Den godmodiga gästen i trädgården
Folktraditioner om igelkotten
Folktraditioner om igelkotten
Popular Abstract in Swedish Hjärtsvikt är ett sjukdomstillstånd som blir allt vanligare i vårt samhälle i takt med att människor blir äldre och att man idag räddar allt fler människor till livet efter hjärtinfarkt. Som namnet antyder sviktar hjärtat, det kan inte pumpa ut den mängd blod som krävs för att tillgodose kroppens behov av syre och näringsämnen. Sjukdomen indelas i olika svårighetsgraderCongestive heart failure is accompanied with increased circulatory levels of several vasoregulatory neurotransmitters and hormones which affect the outcome of this disease. In this thesis the blood levels of several vasoactive peptides in humans with congestive heart failure and their effects on the vasculature by the use of an animal model of heart failure were studied. Patients with congestive
Abstract in UndeterminedThe make-or-buy decision is analyzed in a simple framework combining contractual incompleteness with the existence of an imperfect but contractible performance measure. Contractual incompleteness gives rise to two regimes, identified with make and buy. The performance measure on which comprehensive contracts can be written is imperfect in the sense of being subject to manip
This thesis is a study of the theology of canon law in the Pedalion. The Pedalion (Πηδάλιον: ”rudder”) is a famous Greek Orthodox collection of canon law. It was printed in Leipzig 1800 by permission of the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. St. Nikodemos Hagioreites and Agapios Leonardos were the authors. What is the theoretical foundation of canon law according to the Pedalion? How is th
With the start-up of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a new energy regime has opened up. The Standard Model (SM) can be ``rediscovered'' and new theories can be tested. ALICE, the dedicated heavy-ion experiment at LHC, will also record proton-proton (pp) collisions. Even though the main goal of the ALICE proton program is to provide the baseline measurements for interpreting the heavy-ion data,
Summing up the main themes of the first production studies oriented conference in this particular European region.
As an historian studying the Swedish migration to America, I often come across the notion that the Swedish sources on the subject are excellent and that we who studies swedish migration are fortunate because of this. It is generally thought that 1.2 million swedes emigrated to America and that about 200.000 people returned to Sweden, but is this true? In my ongoing study of the return migration
Exaggerated acidosis due to preischemic hyperglycemia shortens the maturation time for cell death and turns selective neuronal damage into pannecrosis. Some issues concerning the mechanisms are yet to be clarified. The present study was designed to define critical thresholds of plasma glucose, to investigate the influence of preischemic hyperglycemia on ion transients, to evaluate the role of calc
Popular Abstract in Swedish Sedan 1900-talets början har jordens medeltemperatur ökat med ca 0.9 grader, vilket bland annat resulterat i mer extremt väder, varmare världshav och att världens isar smälter med översvämningar av kustregioner som följd. Det är numera accepterat att denna temperaturökning med stor sannolikhet beror på människans utsläpp av växthusgaser, ex koldioxid (CO2). KoncentratioThe thesis work was performed with the aim of increasing knowledge and understanding of the combustion of oxygenated fuels and intermediates. This was accomplished in two steps: experimental measurements of the laminar burning velocity to expand current databases and development of a reaction mechanism. In the first part of the project, the laminar burning velocity of oxygenated fuels and interme