

Din sökning på "*" gav 527407 sökträffar

Particle Deposition Studies in a Laminar Wall Jet - The Hydrodynamic Influence on the Kinetics of Colloidal Deposition

Popular Abstract in Swedish Inom forskningen kring rengöring och processhygien är det viktigt att förstå de bakomliggande mekanismerna för depositionen av partiklar och makromolekyler på ytor. Depositionsprocessen kan beskrivas som transporten av partiklar till ytan och den påföljande adhesionen. Om de hydrodynamiska krafterna är tillräckligt starka kan partiklarna åter transporteras bort från ytaIn the research area of cleaning and process hygiene it is important to understand the underlying mechanisms behind the deposition of particles and macromolecules onto surfaces. The deposition process is described as the transport of particles to the surface followed by attachment. If the hydrodynamic forces are strong enough, the particles can be re-entrained. In this work particle deposition wa

Performance of a multifunctional PV/T hybrid solar window

A PV/T collector have been developed and evaluated at the department of Energy and Building Design at the Technical University of Lund, LTH in Sweden. The PV/T, a “multifunctional solar window” made of PV cells laminated on solar absorbers, is placed in a window behind the glazing. The solar window is built into a single family house, Solgården, in Älvkarleö outside Gävle in the eastern part of Sw

Can we evaluate the quality of software engineering experiments?

Context: The authors wanted to assess whether the quality of published human-centric software engineering experiments was improving. This required a reliable means of assessing the quality of such experiments. Aims: The aims of the study were to confirm the usability of a quality evaluation checklist, determine how many reviewers were needed per paper that reports an experiment, and specify an ap

Benedictus XVI och liturgin

Liturgi, teologi, liturgireform, kult och skapelse, kyrkosyn, skönhet, ordinarie och extraordinarie form av liturgin

On LFSR based Stream Ciphers - analysis and design

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den här avhandlingen handlar om kryptering, strömchiffer, metoder för att analysera (knäcka) och konstruera bättre chiffer. Det finns flera olika metoder för att hemliggöra meddelanden. Det klassiska sättet är att två personer som vill kommunicera delar en hemlig nyckel som används för att både kryptera och dekryptera meddelanden. Denna metod kallas symmetrisk krypteriStream ciphers are cryptographic primitives used to ensure privacy in digital communication. In this thesis we focus on stream ciphers built using Linear Feedback Shift Registers (LFSRs). Several different stream ciphers are analysed and new attacks are presented. In addition, two new stream ciphers are presented, both based on the same design. The first attack is performed on SOBER-t16 and SOBER

Ecology of red admiral migration

The red admiral (Vanessa atalanta) is a migratory butterfly that can be found in North America, North Africa, Europe and some parts of Asia. In Europe the main part of the population spend winter in the Mediterranean region and the following spring leave this area to breed further to the north. At least one new generation is then produced in the summer region before they return to the south again