

Din sökning på "*" gav 526417 sökträffar


Framtidens stora biodrivmedel kommer till största del utgöras av 1:a generationens etanol och FAME, i tidsperspektivet 10-20 år som denna rapport behandlar. Andra biodrivmedel kommer dock att dyka upp, men kommer en-bart att uppta mindre marknadsandelar och framför allt nischmarknader som fordonsflottor. Detta baseras på 38 djupintervjuer med intressenter från alla led av branschen samt statistik-

Mammamisshandel i socialtjänstens ögon - en kvalitativ studie av våld och föräldraskap

Mother Abuse in the Eyes of the Social Services - a Qualitative Study of Violence and Parenting The purpose of this study was to examine how Child Protection workers understand the dynamics of parenting within a relationship that entails Domestic Violence, and to highlight how they understand the needs of the children in these families. Interviews were carried out with four female Child Protectio

The EU - a climate change driver?

Climate change is regarded as one of our times greatest environmental, social and economic challenges, the cross-boundry effects and global implications makes it an issue high on the EU agenda. When the EU in 2008 implemented a climate reduction target of 20% in greenhouse gas emissions for its Member States the ambitions were clearly altered from the Kyoto Protocol taking place only a decade prio

Inflexible to Flexible Diplomacy in Taiwan

Taiwan is in many ways an excellent example of how an authoritarian country can overcome much of the associated difficulties of successfully transitioning into a healthy and well-functioning democracy. In spite of this undisputed fact, Taiwan can only be characterized as a diplomatic orphan, an outcast, shunned by the international community because of events dating back to before World War II and

En förändringsstudie av Ivösjöns strandlinje

Besökarna kring Ivösjön har på senare år märkt av en förändring av vegetationen kring och i Ivösjön och därigenom en förändring av strandlinjens utformning. Sjön tycks allt mer växa igen av vass och flytbladsväxter, vilket tyder på en eutrofieringsprocess. I den här rapporten jämförs flygbilder från olika tidpunkter under en 70-års period fram till och med idag för att se om sjön verkligen har vuxThe visitors around Ivösjön have recently discovered observed a change in the vegetation around and into the lake and consequently a change in the formation of the shoreline. The lake appears to have been increasingly filled up by reed and floating leaf plants which points to an eutrophication process. In this report aerial photographs are compared from a period of 70 years up until today to disco

Jakten på den afrikanska regionaliseringen

This bachelor thesis deals with regionalization in southern Africa and how these processes have been affected by the ongoing negotiations on Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs). The starting point of the thesis is the Cotonou Agreement and the subsequent negotiations that took place between the EU and its former colonies. The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of EPAs on regionaliza

Det sociala arbetets avantgarde

uppsatsen handlar om relationen mellan den ideella och offentliga sektorn. Med Erik Blennbergers kategorisering av den ideella sektorns organisationer som utgångspunkt undersöks huruvida engagemang i avantgardeorganisationer varit ett sätt för kvinnor att påverka den svenska socialpolititkens utformning och välfärdsstatens gränser. I uppsatsen, som kan beskrivas som en litteraturstudie, beskrivs o

Sweatshops i Vietnam

I denna studie har post-kolonial feministisk teori och kritisk globaliseringsteori använts för att analysera problemet med förändrade genderidentiteter till följd av globalisering i Vietnam. Trots de uppenbara ekonomiska fördelarna Vietnam som land vunnit sedan en öppnare policy så har stora sociala tillbakagångar registrerats. Genom att fokusera på unga kvinnor inom textilindustrin som en av de m

Fuskare eller offer? - En kritisk diskursanalys av hur svensk dags- & kvällspress framställer sjukförsäkringens nyttjare

The aim and purpose of this study has been to examine how Swedish media portrays sick people and the discourses that are present doing that. I have used articles from Swedish newspapers, and to analyze this material I have used discourse analysis and the theory of social constructivism. I have used articles from several different publication years in order to enhance the quality of the material. I

Konsten att flexa med tiden – en kvalitativ undersökning av handlingsutrymme, kontroll och hälsa inom hemvårdsarbetet

The purpose of this study was to examine a few home care workers’ conception of their discretion connected to work-related health within the home care service. The study was based on semi-structured interviews with three home care workers from different areas of a common district in the south part of Sweden. The analyzed result was based on theories about control and research on health. Theoretica

Kompetenta eller olämpliga? - Medias diskussion om homosexuellt föräldraskap

The aim of our study was to examine how gay parenting is constructed in Swedish newspapers. To get a more thorough understanding of the contents of the eleven selected articles, we did a content analysis. To perform a good analysis, we chose to create themes and encode the texts. The selected articles were published between the years 2002 to 2004 when gay rights to adoption were raised. We conclud

Dalby Söderskog : den historiska utvecklingen

Klimatet står inför en stor förändring i framtiden. Växthusgaser från transport och industrier ökar i atmosfären vilket i sin tur leder till en ökad temperatur. Den ökande temperaturen samt den förändrade nederbörden ger negativa konsekvenser för naturen. Det vi ser idag är de allt mer frekventa naturkatastroferna; storm, översvämningar och torka som drabbar vår planet. Naturen kan ta skada av detThe climate of the world is changing. The levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are rising because of human activities. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that makes the temperature rise. Besides the temperature and carbon dioxide rise, also the amount of precipitation is changing in the world. These big changes mostly affect the nature negatively and possible also the forest. A long term stu

"...det är ju relationen som bär". Samband mellan synsätt och praktik avseende arbetet med vårdnadsöverflyttningar inom familjehemsvården.

The purpose of this study was to identify if and how the personal perspectives and views of social workers active within local social services departments in Sweden might affect how they carry out the transfer of children’s custody from biological to foster parents. The general discourse in child welfare in Sweden gives predominance to a family preservation perspective in which foster care placeme

Skolkuratorers erfarenheter av arbetet mot mobbning - en kvalitativ undersökning

The purpose of this study was to find out more about which role the school counselor has in the work against bullying and harassment. We also wanted to find out how the collaboration works in these questions between the school counselor and other school personnel, such as: the principal, school nurse and teachers. We wanted to get a deeper understanding of what it is like to be the only one with t

Cyniska vinstmaskiner eller glimrande vårdgallerior? En idéanalys av debatten om privatisering av offentlig sektor.

The aim of this study was to analyze in which ways the issue of privatization of welfare services has been reported and debated in Swedish media. More specifically its purpose was to explore how ideas and arguments were presented, and if the language use reflected ideological conceptions in the debate. The study was based on a selection of articles, collected from three of Sweden’s largest broadsh

Den sociala vårdaren? En studie om kuratorns stödjande och behandlande arbete inom Palliativ vård

The aim of this study was to explore the supportive and therapeutic practice with patients and their kin performed by the social worker within specialist palliative care. A qualitative research methodology was used where the social workers was asked to describe cases in which they were involved. We interviewed five social workers within specialist palliative care, all active in the southern region

Musikens tyngdpunkter - om interaktionen mellan meter och rytm och dess roll i den interpretativa processen

Title_ Metric points of gravity in music - interaction between meter and rhythm and its role in the process of musical interpretation. The aim of the present study is to shed more light on the following questions: What is the role of interaction between meter and rhythm in the process of musical interpretation? What motives lie behind the choices that music students make when interpreting a piece

Grön företagsanalys - Ett ramverk för utvärdering av miljöintegrering

Purpose: To develop a model, questions and criteria that can be used to assess and benchmark the environmental management performance of firms. Delimitations: An evaluation is not supposed to take more than two weeks to conduct and prerequisites the companies’ full cooperation. Methods: Qualitative and quantitative data was collected from interviews, internal documents and literature studies to de

Hur reducerade ordersärkostnader påverkar orderkvantiteter – En fallstudie för QB Food Tech i samarbete med Skånemejerier

Syfte Syftet med det här examensarbetet var att ta fram en generell modell för att beräkna hur reducerade ordersärkostnader påverkar orderkvantiteter. Modellen användes i en fallstudie på Skånemejerier för att se vilken effekt QB Food Techs yoghurtmixer skulle ha på produktionen av syrade produkter och samtidigt försöka ta fram andra åtgärder för att minska ordersärkostnaderna. Metod Tidigare fors

Analysis of US Sectoral Business Cycles: A Quantitative Study of Austrian Business Cycle Theory

According to Austrian Business Cycle Theory a policy-induced lowering of the short policy interest rate below an unobservable natural interest rate can lead to an unsustainable boom in the economy, resulting in misallocated capital. As the unsustainability of this boom eventually becomes apparent and corrected the misallocated capital gets liquidated and causes a recession. It is thus of interest