

Din sökning på "*" gav 531412 sökträffar

Some chroococcalean and oscillatorialean Cyanoprokaryotes from southern African lakes, ponds and pools

This article is the first part (Chroococcales and Oscillatoriales) of a study of little known planktic and metaphytic cyanoprokaryotes (cyanophytes, cyanobacteria) from ponds, lakes and water reservoirs in southern Africa. Thirty-three species were observed, of which 24 are presented with comments. Ten new species are defined, and one species, originally described as a taxonomic form, is recombine

MPCtools 1.0 -- Reference Manual

The manual describes MPCtools, a set a Matlab functions for simulation of MPC controllers. MPCtools supports linear state space models for prediction, linear inequality constraints on controls and states and quadratic cost functions. MPCtools also supports Simulink, enabling evaluation of MPC controllers applied to non-linear plants.

Teloschisteaceae and Parmeliaceae - A review of the present Problems and challenges in lichen systematics at different taxonomic levels.

Problems in classification of main systematic groups are discussed for lichenized ascomycetes exemplified mainly with the Teloschistaceae and Parmeliaceae. Different criteria for delimiting genera and species in these two families are discussed. The lack of separating infraspecific taxa for assigning evolutionary divergence is obvious in both families. The subspecific category is rarely used in li

Ethanol from woodCellulase enzyme production

Conversion of biomass to liquid fuels, such as ethanol, has been investigated during the past decades. First due to the oil crisis of the 1970s and lately because of concerns about greenhouse effect, ethanol has been found to be a suitable substitute for gasoline in transportation. Although ethanol is produced in large quantities from corn starch, the conversion of lignocellulosic biomass to ethan

Periphyton density influences organochlorine accumulation in rivers

To investigate the influence of eutrophication on organochlorine dynamics in lotic systems, we related polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) concentrations in brown trout (Salmo trutta) to the periphyton density and total phosphorus concentrations (Tot-P) in 10 Swedish rivers. Tot-P concentrations in the water ranged from 37 +/- 4 to 156 +/- 51 mug L-1. Periphyton density in the rivers during the experim

Abdominal adhesions - clinical impact and experimental prevention

Popular Abstract in Swedish Sammanväxningar i buken är en normal reaktion efter skador i bukhinnan och utvecklas efter ett inflammatoriskt svar och det efterföljande läkningsförloppet. Många sammanväxningar bildas inom 24-48 timmar efter skadan och tillbakabildas normalt efter 5-7 dagar. Många av de sammanväxningar som kvarstår kan ses som en obalans i de system som bildar ärr (fibros) och löser dIntraabdominal adhesions are formed after most operations and a limited number of studies have to examine the long-term spectrum of adhesion-related disorders and the cost associated with this. Only a few numbers of antiadhesive agents are available which, however, do not decrease the actual morbidity that follows intraabdominal adhesions, such as small bowel obstruction, infertility and pain. Fut

DNA based classification of food associated Enterobacteriaceae previously identified by biolog GN microplates

Enterobacteriaceae are frequently isolated from food products and it is essential to have methods for correct identification for both food hygiene and epidemiology reasons. Phenotypic methods are not always sufficient and have to be supplemented by DNA based methods. In the present study, 70 strains of Enterobacteriaceae derived from milk, fish and meat that had previously been identified by Biolo

Compact medical fluorosensor for minimally invasive tissue characterization

A compact fiber-optic point-measuring fluorosensor fully adapted to clinical studies is described. The system can use two excitation wavelengths, 337 and 405 nm, obtained from a nitrogen laser directly, or after dye laser conversion, respectively. The image intensifier used in the spectrometer can be gated with a variable time delay, allowing also time-resolved spectra to be extracted, with a time

Obesity and cardiovascular disease. Aspects of methods and susceptibility.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Fetma räknas som ett av världens tio viktigaste hälsoproblem enligt WHO och ökar i snabb takt. Man beräknar att över 1 miljard av världens vuxna befolkning är överviktig, d.v.s. har ett kroppsmasseindex (BMI) ?25.0 kg/m², varav 300 miljoner är feta, d.v.s. har ett BMI ?30.0 kg/m². I Sverige är 38% av kvinnor och 58% av män mellan 25 och 64 år överviktiga, och 11% respekThe aim of this thesis was to study the morbidity and mortality of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in obese individuals, as measured by different obesity measurements, and to explore how the CVD risk related to obesity was modified by other biologic and socio-demographic circumstances. Data from two population-based cohort studies was used. The Malmö Preventive Project included 22 444 middle-aged me

A Case Study Investigating the Characteristics of Verification and Validation Activities in the Software Development Process

System verification and validation are important activitiesin the software development process aiming at testing thesoftware system in various quality aspects.The purpose of this study is to investigate theimportant characteristics of the verification andvalidation activities in the software development processin an organization. A qualitative research method isemployed in order to facilitate the

Full oscillation cycle phase noise analysis of differential CMOS LC oscillators

This paper analyzes the phase noise of the widely used differential LC oscillator topology and presents brief equations describing phase noise over the entire oscillation period. The findings show that if a capacitance is present at the source node of the differential pair, two phenomena occur that increase the phase noise: the switch time increases, lengthening the interval spent in a noisy balan

Deconvolution under monotonicity assumptions

We state limit distribution results for the isotonic inverse estimator of a distribution function when the data are disturbed by a random variable with a decreasing density. Three different dependence structures are considered: independent, weak dependent and suboordinated gaussian long range dependent data.

Natural history of patients with unoperated atherosclerotic carotid artery disease--results from a retrospective study

The natural history of carotid artery disease was studied in a retrospective study of 609 angiograms performed during 1969-1979 on patients who had subsequently not been operated on. The indication for angiography differed, but was aimed at clarifying suspected cerebrovascular events. 578 patients could be followed-up after a median time of 10.4 years (0-22). The median survival time after angiogr