

Din sökning på "*" gav 532100 sökträffar

Weekly pain trajectories among people with knee or hip osteoarthritis participating in a digitally delivered first-line exercise and education treatment

OBJECTIVE: Digital self-management programs are increasingly used in the management of osteoarthritis (OA). Little is known about heterogeneous patterns in response to these programs. We describe weekly pain trajectories of people with knee or hip OA over up to 52-week participation in a digital self-management program.METHODS: Observational cohort study among participants enrolled between January

Secondary malignancies among mantle cell lymphoma patients

Purpose: With modern treatments, mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) patients more frequently experience long-lasting remission resulting in a growing population of long-term survivors. Follow-up care includes identification and management of treatment-related late-effects, such as secondary malignancies (SM). We conducted a population-based study to describe the burden of SM in MCL patients. Methods: All

History and Speculative Fiction

This open access book demonstrates that despite different epistemological starting points, history and speculative fiction perform similar work in “making the strange familiar” and “making the familiar strange” by taking their readers on journeys through space and time. Excellent history, like excellent speculative fiction, should cause readers to reconsider crucial aspects of their society that t

"Sjukdomar härja, mötesförbud utfärdas" : Pingstvänners reaktion på pandemin "spanska sjukan" 1918–1920

This article explores how Swedish Pentecostals reacted to the pandemic known as the Spanish Flu 1918-1920, looking at the Pentecostal periodicals Evangelii Härold and Brudgummens röst. As local authorities banned social gatherings in various degrees, Pentecostals had the choice to either submit and cancel their services, or rebel and continue with them secretly. The article also looks at whether P

Dataskyddsrätten - tvättas svart eller vit? - En studie avseende förhållandet mellan regleringar om penningtvätt och dataskyddsrätt

Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva och analysera förhållandet mellan regleringar avseende penningtvätt och dataskyddsrätt, i synnerhet vad gäller hantering av kunddata som tillämpas för att åstadkomma bankers kundkännedom. Uppsatsens frågeställningar inkluderar bankens förpliktelser enligt penningtvättsregler och de villkor som EU:s dataskyddsregler ställer på bankens behandling av personuppgiftThe purpose of the thesis is to describe and analyze the relationship between regulations regarding money laundering and data protection law, in particular with regard to the handling of customer data that is used by banks to achieve customer knowledge. The thesis research questions include the bank's obligations regarding to money laundering regulations and the conditions that EU data protect

De offrade hästarna - En studie utifrån tre järnålderstida offerkontexter i Sydsverige med huvudsakligt fokus på Röekillorna

This study has been made to further our understanding of which types of horses were sacrificed in Röekillorna, Skedemosse and Stanstorp. But also, to get an idea on how the horses skeletal parts were handled and through that information try to understand the true importance of sacrificing a horse during the iron age, with a main focus on Röekillorna. By studying the osteological material from Röek

Förhandsgodkännande av strafföreläggande - En analys av straffprocessens förhållande till effektiv brottsbekämpning och rättssäkerhet

Institutet strafföreläggande införs i svensk rätt år 1948. Syftet med systemet är att effektivt kunna lagföra lindriga och enkla brott, till exempel ringa stöld och olovlig körning. Brottmålsförfarandet tillåter den misstänkte att godkänna ett av åklagaren utfärdat strafföreläggande som avser en påföljd för ett begånget brott. Om den anklagade accepterar strafföreläggandet avstår han eller hon fråThe summary imposition of a fine is introduced into Swedish law in 1948. The purpose of the system is to take legal proceedings more efficiently against minor and simple criminal cases, such as petty theft and unlawful driving. The criminal procedure allows the suspect to approve an injunction filed by the prosecutor regarding a punishment for a committed crime. If the accused accepts the injuncti

The Benefits of Indigenous Knowledge Systems in Law and Decision Making - A case study on Sumak Kawsay, Buen Vivir and Rights of Nature in the Ecuadorian Constitution

This research is investigating the socio-ecological benefits of Indigenous Knowledge in law and decision making, focusing on the inclusion of the indigenous concept Sumak Kawsay, translated to Buen Vivir, and the Constitutional Rights of Nature in Ecuador. The Eurocentric and dominant cultural model has had a monopoly on the production of knowledge ever since the start of colonialism but today'

New γ transitions in 27Na from 14C on 14C

The neutron rich 27Na was studied at Florida State University using the 14C(14C,p) reaction at 22 MeV. The 14C target was 0.28 mg/cm2 thick. γ-γ and particle-γ, coincidences were measured using 2 four-crystal clover detectors, 7 Compton-suppressed HPGe detectors, and a particle detector telescope at 0°. The 1757, 1823, and 2219 keV transitions are likely yrast transitions in 27Na. Based on systema

Identification of excited states in 119Ba

Excited states have been identified in the very neutron-deficient 119Ba nucleus. Two bands have been observed, which are likely to be based on h11/2 and (g7/2d5/2) neutron orbitals. Despite this being the first observation of excited states in 119Ba, the bands extend to (75/2)ℏ and (79/2)ℏ, respectively. The bands have been assigned to 119Ba using gamma-recoil and gamma-x-ray coincidences. Several

Notorietet – en rättsosäker gråzon? - Om rättens hantering av notoriska fakta med hjälp av materiell processledning och ordböcker i ljuset av Snippadomen

I den så kallade Snippadomen frikände Hovrätten för Västra Sverige den tilltalade från åtal om våldtäkt mot barn då målsägandens ordanvändning, bestående i ordet ”snippa”, inte ansågs ge stöd för att en penetration av målsägandens underliv ägt rum. Hovrätten hade inte diskuterat ordets betydelse med parterna under huvudförhandlingen, utan förlitade sig i slutändan på en ordboksdefinition för att uIn the so-called Snippa verdict, the Court of Appeal for Western Sweden acquitted the defendant of the charge of child rape, due to the judges’ uncertainty of the victim’s use of the word “snippa”. The Court of Appeal had not discussed the meaning of the word with the parties during the trial and ultimately relied on a dictionary definition to determine the meaning of the word, which did not suppo