoyl (Pal)-Lys-Lys-NH2 and Pal-Lys-Lys against gram-positive cocci were investigated. Enterococci and streptococci demonstrated higher susceptibilities than staphylococci and Rhodococcus equi. A positive interaction was shown when the lipopeptides were combined with beta-lactams and vancomycin. These results suggest that lipopeptides are promising c
Company Law and accounting in nineteenth-century Europe - Sweden
Company Law and accounting in nineteenth-century Europe.
Localisation of Protein Kinase C in Apoptosis and Neurite Outgrowth
Protein kinase C (PKC) is a family of serine/threonine kinases, which are subgrouped into classical (a, bI, bII, g), novel (d, e, h, q) and atypical (z, i/l) isoforms. One major aim of this thesis work was to investigate if altered levels of PKC isoforms influence the apoptotic responses of malignant cell-lines. We show that overexpression of PKCd or PKCq renders SK-N-BE(2) neuroblastoma cells sen
Insulin release transduction mechanism through acid glucan 1,4-alpha-glucosidase activation is Ca2+ regulated
An important signal involved in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion is transduced through the action of a lysosomal acid, glucan 1,4-alpha-glucosidase. We investigated the Ca2+ dependency of this enzyme activity in relation to insulin release. In isolated islets, increased levels of extracellular Ca2+ induced a large increase in acid glucan 1,4-alpha-glucosidase activity accompanied by a similar
Flaskan och drinkarens barn - ett exempel från den tidiga sociala upplysningen
An electrocardiogram-based method for early detection of abrupt changes in blood pressure during hernodialysis
Clinical techniques for early detection of acute hypotension during conventional hemodialysis treatment are lacking, even though intradialytic hypotension is the most common acute complication. In this article, intradialytic hypotension is identified by means of signal analysis of data recorded at two clinics. The database consists of 30 treatments with concurrently acquired signals: the 12-lead e
Josefpoeltia and Xanthomendoza, two new genera in the Teloschistaceae (Ascomycotina).
Abstract is not available
Study of the hydronium ion in water. A combined quantum chemical and statistical mechanical treatment
A combined quantum mechanical statistical mechanical method has been used to study the solvation of the hydronium ion in water. The system is divided in three parts, a quantum core (the ion), 89 classical water molecules and a dielectric continuum. The water molecules are represented using a polarizable potential. The first solvation shell of the ion consists of three water molecules linked by hyd
Feeding behaviour of birds foraging on predictable resources in habitats of different quality
Using the density of food left in a patch after foraging - i.e. the giving-up density (GUD) - as a behavioural indicator, short-term foraging studies on birds in the dry and wet fringing forests and savanna habitats of the Amurum Forest Reserve, Laminga, Nigeria, were used to evaluate whether widespread food abundance will affect their behaviour in these apparently-different habitats. The effect o