

Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar

The potential of proton beam radiation therapy in intracranial and ocular tumours

A group of oncologists and hospital physicists have estimated the number of patients in Sweden suitable for proton beam therapy. The estimations have been based on current statistics of tumour incidence, number of patients potentially eligible for radiation treatment, scientific support from clinical trials and model dose planning studies and knowledge of the doseresponse relations of different tu

Bulk electronic structure of K3C60 as revealed by soft x-rays

We present C 1s x-ray absorption, x-ray emission, and resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) spectra of single-phase crystalline K3C60. The comparison to valence-band photoelectron spectra from the same sample facilitates identification of the contribution from surface and bulk electronic states in the latter. Bulk-sensitive techniques show that the valence bands of K3C60 and pure C60 are char

The Railway Station and The Interregional Traveller - traveller preferences and implications for the planning process

The interregional traveller’s preferences of railway stations, their service provision and location, are of interest in the discussion of station reinvention brought on by the introduction of high speed train traffic. A railway station is created by station as well as societal agents, and can be described as a synthesis of symbolic value, location, traffic, services and stationscape. Traveller pr

Quantum-confinement effects in InAs-InP core-shell nanowires

We report the detection of quantum confinement in single InAs-InP core shell nanowires. The wires, having an InAs core with similar to 25 nm diameter, are characterized by emission spectra in which two peaks are identified under high excitation intensity conditions. The peaks are caused by emission from the ground and excited quantized levels, due to quantum confinement in the plane perpendicular

Serum concentrations of cartilage oligomeric matrix protein, fibrinogen and hyaluronan distinguish inflammation and cartilage destruction in experimental arthritis in rats.

OBJECTIVES:We investigated if changes in serum/plasma fibrinogen (FIB), hyaluronan (HA) and cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) levels can be used to differentiate between inflammation and cartilage involvement during arthritis. METHODS:Collagen-induced arthritis (CIA), oil-induced arthritis (OIA) and for comparison, experimental autoimmune encephalitis (EAE) induced in DA rats were investi

On the systematic measurement errors of correlative mobile radio channel sounders

We show that measurements of time-varying mobile radio channels obtained with uncalibrated correlative channel sounders are affected by four different types of systematic errors (commutation, pulse-compression, aliasing, and misinterpretation error). We analyze these errors and provide upper error bounds that are formulated in terms of channel and sounder parameters. Based on these error bounds, w

A voltage-translinear based CMOS signal component separator chip for linear LINC transmitters

The LINC transmitter is an architecture that provides linear amplification using nonlinear but power efficient amplifiers. One crucial signal processing function of LINC is the signal component separator (SCS) which forms two constant-amplitude phase-modulated signals from the source signal. This paper presents an analog SCS chip implemented in a 0.35 mum CMOS process using a novel design based on

Determinants of quality of life in people with severe mental illness

Objective: The objective of this article was to review some methodological issues in this field and give an overview of empirical research findings with a special focus on factors associated with or affecting subjective quality of life in people with a severe mental illness. Method: A selective review of relevant scientific literature on quality of life in severe mental illness was conducted. Resu

Dominance of low-l component in weakly bound deformed single-neutron orbits

Calculating single-particle (Nilsson) levels in axially symmetric quadrupole-deformed potentials in coordinate space, the structure of weakly bound neutron orbits is studied in the absence of pair correlation. It is shown that in the wave functions of Omega(pi)=1/2(+) orbits, where Omega expresses the projection of the particle angular momentum along the symmetry axis, the l=0 (s(1/2)) component b

Droplet Formation and Growth in Polluted Fogs

Fog droplet formation and growth related to fog droplet activation were studied in a polluted region. The joint field experiments were carried out at San Pietro Capofiume in northern Italy during November 1994. It was found that the fog droplet number distribution was continuous in the size region 1-47 µm and that for most of the time the fog consisted of unactivated droplets, i.e. the droplets we

Pain and nutrition as experienced by patients with hip fracture

The purpose of this study was to investigate patients' experiences of care in connection with hip fracture. The care process was examined through non-participant observation, informal field interviews and healthcare records. The findings showed that many factors in the healthcare services directly or indirectly influence patients' perceptions of the quality of care. Some of these factors may depen

Chloride profiling in marine concrete - methods and tools for sampling

Popular Abstract in Swedish Detta projekt fokuserar på hur man på bästa sätt bestämmer kloridprofiler i marina betongkonstruktioner. När borrmjöl från provtagning på marina betongkonstruktioner analyseras, är det inte ovanligt att de olika kloridprofilerna varierar oerhört mycket även om provtagningspunkterna ligger mycket nära varandra inom ett område med till synes homogen betong. Syftet med proThis project focuses on how to determine the chloride content in concrete structures exposed to marine environment in an accurate way. When analyzing dust from dry drilling in concrete, it is very often a fact that the chloride profiles show extensive variations even if the sampling has been performed within a very concentrated area with the sampling points close to each other. Several authors hav

Proton-Induced X-Ray Emission Analysis - A New Tool in Quantitative Dermatology

Proton-Induced X-ray emission analysis (PIXE) constitutes a method for trace element analysis characterized by multielemental capability, detection limits in the low ppm-range and size resolution down towards a micrometre. In applications where the sensitivity of the Electron-Induced X-ray Emission (EIXE) analysis is not sufficient and where a spatial resolution not better than a few micrometres i

A fibroblast heparan sulphate proteoglycan with a 70 kDa core protein is linked to membrane phosphatidylinositol

Here we present evidence that a fibroblast heparan sulphate proteoglycan of approx. 300 kDa and with a core protein of apparent molecular mass 70 kDa is covalently linked to the plasma membrane via a linkage structure involving phosphatidylinositol. Phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C releases such a heparan sulphate proteoglycan only from cells labelled with [35S]sulphate in the absence