

Din sökning på "*" gav 528104 sökträffar

Filosofisociologi : Ett sociologiskt perspektiv på filosofiskt tänkande

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ämnet för föreliggande avhandling är filosofisociologi. Filosofisociologin är en underavdelning till kunskapssociologin. Som framgår av namnet intresserar sig denna disciplin för det sociologiska studiet av filosofin. I och med att detta område är tämligen outforskat är denna avhandling i hög grad explorativ till sin karaktär. Betraktad som en helhet syftar avhandlingenThe subject matter of the present doctoral thesis is the sociology of philosophy, a sub-discipline within the general field of sociology. As the term clearly indicates, the sociology of philosophy concerns the sociological study of philosophy. As this domain is still, to some extent, virgin territory, my thesis is mainly explorative in nature. Viewed as a whole, it aims at investigating what a soc

Urine excretion of protein HC in proteinuric glomerular diseases correlates to urine IgG but not to albuminuria

BACKGROUND: Proteinuric glomerular diseases often are associated with tubulointerstitial injury, which imposes on the progression of renal failure. Tubular damage is partly referable to toxic effects on the tubular epithelial cells induced by filtered plasma proteins. Patients with nonselective proteinuria, that is, increased urine excretion of high-molecular-weight plasma proteins such as IgG in

Elevated Plasma Levels of Antimicrobial Polypeptides in Patients with Severe Sepsis.

We wanted to investigate if plasma levels of antimicrobial polypeptides (AMPs) are increased in severe sepsis and if they correlate with severity and mortality. Samples were collected from 31 sepsis patients at the intensive care unit. The Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score and 90-day mortality were registered, and inflammatory markers and AMP levels were measured by ELISA. A median

The use of plants as a “green factory” to produce high strength gluten-based materials

The aim of the present study was to develop an understanding of how wheat plants can be used as a “green factory” by the modulation of genotype (G) and environmental (E) interactions to fine-tune the structure and increase the strength of gluten based materials. Two wheat genotypes (5 + 10 and 2 + 12) were grown under four nitrogen and two temperature regimes to obtain gluten of various characteri

Risk of Hypertension Among Young Adults Who Were Born Preterm: A Swedish National Study of 636,000 Births

Previous studies have reported an association between preterm birth and elevated blood pressure in adolescence and young adulthood. These studies were based on single-day blood pressure measurements and had limited ability to estimate risk of hypertension measured over a longer period and across the full range of gestational ages. The authors conducted a national cohort study of all infants born i

Exploring Mobility in Public Environments among People with Cognitive Functional Limitations - Challenges and Implications for Planning

Mobility in public environments is an important part of people's everyday life. However, living with functional limitations often means limited mobility. To plan for public environments that enable mobility for everybody, knowledge about various user groups' mobility is important. Up until now, knowledge concerning the mobility of people with cognitive functional limitations has been scarce. The a

Enhanced laminin adsorption on nanowires compared to flat surfaces.

Semiconductor nanowires are widely used to interface living cells, and numerous nanowire-based devices have been developed to manipulate or sense cell behavior. We have, however, little knowledge on the nature of the cell-nanowire interface. Laminin is an extracellular matrix protein promoting cell attachment and growth. Here, we used a method based on fluorescence microscopy and measured the rela

HTS followed by NMR based counterscreening. Discovery and optimization of pyrimidones as reversible and competitive inhibitors of xanthine oxidase.

The identification of novel, non-purine based inhibitors of xanthine oxidase is described. After a high-throughput screening campaign, an NMR based counterscreen was used to distinguish actives, which interact with XO in a reversible manner, from assay artefacts. This approach identified pyrimidone 1 as a reversible and competitive inhibitor with good lead-like properties. A hit to lead campaign g

The potential of supplemental instruction in engineering education - helping new students to adjust to and succeed in University studies

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a programme that is attached to difficult courses with the objective of increasing student performance and retention. However, an SI programme also has the potential to increase overall student performance and retention during the first critical year if applied to introductory courses. In this study the latter objective is investigated in an engineering educational

Allelic variation in a fatty-acyl reductase gene causes divergence in moth sex pheromones

Pheromone-based behaviours are crucial in animals from insects to mammals, and reproductive isolation is often based on pheromone differences. However, the genetic mechanisms by which pheromone signals change during the evolution of new species are largely unknown. In the sexual communication system of moths (Insecta: Lepidoptera), females emit a species-specific pheromone blend that attracts male

Response to Comment: Terrestrial support of pelagic consumers in unproductive lakes : uncertainty and potential in assessments using stable isotopes

The use of stable carbon isotopes (d13C) has played a key role in estimation of the proportion of aquatic consumer biomass derived from terrestrial organic matter (OM; i.e., allochthony; Meili et al. 1996; Grey et al. 2001; Pace et al. 2004). However, the use of d13C for assessing allochthony has shortcomings because of the small natural separation between terrestrial and aquatic isotopic end memb

Difference vectors to describe dynamics of the ST segment and the ventricular gradient in acute ischemia

Background: The ECG is important in the diagnosis and triage of the acute coronary syndrome (ACS), especially in the hyperacute phase, the "golden hours," during which myocardial salvage possibilities are largest. An important triaging decision to be taken is whether or not a patient requires primary PCI, for which, as mentioned in the guidelines, the presence of an ST elevation (STE) pattern in t

Are found defects an indicator of software correctness? An investigation in a controlled case study

In quality assurance programs, we want indicators of software quality, especially software correctness. The number of found defects during inspection and testing are often used as the basis for indicators of software correctness. However, there is a paradox in this approach, since the remaining defects is what impacts negatively on software correctness, not the found ones. In order to investigate

Det ljusa och det mörka rummet. Fotografiets limbo mellan död och frihet

Artikeln uppmärksammar hur fotografiet på grund av sin speciella relation till tiden och rummet är förankrat dels i en livsbevarande praxis och dels i en dödsbringande frysning av tid och rum. Artikeln prövar om den mystik som omgärdar den fotografiska praxisen kan spåras till en sådan "dubbel identitet".

Experimental evaluation of electric infrared dryers

Infrared (IR) dryers are widely used in the paper industry for drying coated paper grades. However, there is limited knowledge regarding the efficiency of IR dryers. This study was undertaken to investigate the radiation efficiency and the total efficiency of electric IR dryers. Radiation efficiency was measured in the laboratory and on an industrial machine. The results indicate that radiation ef

Fragmentation of two quantitative trait loci controlling collagen-induced arthritis reveals a new set of interacting subloci

Linkage analysis of F-2 crosses has led to identification of large numbers of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for complex diseases, but identification of the underlying genes has been more difficult. Reasons for this could be complications that arise from separation of interacting or neighboring loci. We made a partial advanced intercross (PAI) to characterize and fine-map linkage to collagen-induce

Carbon monoxide relaxes the female pig urethra as effectively as nitric oxide in the presence of YC-1.

PURPOSE: Nitric oxide (NO) and carbon monoxide (CO) have been suggested to relax smooth muscle by activating soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC), binding to the same site of the enzyme. 3-(5'-hydroxymethyl-2'-furyl)-1-benzylindazole (YC-1) (Cayman Co., Malmö, Sweden) increases the catalytic rate of sGC by binding to an allosteric site. We investigated whether YC-1 can modulate the relaxant responses o