

Din sökning på "*" gav 529632 sökträffar

Att förebygga livmoderhalscancer: Gynekologisk cellprovtagning samt vaccination mot Papillomvirus.

En förutsättning för insjuknande i cervixcancer är en infektion med genitalt papillomvirus - HPV. Sjukdomen uppstår efter åratal av förstadier, som kan upptäckas genom cervixcytologi/gynekologisk cellprovstagning och stoppas med behandling. I Sverige har cellprovstagningen minskat förekomsten av livmoderhalscancer med 50 procent. I Finland, där man använder organiserad screening, har förekomsten

Changes in transport functions of isolated rabbit choroid plexus under the influence of oestrogen and progesterone

Isolated choroid plexuses from rabbits were used to determine uptake and accumulation of 10(-5) M radiolabelled choline (expressed as tissue/medium ratio) and the activities of various types of ATPases (based on ouabain inhibition and bicarbonate stimulation) following pre-treatment of the animals with 0.5 mg kg-1 17-beta-oestradiol, alone or in combination with 2 mg kg-1 progesterone. The combine

Fv structure of monoclonal antibody II-481 against herpes simplex virus Fc gamma-binding glycoprotein gE contains immunodominant complementarity determining region epitopes that react with human immunoglobulin M rheumatoid factors

Human immunoglobulin M (IgM) rheumatoid factors (RFs) show primary direct enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) reactivity with Fab rather than Fc fragments of monoclonal antibody (mAb) II-481 directed against the Fc gamma-binding site of herpes simplex virus glycoprotein gE. This preferential anti-Fab specificity suggests that RFs react with antigen-binding portions of mAb II-481 as anti-idio

Current carbon balance of the forested area in Sweden and its sensitivity to global change as simulated by Biome-BGC

Detailed information from the Swedish National Forest Inventory was used to simulate the carbon balance for Sweden by the process-based model Biome-BGC. A few shortcomings of the model were identified and solutions to those are proposed and also used in the simulations. The model was calibrated against CO2 flux data from 3 forests in central Sweden and then applied to the whole country divided int

Size, concentration, and solvency effects on the viscosifying behavior of PEO-PS-PEO triblock copolymers in AOT oil-continuous microemulsions

The effect of changing the block lengths of triblock copolymers of poly(ethylene oxide) -polystyrene -poly(ethylene oxide) on the relative viscosity of AOT oil-continuous microemulsions, with cyclohexane as the oil, was investigated. Five different microemulsion compositions were used to have (a) a series of increasing droplet concentration at constant droplet size and (b) a series with increasing

Adrenocorticotrophic hormone lowers serum Lp(a) and LDL cholesterol concentrations in hemodialysis patients

Previously, we have shown that short-term administration of adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) results in reduced concentrations of apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins, including lipoprotein(a), and reduced activities of hepatic lipase. These effects were observed in steroid-treated patients suffering from iatrogenic ACTH deficiency and in healthy individuals. The direct nature of the influe

Liver dendritic cells present bacterial antigens and produce cytokines upon Salmonella encounter.

The capacity of murine liver dendritic cells (DC) to present bacterial Ags and produce cytokines after encounter with Salmonella was studied. Freshly isolated, nonparenchymal liver CD11c(+) cells had heterogeneous expression of MHC class II and CD11b and a low level of CD40 and CD86 expression. Characterization of liver DC subsets revealed that CD8alpha(-)CD4(-) double negative cells constituted t

Use of antiemetic drugs during pregnancy in Sweden

Background: More than one-half of all pregnant women suffer from nausea and vomiting during pregnancy (NVP), primarily during the first trimester. Methods: Prospectively ascertained information on drug use during pregnancy was obtained from the Swedish Medical Birth Register during the period July 1, 1995 to 2002. Antiemetics (antiemetic antihistamines, dopamine modulators, and ondansetron) primar

30 år av framgångsrik mykobakterieforskning. AHRI i Addis Abeba ­ unik forskningsmiljö i u-land

The Armauer Hansen Research Institute (AHRI) in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia, was established by the Swedish and Norwegian Save the Children organisations in collaboration with the University of Bergen, with the principal objective of pursuing basic research in leprosy. The institute has a commendable record of achievement, and has made significant contributions to our understanding of leprosy and its co

Plasma levels of persistent organohalogens and hormone levels in adult male humans

In this study the authors assessed the possible relationship between high dietary exposure to persistent organohalogens (OHS) through fatty fish from the Baltic Sea and hormone levels in adult men. Blood samples were drawn from 110 men who consumed varying amounts of fish (i.e., 0-32 meals per month) for analysis of plasma levels of 18 polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners, 5 hydroxy-PCBs, 1,1,

Adrenal incidentaloma - experience of a standardized diagnostic programme in the Swedish prospective study.

Bülow B, Ahrén B (Lund University, Lund, Sweden) on behalf of the Swedish Research Council Study Group of Endocrine Abdominal Tumours. Adrenal incidentaloma - experience of a standardized diagnostic programme in the Swedish prospective study. J Intern Med 2002; 252: 239-246. OBJECTIVE: To report the 5-year experience of a diagnostic programme for adrenal incidentaloma with special emphasis to diag

Medborgarskap efter nationalstaten? : Ett konstruktivt förslag

Popular Abstract in Swedish För drygt ett decennium sedan beslutade EU:s dåvarande tolv medlemsstater att upprätta ett gemensamt europeiskt medborgarskap för unionens invånare. Alltsedan dess har det europeiska medborgarskapet varit en omdiskuterad och kontroversiell, men för den breda allmänheten tämligen okänd, innovation i den europeiska integrationen. I Medborgarskap efter nationalstaten ? ettThis thesis is an attempt to formulate a constructive proposal for the ongoing establishment of a post-national European citizenship in the European Union. To the extent that the proposal is post-national, the ambition is to re-conceptualise the idea and ideal of citizenship in a new historical setting. To the extent that the proposal is constructive, the ambition is to develop and employ a method

Deposition of particle-attached radon progeny in the respiratory tract - an experimental study of children and adults in home environments

A method to study total deposition of aerosol attached radon progeny in children and adults have been validated and used in home environments. Two persons, one child and one adult are tested simultaneously, thus inhaling from the same aerosol and allowing for a direct comparison. The aim of the study was to increase the knowledge of the lung deposition and thereby the knowledge of the radiation do

Photoemission from surface-localized structures on vicinal surfaces: Initial- or final-state superlattice effect?

Strong superlattice effects are reported on E(k(vertical bar vertical bar)) band dispersions measured by angle-resolved photoemission on W(3 3 1) and W(5 5 1), and graphene nanostripes on Ni(7 7 1). A splitting of the dispersions with reciprocal superlattice vector G = 2 pi/L is observed for a surface resonance on W(3 3 1) and W(5 5 1) and for pi-states of graphene/Ni(7 7 1). Photon-energy-depende