

Din sökning på "*" gav 529134 sökträffar

Cyclic nucleotide signalling systems in vascular smooth muscle cells and immune system cells with special reference to phosphodiesterases PDE3 and PDE4

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bakgrund: Signalsystem Alla flercelliga organismer är beroende av informationsöverföring mellan celler. Det behövs signaler från andra celler för att reglera tillväxt, ämnesomsättning m. fl. funktioner i olika vävnader. Oftast överförs signalerna via kemiska ämnen som antingen verkar i hela kroppen (hormoner) eller lokalt. När dessa ämnen når målcellen, binds de till eThe cyclic nucleotide signalling systems are important in vascular smooth muscle and in the immune system, and are of interest from a pharmacological point of view. Drugs which interfere with the cyclic nucleotide levels have profound effects on heart, blood vessels and airways and have actual or potential use in several important diseases, such as heart failure, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, as

Reliability Based Design of Fire Exposed Concrete Structures

During the last ten years a rapid progress has been made in the development of analytical methods for a fire engineering design of load bearing structures and structural members. In a long-term perspective, the development then goes towards an analytical design, directly based on a natural fire exposure, specified with regard to the combustion characteristics of the fire load and the geometrical,

Sulphur-Utilizing Microorganisms in Biotechnological Applications - Rubber Recycling and Vanadium Reduction

Popular Abstract in Swedish I slutet på 1400-talet såg Christoffer Columbus, som förste europé, gummi användas av indianerna i Sydamerika. Han tog med sig materialet hem till Portugal, men kunde säkert inte föreställa sig de stora mängder gummi som några hundra år senare skulle komma att användas världen över. Mer än 17 miljarder kilo gummi produceras varje år. Nästan hälften är naturgummi och komBiotechnological processes offer environmentally friendly and sometimes cost-effective alternatives to traditional chemical and mechanical methods. It is important to take advantages of the opportunities these processes provide to fulfil the demands and expectations of a future environmentally sustainable society. This work exploits the possibilities of applying biotechnological methods to allow r

Geometrical influence on transverse thermal stresses in concrete bridge sections

The temperature in a concrete bridge is affected by complex interactions of climatic factors. Varying concrete temperature will give rise to movements in the longitudinal as well as the transverse directions. Inspections of certain box girder bridges have shown cracks in only the thin vertical walls, which may be an indication of a geometrical influence. A sequence of climate input data deemed as

Legal limitations on the communication between the parties in public procurement of PPP

The European public procurement regulation has been described as a restrictive force on PPP projects, especially in countries which employ a strict interpretation of the directives. One major limitation brought forward has been the restrictions on negotiations during the procurement procedure. In the literature it has been suggested that the negotiation would improve PPP performance because it all

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A presentation of the Shanghai Revolutionary Committee's "Reception Work Bulletin" (with selected translations) highlighting its usefulness as a source of information on ordinary people's everyday lives in the Cultural Revolution

A compact field weakening controller implementation

This paper proposes a compact field weakening controller (FWC). The FWC was developed during the development of an electrically driven rear axle for a hybrid electric car. The overall control system of the vehicle, the hybrid controller (HC), delivers a reference torque for the rear drive unit (RDU). Depending on the torque reference, instantaneous vehicle speed and battery voltage the task of the

Piledal and Svarte. A Comparison Between Two Late Bronze Age Cemeteries in Scania

Svarte and Piledal are typical Scanian Late Bronze Age cremation cemeteries.The Piledal cemetery has the quality of an enclosed entity used by a limited group of people. Svarte, on the other hand, is a more diffuse conglomeration of burials spread over a wider area. The article also contains a discussion of the impact of excavation methods and find circumstances on archaeological interpretation.