

Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar

Non-invasive assessment of atrial fibrillation (AF) cycle length in man: potential application for studying AF

Non-invasive assessment of the fibrillatory frequency of atrial fibrillation (AF) can be performed by frequency domain analysis. The peak frequency in the derived spectrum can be converted to a dominant atrial cycle length (DACL). The DACL can be altered through autonomic modulation or pharmacologic manipulation, but the change in DACL is less marked in those with a short DACL value. In patients w

The indexical 'I': The first person in thought and language

Popular Abstract in Swedish Boken handlar om jag-begreppet i tanke och tal. Huvudfrågan är vad vi menar när vi säger 'jag. Relaterade frågor rör vilka sorters jag-kunskap och självmedvetande som behövs för att kunna tala om sig själv. Betoningen ligger på menings- och referensteorier, men ett stort utrymme ägnas även åt jag-tankar och jagbegreppets roll för tänkande i allmänhet.The subjct of this book is the first person in thought and language. The main question is what we mean when we say 'I'. Related to it are questions about what kinds of self-consciousness and self-knowledge are needed in order for us to have the capacity to talk about ourselves. The emphasis is on theories of meaning and reference for 'I', but a fair amount of space is devoted to 'I'-thoughts and t

Centrality dependence of charged-neutral particle fluctuations in 158A (GeVPb)-Pb-208+Pb-208 collisions

Results on the study of localized fluctuations in the multiplicity of charged particles and photons produced in 158A GeV/c Pb+Pb collisions are presented for varying centralities. The charged versus neutral particle multiplicity correlations in common phase space regions of varying azimuthal sizes are analyzed by two different methods. Various types of mixed events are constructed to probe fluctua

Oviposition and flight period of the currant shoot borer Lampronia capitella

The currant shoot borer, Lampronia capitella (Lep., Prodoxidae), is an important pest of currants, Ribes spp., in northern Europe. Oviposition was studied in cage experiments and the flight period was monitored in field studies using pheromone-baited traps. Blackcurrant, Ribes nigrum, was the host species in both studies. The total egg supply of females was on average 107 eggs and oviposition star

Growth of the postnatal rat retina in vitro: Quantitative RT-PCR analyses of mRNA expression for photoreceptor proteins

Purpose: To investigate whether previously reported changes in protein expression of middle and long (M/L) and short (S) wavelength cone opsin pigments in cultured retina are correlated with changes in their gene expression. Additionally, to elucidate the importance of a functional retinal pigment epithelium for the development of photoreceptor outer segments. Methods: Neonatal rat retinas were ma

Prebleaching of kraft pulp with full-length and truncated forms of a thermostable modular xylanase from Rhodothermus marinus

Full-length and truncated forms of a modular thermostable xylanase (EC, glycoside hydrolase family 10) were used in bleaching sequences of hardwood and softwood kraft pulps. Enzymatic treatment led to brightness gains of all pulps but the result depended on the pulp source. The presence of the additional domains in the full-length enzyme (including carbohydrate-binding modules) did not im

Event-by-event fluctuations in particle multiplicities and transverse energy produced in 158A GeVPb plus Pb collisions

Event-by-event fluctuations in the multiplicities of charged particles and photons, and the total transverse energy in 158A GeV Pb+Pb collisions are studied for a wide range of centralities. For narrow centrality bins the multiplicity and transverse energy distributions are found to be near perfect Gaussians. The effect of detector acceptance on the multiplicity fluctuations has been studied and d

Molecular profiling of breast cancer: transcriptomic studies and beyond

Utilisation of 'omics' technologies, in particular gene expression profiling, has increased dramatically in recent years. In basic research, high-throughput profiling applications are increasingly used and may now even be considered standard research tools. In the clinic, there is a need for better and more accurate diagnosis, prognosis and treatment response indicators. As such, clinicians have l

Den anomiska rätten. Om undantagskonstruktionen av de rent ideella kränkningsersättningarna.

Anomi är ett centralt rättssociologiskt begrepp introducerat av Émile Durkheim (1858-1917) som beskriver ett tillstånd av oklarhet och normlöshet som överförs på individen vilket får denne att känna otillfredsställelse. Identifieringen av anomi indikerar rättsliga förändringsprocesser och tydliggör samtidens rättskultur när mönster bryts. Kränkningsersättning, s.k. rent ideellt skadestånd, som akt

Phosphagens and intracellular pH in intact rabbit smooth muscle studied by 31P-NMR

Phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra (103.2 MHz) were obtained from rabbit portal vein, urinary bladder, and taenia coli smooth muscle. The muscles were mounted isometrically as strips in a horizontal probe and superfused with oxygenated medium at 23 degrees C. Under these conditions the preparations could remain in a stable metabolic state for at least 24 h. The resonances obser

Finns Gud? Feministiska förhållningssätt till en omdebatterad fråga

Artikeln diskuterar några möjliga feministiska förhållningssätt till de religionsfilosofiska positionerna realism och non-realism. Artikeln ifrågasätter därefter positionernas dualistiska förutsättningar avseende existens och sanning och ger ett konstruktivt språkfilosofiskt förslag till hur man kan förstå förhållandet mellan språk och verklighet, där det inte längre blir nödvändigt att åberopa re

Metabolism and force in hypertrophic smooth muscle from rat urinary bladder

Ten days of urinary outlet obstruction in the rat induced a threefold increase in bladder weight. Active force of control and hypertrophic bladder muscle strips was measured at varying PO2 levels after high-K+, carbachol, or electrical field stimulation. Highest force output was obtained with carbachol. Force per muscle area was lower in the hypertrophic muscles. The basal rates of oxygen consumpt

Effect of type of fragrance compounds on their location in hexagonal liquid crystal

Three fragrances, limonene, benzaldehyde, and phenethylalcohol (that differ in their polarities), were solubilized in hexagonal liquid crystal using the polyethylene oxide-polypropylene oxide-polyethylene oxide, (EO27 PO61 EO27), P-104 triblock copolymer, and water. The interlayer spacing of the hexagonal liquid crystals were established using small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS). The SAXS data are

De värjde sin rätt : senmedeltida bondemotstånd i Skåne och Småland

Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med denna undersökning är att undersöka på vilka sätt bönder kunde göra motstånd och protestera mot överheten under de avslutande decennierna av nordisk senmedeltid, åren 1490-1525, som också utgjorde Kalmarunionens slutskede. Undersökningen består av en komparation mellan det danska Skåne och det svenska Småland, och utförs i tre steg. Först görs en genomgång öv"They defended their Right: late medieval Peasant Resistance in Scania and Småland." The aim of this thesis is to explore in what ways peasants could resist and protest against authorities during the final decades of the Nordic late middle ages, the years 1490-1525. It consists of a comparison between the Danish province of (Scania) Skåne and the Swedish province of Småland. The study is performe