Din sökning på "*" gav 532841 sökträffar
Islet adaptation to insulin resistance: mechanisms and implications for intervention.
The Danish effect on Swedish alcohol costs An analysis based on hospitalization data from southern Sweden.
This study investigated: (a) the cost and change in hospitalizations related to alcohol misuse for the healthcare sector and (b) the effect of distance to the border on alcohol-related hospitalization costs. The first objective was analyzed using descriptive statistics and the second using ordinary least squares regression on aggregated municipality data. The total cost decreased marginally during
Contraceptive use in women with bacterial vaginosis
PIP: To determine whether bacterial vaginosis (BV) is associated with use of specific contraceptive methods, 956 women from family planning and youth clinics at 3 Swedish hospitals were enrolled in a cohort study. 131 women had at least 3 of the 4 clinical signs of BV: a homogenous gray vaginal discharge, a vaginal pH of 4.7, a positive amine test, and the presence of "clue" cells. Age at first in
Flow cytometric mapping of the leukotriene B4 receptor, BLT1, in human bone marrow and peripheral blood using specific monoclonal antibodies.
Applet verification strategies for RAM-constrained devices
While bringing considerable flexibility and extending the horizons of mobile computing, mobile code raises major security issues. Hence, mobile code, such as Java applets, needs to be analyzed before execution. The byte-code verifier checks low-level security properties that ensure that the downloaded code cannot bypass the virtual machine's security mechanisms. One of the statically ensured prope
Ljuset under sjuttonhundratalet
Review of Antony Beevor, "Andra världskriget"
Gustaf V - Kung i otakt med tiden
Bulk and surface characterization of In2O3(001) single crystals
A comprehensive bulk and surface investigation of high-quality In2O3(001) single crystals is reported. The transparent-yellow, cube-shaped single crystals were grown using the flux method. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) reveals small residues of Pb, Mg, and Pt in the crystals. Four-point-probe measurements show a resistivity of 2.0 +/- 0.5 x 10(5) Omega cm, which translates
Recension: Nordic Narratives of the Second World War. National Historiographies Revisited
Prospective study of IGF-I, IGF-binding proteins, and breast cancer risk, in Northern and Southern Sweden
Objective: To examine the possible relationships of breast cancer risk to prediagnostic plasma levels of insulin; insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I); and IGF-binding proteins -1, -2, and -3. Methods: Within two prospective cohorts in Umea and Malmo we measured plasma concentrations of insulin, IGF-I, and IGFBPs for a total of 513 incident breast cancer cases and 987 matched controls. Results: Gl
Interleukin-2-inducible T cell kinase regulates mast cell degranulation and acute allergic responses
Bruton's tyrosine kinase (Btk) is thought to positively regulate mast cell activation, implying a role in allergic responses. We have compared acute and late phase allergic airway reactions in mice lacking either Btk or interleukin-2-inducible T cell kinase (Itk), another Tec kinase expressed in mast cells. Btk(-/-) mice showed minor protection against allergic symptoms when challenged with allerg
Measuring Mindfulness: Pilot Studies with the Swedish Versions of the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale and the Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills.
The present article describes data from pilot studies with the Swedish versions of the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) and the Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills (KIMS). The MAAS and two of the KIMS scales, Act with Awareness and Accept without Judgment, were found to correlate in the predicted direction with measures of well-being and emotional distress. The KIMS scales Observe and
Beta-estradiol effect on erythrocyte aggregation--a controlled in vitro study
The purpose of this in vitro study was to assess the effect of 17beta-estradiol on hemorheologic parameters, namely on erythrocyte aggregation and deformability and membrane fluidity.Blood samples from 65 women (aged 57 +/- 4 years) undergoing postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy were obtained and were incubated for 5 min in absence and presence of 17beta-estradiol 10(-5) M. The measured par
From starch to starch microspheres: Factors controlling the microspheres quality
Starch microparticle is a dosage form suitable for encapsulation of protein drugs. The microparticle characteristics can be influential factors for consecutive sustained drug release from the starch matrix and impact its ability to be coated by poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide). In this study, six types of starch microparticles were investigated and characterized. Desired qualities of the microsphere
Morphometric analysis of subcortical structures in progressive supranuclear palsy: In vivo evidence of neostriatal and mesencephalic atrophy
Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by gait and postural disturbance, gaze palsy, apathy, decreased verbal fluency and dysexecutive symptoms, with some of these clinical features potentially having origins in degeneration of frontostriatal circuits and the mesencephalon. This hypothesis was investigated by manual segmentation of the caudate and putamen
Intrapersonal Variability in Post-Prandial Response Based on Meal Categorization
The transcriptional co-repressor myeloid translocation gene 16 inhibits glycolysis and stimulates mitochondrial respiration.
The myeloid translocation gene 16 product MTG16 is found in multiple transcription factor-containing complexes as a regulator of gene expression implicated in development and tumorigenesis. A stable Tet-On system for doxycycline-dependent expression of MTG16 was established in B-lymphoblastoid Raji cells to unravel its molecular functions in transformed cells. A noticeable finding was that express
The Role of the Cortico-Basal Ganglia-System in Voluntary Movements
Popular Abstract in Swedish Nervsystemet är sannolikt en av de mest vidunderliga strukturer som skapats i detta universum - denna avhandling hade till exempel varken kunnat skrivas eller läsas utan det. Som av en slump handlar den också om just nervsystemet och läsande och skrivande är två exempel på olika funktioner som möjliggjorts på grund av det. Även om dessa utgör funktioner som är ovanliga Bodies with multiple limbs and joints have endless possibilities to move around in their surrounding space. How the nervous system controls this amount of degrees of freedom in motor execution is a question under vigorous debate. In an ambition to explore related aspects of motor control we conducted parallel electrophysiological recordings of motor circuits in the cortex and basal ganglia in the