Din sökning på "*" gav 528693 sökträffar
Planering av biogasanläggningar: en fråga om samverkan och förhandling
Hannah Arendt och utbildningsfilosofin
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Arkeologi och helig geometri
Archaeology and sacred geometry : Is it possible and desirable to separate between science and pseudo science, between archaeology and pseudo archaeology? And should archaeologists igonore, understand or criticise pseudo archaeology? My experiences from the study of four traditions within the field of “sacred topographies” show, that it is rather difficult or even impossible to separate archaeolog
Tomorrow is Another Day: Information Systems Governance
In many organizations, the Chief Information Officer is considered to preside over a separate function, providing a service to the business. Discussions about governance are confined to properties of this service, e.g. through a service level agreement. Members of the CIO’s staff are often seen as technical experts possessing esoteric skills desired but not understood by other staff. Many research
Utrikespolitiskt beslutsfattande
Rättsteologi - en syntes i en vetenskapshistorisk diskurs
On real-time performance of ahead-of-time compiled Java
One of the main challenges in getting acceptance for safe object-oriented languages in hard real-time systems is to combine automatic memory management with hard real-time constraints, while providing adequate general execution performance. An approach to real-time Java based on ahead-of-time compilation is presented, and real-time properties and problems are examined. In particular, achieving bot
Staden som upplevelserum
Under perioden mellan 1955 och 1995 präglades det svenska stadsbyggandet av rationalitet och funktionsuppdelning. En bieffekt blev att staden som upplevelselandskap utarmades. I många snabbt växande svenska städer kom de "riktiga stadskvarteren" att ligga som små öar omgärdade av ett allt större modernt bebyggelselandskap. Mängder av verksamheter, invånare och besökare fortsätter dock att föredra
Service och underhåll
Design of Powder Core Motors
The goal of the study presented in this thesis is to evaluate the advantages and drawbacks of using powder technology in the design of the iron core of small claw-pole electric motors. The use of soft magnetic composites (SMC) and compaction technology allows the creation of complex 3D iron cores. The additional dimension opens for new solutions of the electromechanical energy conversion. A claw-p
Drug-induced contractions in isolated human groin lymphatics.
Privilegiet att spela. Stadsmusikanten på 1700-talet
Doktorsavhandlingar i Lund under åren 1900 till 1970
Vardagstingens visuella brus : mediala aspekter på teknologi- och designhistoria
I artikeln prövar jag att betrakta design och teknologi, särskilt äldre sådan, i ett medieperspektiv, som delar av och i samverkan med ett större spektrum av mediala perspektiv. Med utgångspunkt i 1800-talets interiörer och interiörföremål presenterar jag och diskuterar designobjekt och teknologiska föremål som delar av interiörernas medierade uttrycksspråk, med syftet att betona de mer språkliga
Vision forming and brain storming. Different aspects of creativity captured by a percept-genetic measurement and traditional measurements of creativity
The relationship between a percept-genetic measurement of creativity and other tests of creativity was investigated. The participants were elementary school children. The relation between self-image and three different creativity measures was also studied. A creative fluency test, a questionnaire about creative activities and a percept-genetic creativity test were used. A self-image inventory meas