

Din sökning på "*" gav 533668 sökträffar

Handling eller hyckleri? En studie om Sveriges minoritetspolitik gällande romer och utbildning

År 1999 erkändes romerna i Sverige som en av landets fem nationella minoriteter. Sveriges minoritetspolitik syftar till att ge stöd och skydd till minoriteternas språk, kultur och traditioner, vilket ska ske genom olika instanser i samhället. Den här uppsatsen fokuserar på om Sveriges minoritetspolitik gällande romer är ett fall av handling eller hyckleri. För att undersöka frågeställningen har vi

The rise of a New Elite- The effects on state, nation, identity and democracy in a globalizing world

The pressure from the contemporary globalizing world has put great stress on the nation-state and the institutions housed within it. The state has traditionally been legitimized internally either through the nation or through democracy. As a result of globalization new non-spatial based identities emerge that have other loyalties and access to networks outside the nation-state that the rest of the

Non-Identity. Att undkomma ett moralfilosofiskt moment 22

Can we harm future people? According to our commonly used contractarian theories, it seems we cannot. This is because our actions of today not only influence what they are supposed to influence, but also who mates with whom and when, and thus which particular persons will ever live in the future. Had we not performed a particular action, the future people born as a result of that same action, woul

Folkligt deltagande utan folket - Hur lagen om Popular Participation kom att påverka kvinnor och landsortsbefolkning i Bolivia

Bolivia genomförde neoliberalt inspirerade reformer under 1990-talet. En av lagarna som kom till då, Law of Popular Participation, decentraliserade vissa besluts- och planeringsprocesser till lokal nivå. Ett centralt inslag i lagen var det ökade deltagande och inflytande som den ämnade ge kvinnor och förfördelad landsortsbefolkning. Som spunnen ur en neoliberal tradition, syftar vår litteraturstud

Las Madres de Plaza de Mayo -Ett framsteg eller bakslag för jämställdhet i Argentina

1976 till 1983 var en tid av politisk terror i Argentina. Det sägs att över 30 000 människor försvann genom militärjuntans övergrepp. Las Madres de Plaza de Mayo var en kvinnorörelse som bestod av mödrar till försvunna och som arbetade för mänskliga rättigheter. De tog sig in i den offentliga sfären med hjälp av sitt moderskap och trotsade därmed även distinktionen mellan det privata och det offen

Good Governance: En utvecklingsagenda i Världsbankens regi

Good governance-begreppet introducerades av Världsbanken på slutet av 1980-talet som riktlinjer för hur en stat på bästa sätt skall organiseras och styras för att nå ekonomisk utveckling. Good governance-idealen innefattar bland annat öppenhet, transparens, rättsäkerhet och effektivitet, som sägs uppnås genom åtgärder som liberalisering och decentralisering. Banken har använt sig av konditionalite

Sociala rörelser. Politiska möjligheter, framing och samhällsvärderingar. En fallstudie på Sovjetunionen och transitionen till demokrati.

This thesis is a study of social movements and their possibilities to effect politics by infuencing values in society through framing. I've looked upon social movements from a functionalistic-structuralistic perspective, as if they were carriers of values from people that otherwise won't be represented in the political life. The values that the social movements are struggling for can affec

Ny världsordning, nya utmaningar? En teorianvändande studie om förhållandet mellan USA och Europa sedan Kalla krigets slut

In this thesis I discuss and analyse the relationship between USA and Europe since the end of the Cold War. Many authors claimed that the Soviet threat was the glue that kept the continents together. Now that threat is gone and new challenges have risen. In what way has this relationship been influenced by the new challenges this new era stands for? By doing a case study and by using two quite dif

Institutions and Ideals. Exploring Perceptions of Democracy in Jamaica.

This thesis focuses on democracy, which here is seen as both certain institutional arrangements (notably competitive elections and multipartyism) and more abstract ideals that these arrangements are intended to secure (such as accountability and responsiveness). The intention is to explore how citizens of a polity characterized by competitive elections and high levels of political participation -

Peacekeeping and Prostitution: A Case Study of the Swedish Experience From Kosovo and Bosnia

This thesis analyses the connection between Swedish peacekeeping and prostitution. Initially an explanatory model is developed based on the concept of hegemonic masculinity. The model indicates that it is likely that Swedish peacekeepers? demand for prostitution can be explained as a result of a need to confirm manhood and homo-social bounding. However, it is also pointed out that more research h

The Internet : a Kula Ring of today

This study aims to investigate whether the Internet can be a useful tool in organisations in developing countries that are working for empowerment, democratisation and an increased global justice. I have elucidated the opportunities involved and the prerequisites for it to happen. The ability for groups to interact at great distances and at a rapid speed raises interesting questions about collecti

Kan skola, fritid och familj hjälpa barn som befinner sig i riskzonen till kriminalitet?

Vi har valt att titta på om familj, skola och fritid kan hjälpa barn som befinner sig i riskzonen för att utveckla en kriminell livsstil. Syftet med undersökningen är att studera om man kan förebygga kriminalitet för barn som befinner sig i riskzonen genom tidiga insatser i skola, familj och på fritid. För att få djupare information har vi använt oss av kvalitativ metod. För att få en djupare förs

Islam och Demokrati : En komparativ studie rörande den islamiska legitimeringen av demokrati

This thesis is dedicated to analysing the relationship between Islam and democracy and the role played by Civil Society in a process towards democracy. This theme is further elaborated through a comprehensive study of three modern Muslim intellectuals: Abdolkarim Soroush (Iran), Hasan Hanafi (Egypt), and Tariq Ramadan (Switzerland), and their thoughts about and views on Islam and democracy. Islam

Poker - ett kortspel? : En analys varför pokerspelandet är så stort just nu

Studien koncentrerades på den ökade uppmärksamheten kring pokerspel i media. Intresset tycks ha ökat kring detta "fenomen" vilket fört med sig både kommersiell uppmärksamhet och kanske en ökad nyfikenhet för dem som tidigare inte varit spelintresserade. Föreliggande analys diskuterade varför ett sådant intresse plötsligt fått genomslagskraft. Diskussionen inleddes med ett teoriavsnitt dä

Bolivia kvinnorörelser och multietnisk stat

This thesis examines the possibility of Bolivian indigenous women’s social movements’ getting their demands of a gender equal society fulfilled in the new state which was initiated in 2005 when Evo Morales became the first president representing the indigenous people of the country. By using a qualitative method I have showed that although the Bolivian indigenous women’s social movements’ historic

Myths and realities of check and balance in sustaining democracy A case study of the American constitution

Scholars, philosophers, politicians, and citizens alike have been fascinated, since their first implementation in old Athens, with the conceptualisation of separation of powers principle, and the checks and balances mechanisms. Through a case study of the US constitution, this essay analyzes how the separation of powers principle and checks and balances mechanisms, with regards to foreign policy,

Insider? Outsider? The Identity of Taiwanese in Shanghai

The aim of this thesis is to discuss the construction of Taiwanese identity in Shanghai and compare with the studies on identity formation in Taiwan itself. The thesis is divided into three parts: cultural identity, ethnic identity and political identity. A total of 10 male and female students from Taiwan who had resided a year and above and enrolled in higher education in Shanghai were interviewe

En nationell sorg En analys av effekterna av mordet på utrikesminister Anna Lindh utifrån ett nationalistiskt perspektiv

In September 2003 the Swedish minister of foreign affairs Anna Lindh was murdered. The murder shocked Sweden and the picture of a safe homeland was challenged. The Swedish people joined together in different manifestations and rituals to show their appreciation for the minister and to mourn together. A few days later the nation was going to vote on whether Sweden should join the euro and the minis

Communication in Waste Management Promotion of Waste Separation in Households

Separation of waste in households is a widespread practice in modern waste management systems. Waste separation programmes are dependent on the voluntary agreement of the public to do the separation and success of it is considered to depend on promotion and public information. The purpose of the thesis is to explore various communication tools that can help overcome specific barriers to public par