

Din sökning på "*" gav 528103 sökträffar

Bi-isonicotinic acid on TiO2 rutile (110): calculated molecular and electronic structure

Bi-isonicotinic acid adsorption on rutile TiO2(1 1 0) surfaces has been studied using periodic first principles density functional calculations. The geometry of a dissociatively bridge-bonded adsorbate has been optimized, and the influence of the position of the dissociated protons on the surface examined. The results are in agreement with published experimental information on the adsorption geome

The innate immune response differs in primary and secondary salmonella infection.

This study examines innate immunity to oral Salmonella during primary infection and after secondary challenge of immune mice. Splenic NK and NKT cells plummeted early after primary infection, while neutrophils and macrophages (M{phi}) increased 10- and 3-fold, respectively. In contrast, immune animals had only a modest reduction in NK cells, no loss of NKT cells, and a slight increase in phagocyte

Is it a sin to travel? Itinerant women in post−Soviet narrative

The cultural construction of the journey as a narrative of masculine identity poses problems for the conceptualization of the female traveller in general and of the female Russian migrant in particular. Three contemporary prose pieces dealing with women's migration reveal subtle and often sophisticated ways of playing with the stigmatization of Russian women as prostitutes and of destabilizing the

Cross-bridge cycling in smooth muscle: a short review

This review is focused on the cross-bridge interaction of the organized contractile system of smooth muscle fibres. By using chemically skinned preparations the different enzymatic reactions of actin-myosin interaction have been associated with mechanical events. A rigor state has been identified in smooth muscle and the binding of ATP causes dissociation of rigor cross-bridges at rates slightly s

The MUST-analysis and the Role of Politicians in CI

MUST (Macroeconomic Uncertainty Strategy) analysis can help identify the demand side of competitive intelligence. It is a key tool by which relevant economic variables can be identified for companies. It also provides sensitivity coefficients necessary to translate the company's different environmental scenarios into corporate cash flow and value. Government, it is argued, should support companies

Tobacco and myocardial infarction in middle-aged women: a study of factors modifying the risk.

Background. Although myocardial infarction (MI) is strongly related to smoking, few have studied why some smokers are more vulnerable than others. This study explored how the risk of MI in current and former smokers is modified by other cardiovascular risk factors. Methods. Incidence of MI (fatal and nonfatal) amongst 10619 women, 48.3 ± 8.2 years old, were studied in relation to smoking, hyperte

Integrated selective enrichment target (ISET) - A generic microfabricated sample preparation device

A combined sample preparation and sample presentation device, Integrated Selective Enrichment Target (ISET), consisting of an array with 96 perforated nanovials is described. Each perforated nanovial can be filled with soild-phase extraction media for purification and concentration of biomolecules prior to mass spectrometry. The ISET platform provides an efficient, economic and generic sample trea

»Grundad teori« utvecklar läkekonsten. Populär beteendevetenskaplig forskningsmetod kan finna nya samband

Grounded theory (GT) is a popular research method for exploring human behavior. GT was developed by the medical sociologists Glaser and Strauss while they studied dying in hospitals in the 1960s resulting in the book "Awareness of dying". The goal of a GT is to generate conceptual theories by using all types of data but without applying existing theories and hypotheses. GT procedures are mostly in

Industrin överdriver kostnaderna för utveckling av nya läkemedel

Flertalet nya läkemedel tas fram av universitet och undervisningssjukhus, ofta med betydande offentliga subsidier, för att därefter tas över av läkemedelsindustrin, vars främsta uppgift är att utföra de kliniska prövningarna. Det är viktigt nog, men betydligt mindre innovativt än vad industrin vill få oss att tro, skriver Anders Jeppsson i polemik mot ett tidigare inlägg av Pierre Lafolie.