

Din sökning på "*" gav 526186 sökträffar

The Growing Emphasis on Social Citizenship in Nordic Education – Inducing New Social Risks While Trying to Alleviate Them

Education as a social right has been gaining strong prominence in the Nordic countries transition towards the post-industrial society. I focused the Swedish educational system. The study finds that the right to education turned into a moral duty to be an enlightened citizen. The interviewees’ stigmatize vocational programmes and encourage pupils to choose ‘right’ meaning school-based education. A

Comparison of Different Electrical Machines for Belt-driven Alternator and Starter

Popular Abstract in Swedish I takt med att fossila bränslen, så som olja och bensin, minskar av jordens resurser så ökar tyvärr samtidigt förbrukningen och därmed efterfrågan på mer bränsle. Detta beror delvis på ökningen av antalet fordon samt på den ökande transportsektorn i världen. De enorma koldioxidutsläppen fortsätter att förstöra vår miljö. I ett kraftfullt försök att minska utsläppen och This thesis focuses on the electromagnetic design of a synchronous machine suited for a belt-driven alternator and starter (BAS) in a micro hybridisation of a mid-size passenger car. The BAS needs to provide a high cranking torque to start the combustion engine, especially in a cool condition where the requirements are highest. Besides the high cranking torque it is desirable to have high power pe

Some Words on Cryptanalysis of Stream Ciphers

In the world of cryptography, stream ciphers are known as primitives used to ensure privacy over a communication channel. One common way to build a stream cipher is to use a keystream generator to produce a pseudo-random sequence of symbols. In such algorithms, the ciphertext is the sum of the keystream and the plaintext, resembling the one-time pad principal. Although the idea behind stream ciphe

Nest-site attendance and foraging ecology of the Northern Fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis) on the Faroe Islands. Is the Northern Fulmar a useful indicator of ecosystem productivity and pollution?

Popular Abstract in English As far as we know the Northern Fulmar (just referred to as Fulmar from her on), did not start breeding on the Faroe Islands before about 150 years ago. But it has been known by the Faroese for a long time. Mainly as a bad omen and according to folklore fishermen would return home if they encountered Fulmars when out at sea, since they believed it was the bringer of storThe Northern Fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis) is one of the most abundant seabirds in the Northern Hemisphere and the most abundant seabird on the Faroe Islands. Except from a few sporadic observations up until the 1950´s no study has focused on this species on the Faroe Islands. Being considered a significant consumer of marine resources in the Faroese marine ecosystem a closer study of this species´

Novel Moderate Halophiles: Application of Halomonas boliviensis in Biopolyester Production

The south-west Andean region of Bolivia has vast landscapes comprising salt deserts and dry lands interspersed with a number of saline lakes. Much of this region lies above 4000 m above sea level that allows the survival of limited and unique flora and fauna. This thesis involves studies on novel, moderately halophilic microorganisms isolated from this region. Strains LC1T and LC2 were isolated fr

The Antarctic Treaty System - Erga Omnes or Inter Partes?

The Antarctic Treaty was concluded by twelve states in Washington on 1 December 1959. Although the Antarctic Treaty has a limited number of parties, its impact has been considerable and lauded, but also questioned. A number of international agreements have developed subsequent to, and under the auspices of, the Antarctic Treaty; all of which have contributed to the establishment and strengthening

Mer än bara kvinnor och män : feministiska perspektiv på genus

Vad är genus(vetenskap)? Handlar det bara om kvinnor och kanske om män? I denna bok vill författarna spegla och utmana den svenska genusvetenskapen genom att utforska hur genusrelationer samverkar med andra förtryckssystem, som klass och etniska relationer. Ett feministiskt perspektiv på genus(vetenskap) innebär för författarna “mer än bara kvinnor och män” i två bemärkelser. För det första att g

Mogen, vuxen och med nya perspektiv - utlandspraktik vid sex svenska industrigymnasier

I detta kapitel har vi undersökt hur sex industrigymnasier, knutna till multinationella företag, ser på utlandspraktik. Vi har frågat skolrepresentanter och elever om varför utlandspraktik ingår i utbildningen, vad som förväntas av eleverna och vad de själva förväntar sig, vilka erfarenheter och kunskaper som betraktas som viktiga samt om utlandspraktiken har någon betydelse för anställningsbarhet

Med Lenin på byrån - normer kring klass, genus och sexualitet i den svenska kommunistiska rörelsen 1921-1939

The thesis Med Lenin på byrån (With Lenin on the drawer) studies magazines produced by the Swedish communist movement during the inter-war years and has two aims; firstly to determine if (and how) class-norms were constructed through descriptions of gender and sexuality, and secondly if (and how) norms regarding gender and sexuality were constructed through descriptions of class. One of the underl