

Din sökning på "*" gav 526204 sökträffar

Separation of Biomass Components by Membrane Filtration - Process Development for Hemicellulose Recovery

Popular Abstract in Swedish De flesta produkter som vi dagligen använder tillverkas genom att utnyttja fossila råvaror som olja, kol och naturgas. Ett stort problem är att dessa råvaror bara finns i begränsade mängder i naturen, vilket medför att de förr eller senare tar slut. Dessutom medför förbränning av fossila råvaror att det bildas miljöskadande gaser (t.ex. koldioxid) som ansamlas i atmosfäOne of the major challenges facing the world today is the reduction of our dependency on fossil resources as their exploitation has severe negative effects on the environment. One way of realizing this is to utilise the components of lignocellulosic biomass to a greater extent as feedstock for various industrial products. However, such utilisation requires the extraction of the biopolymers from th

Heat and mass balances of an intercooler in PEM Fuel Cell systems

In this paper, heat and mass balances of the intercooler in a 100 kW Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) system are analyzed by employing a commercial software IPSEpro. The compressor, ambient temperature, the humidification method and the PEMFCs cathode operating temperature were considered as the parameters influencing the heat and mass balances in the intercooler. Parametric studies of t

The Role of Zinc in Leishmaniasis and Tuberculosis

Popular Abstract in English Bolivia, as with other Latin American countries, is considered to be in an epidemiological transition due to the continued persistence of infectious diseases, and nutritional deficiencies related to poverty and food insecurity, together with an increase in chronic non-communicable diseases mainly related to lifestyle factors. The work presented in this thesis was focuseThe synergistic relation between nutritional deficiency and infection may have negative effects on the immune system, making individuals more vulnerable to infection. Zinc can affect the resistance to infections by modulating cytokine release, and by acting as a cofactor of thymulin, which induces the differentiation of immature T lymphocytes. To investigate the modulation of the immune response b

New Technology-Based Firms in Science Parks - A Study of Resources and Absorptive Capacity

Popular Abstract in Swedish I forskningsparker (Science Parks) finns ett antal resurser tillgängliga för de teknologibaserade företag (NTBF) som valt att lokalisera sig i dessa parker. Om företagen använder dessa resurser kan de också lättare bygga upp den resursbas som företag behöver för att kunna utvecklas och växa. I avhandlingen har tre kategorier av forskningsparksresurser identifierats: UniIn this thesis a strategy perspective (the resource-based view) is applied to the New Technology-Based Firms (NTBFs) in Science Parks, arguing that the Science Park provides the firms with a set of resources that if used could help them build their resource base and thus develop and grow. Three categories of resources are identified in the Science Park; University related resources, Science Park f

Effects of spreading bandwidth on the performance of UWB RAKE

We consider an ultra-wide bandwidth system using reduced-complexity RAKE receivers, which are based on either selective (called SRake) or partial (called PRake) combining of a subset of the available resolved multipath components. We investigate the influence of the spreading bandwidth on the system performance using the two considered types of RAKE receivers. We show that, for a fix number of RAK

Protein Microarrays Based on Single Framework Recombinant Antibody Fragments (SINFABS) - Catcher and Carrier - A Crucial Combination

Popular Abstract in Swedish ?DNA-mikromatriser eller genchips? är idag väletablerade verktyg inom biologisk forskning och klinisk diagnostik. Genmikromatriser kan exempelvis användas för att i mikroskala studera genetiska skillnader mellan sjuka och friska vävnader. Informationen som då erhålls kan ge värdefulla upplysningar om sjukdomens natur och användas vid utveckling av nya läkemedel. GenernAntibody-based microarrays are among the novel class of rapidly evolving proteomic technologies. In recent years, antibody microarrays have emerged as a unique tool for high-throughput protein expression profiling with great promise within biomedicine and a wide range of potential applications, including disease diagnostics and biomarker discovery. In order to evolve the technology from small dedi

QCD and weak interactions of light quarks

This review contains an overview of strong interaction effects in weak decays starting with a historical introduction. It contains a short overview of semileptonic decays and their relevance for measuring CKM matrix elements. The main part is devoted to the theoretical calculation on nonleptonic matrix elements relevant for K0-K0bar mixing and K to pi pi decays. It concludes with a short summary o