

Din sökning på "*" gav 526379 sökträffar

Drogpreventivt arbete i grundskolan

This study aims at examining and analyzing the involvement of the school counselor in the drug prevention work which is carried out in primary schools. This by examining how the work with drug prevention is carried out in some primary schools today, if there is a special focus on the defined risk student, and which approaches of the work is evidence based. We chose qualitative semi structured inte

INS-Modellen: En modell för kunskapshöjande konsulters försäljning

Problemställning: Byggbranschen kan uppfattas som en konservativ bransch med förutfattade meningar om vad konsulter är och vad de kan. Detta ställer krav på kunskapshöjande konsulter som vill bidra till att utveckla branschen. Modeller som idag finns för kundbearbetning och försäljning av konsulttjänster är inte heltäckande. De är inte heller anpassade efter någon specifik tjänst eller bransch. Sy

Identitet Europa

European identity based on the common religious and cultural history is very hard to argue for. Still, the guiding treaties in the European Union are mentioning the necessity to protect and preserve Europe’s religious, cultural and historical inheritance. This essay explains how this identification of Europe’s common inheritance is no more than a political construct, based on the same theories of

Den rysk-europeiska relationen – gasberoende och liberaldemokratisk utveckling

Since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the relation between the European Union and the Russian federation has been stressed. The Russian leadership has been severely criticised by the EU for intentionally hampering Russia’s democratic development, an issue that affects the relationship between the two parties. At the same time, the EU imports approximately 36 % of its natural gas from Russia,

Politics of Migration and Human Rights Development in Denmark

The migration of people worldwide has an impact on many nations. Denmark, not being the exclusion of this phenomenon has struggled to distance itself from recognizing the need of many persons who seek asylum and a better life quality which they will not achieve in their home land. On the right wing there is the Danish People’s Party which has a strong standing point away from immigration as they

Xenofobin och kosmopolitismen - En förenlighetsanalys över motsatta värden

The aim of this composition is to explore if there exists any cosmopolitan values which are compatible with xenophobic ones, to answer if there are any valid arguments to vindicate xenophobic expressions. It is a fact that xenophobia is a growing phenomenon in our political world and it grows without proper dispute from the opinion or democracy supporting organizations. The used methodology in the

Stallarbetet som livsstil - Arbetsprocessens görande och formande av ojämlikheter och motstånd inom Hästnäringen

It makes no difference to animals if it is a Tuesday or Christmas Eve, they still need food and care. Horses are one of the biggest hobbies and the number of horses has increased the last thirty years. With this increase the demand of working labor has grown. The dividing line between paid and unpaid work is today vague and hard to define and therefore makes the concept of labour more complicated.

Can Affirmative Action Be Justified?

This paper deals with affirmative action linked to theories of equality. The aim is to answer the question: Can affirmative action be justified? Three different perspectives, or faces that I have chosen to call them, are the core of the analysis; formal equality meaning equal rights, actual equality which deals with equal opportunity and absolute equality which is understood as equal results. Aft

Sekuritisering av migration - Mexikansk invandring som ett amerikanskt säkerhetshot efter 11:e september-dåden

This thesis is a case study, which sets out to argue that the U.S., through the discourse of security, has been able to use measures to control migration that would otherwise not have been legitimized. The new agenda of migration as a security threat makes it possible to frame a necessity of increased regulations around the boarder. The effects of 9/11 on US policy with regards to Mexican immigrat

Framgång eller misslyckande: En analys av Lissabonfördraget ur två demokratiteorier

The Lisbon treaty entered into force on the 1st of December 2009 and this alters the way the European Union is governed. This thesis examines if some of the most important constitutional changes will enhance the democratic legitimacy of the European Union. The focus of my analysis is on the following aspects: that the use of qualified majority voting has expanded in the Council of Ministers; that

The Economic Partnership Agreement between the EU and SADC - Design and Effects

This thesis analyzes the trade, fiscal and development effects of the Interim Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between the EU and the member states of the SADC EPA group. The agreement is set to advance the trade relationship between the parties as well as create and facilitate trade in- between the SADC member states. The conclusions of this study are that the trade patterns between the negot

The effects of parking accessibility on work commuting - Considering parking policies as a mobility management tool for Lund

Abstract This thesis addresses the effects of parking accessibility on work commuting and the potential to use parking policies as a tool to support mobility management and enhance sustainable commuting in Lund. The structure rests on two folds: first, it provides a theoretical background on different parking policies and factors influencing work commuting; second, it provides an analysis of Lund

Ecotourism: a Tool for Community Development - Panacea or Mere Rhetoric?

The concept of ecotourism has been widely misunderstood and misused. This undermines some of its aims when it is put in practice. In theory, one of the principles of ecotourism is bringing benefits to the local communities at the destination site. Benefiting the local communities, in turn, offers an opportunity for community development of the local populations (particularly in poor countries). Bu

Investigating potential contract models to stimulate commercial production of energy crops

Perception of risks and related costs associated with energy crop cultivation pose a barrier to expansion of production, and therefore economies-of-scale are not achieved and investments in new infrastructure harder to justify. In this study, the risk perceptions for agro-biofuel production in Sweden, France and Finland are delineated and a new contractual arrangement to reduce such risk perceptio

Photovoltaic Power Systems in Denmark

The objective of this thesis is to analyze the development and diffusion of Photovoltaic Power Systems (PVPS’) in Denmark, identify drivers and barriers for further dissemination, and explore how the policy framework supports the diffusion of PVPS’’ and thus contribute to learning within this field. The focus is on grid-connected PVPS’, which are either used as an “add-on” device or integrated int

The local implementation of a global Balanced Scorecard. Performance measurement in Akzo Nobel Marine & Protective

Background There is increased pressure on the supply chain to drive improvements to support overall business performance. Previously, the overall supply chain performance has lacked the right set of performance measures and has not been monitored, with fragmented improvement projects as the result. To address this, a supply chain Balanced Scorecard has been devised for global use. Implementation

Åskådare eller medspelare? om medias roll i konjunkturen

Den här uppsatsens huvudsakliga syfte är att belysa förhållandet mellan media, verkligheten och uppfattningen om verkligheten. Genom att skapa två ord-index över orden ”recession” och ”lågkonjunktur” har en kvantifiering av det mediala budskapet möjliggjorts. Data, mellan 1989-2009, från de fem tidningarna Affärsvärlden, Veckans Affärer, Dagens Industri, Dagens Nyheter och Expressen har samlats in

No title

A study of the mix between reality and fantasy in five important litterary works in the genre generally known as the Cronicles of the Indies.