

Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar

A peaks over threshold model for change-point detection by wavelets

Newly available wavelet bases on multi-resolution analysis have exciting implications for detection of change-points. By checking the absolute value of wavelet coefficients one call detect discontinuities in ail otherwise smooth curve even in the presence of additive noise. In this paper, we combine wavelet methods and extreme value theory to test the presence of ail arbitrary number of discontinu

Macroporous molecularly imprinted polymer/cryogel composite systems for the removal of endocrine disrupting trace contaminants

A new concept for the preparation of selective sorbents with high flow path properties is presented by embedding molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) into various macroporous gels (MGs). A MIP was first synthetized with 17β-estradiol (E2) as template for the selective adsorption of this endocrine disrupter. The composite macroporous gel/MIP (MG/MIP) monoliths were then prepared at subzero tempera

URAK LAWOI – A Field Study of an Indigenous People in Andaman Sea, Thailand and their Problem with Rapid Tourist Development (2005)

This essay is about the indigenous people Urak Lawoi in Andaman Sea, outside the west coast of Thailand. The study shows what happens to them when they are being deprived of their territory and are being forced to abandon their culture, lifestyle and traditional economic subsistence. Urak Lawoi have until recently maintained culture, language and lifestyle apart from the rest of Thai society. Dur

Use of anti-asthmatic drugs during pregnancy. 2. Infant characteristics excluding congenital malformations.

Objective To study the characteristics of the infants born to women who have used anti-asthmatic drugs during pregnancy. Material and methods Various characteristics of infants with mothers who had reported the use of anti-asthmatic drugs in early pregnancy (n=24,750) or had such drugs prescribed later during pregnancy by a maternity health care centre (n=763) were identified from the Swedish Medi

Follow-up of children with congenital clubfoot. Development of a new evaluation instrument.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Klumpfot är en medfödd fotfelställning, som drabbar 1 av 1000 barn. Behandlingen består initialt av korrektion av felställningen, genom töjning och eventuellt operation. Det finns flera alternativa metoder att genomföra töjningar, och flera alternativa operationsmetoder. När felställningen korrigerats övergår behandlingen till att bibehålla det uppnådda läget med hjälp Clubfoot is a congenital disorder, affecting about one of 1000 children. Treatment consists of initial correction of the deformity, followed by prolonged orthosis treatment to maintain the correction obtained. There are several different treatment options. Outcome studies, using reliable and valid instruments are rare. In this thesis an assessment instrument, Clubfoot Assessment Protocol (CAP) wa

Optimal age for preventing osteoporosis after menopause depends on effects of stopping treatment

The aim of this study was to model the effect of short (3 year) treatments for osteoporosis at different times after menopause on the risk of osteoporotic fracture and to assess the impact of strategies to target high-risk individuals. Treatment efficacy for hip, proximal forearm, shoulder, and spine fracture were computed from the relationship between bone mineral density (BMD) and fracture in wo

Effective ways of handling events in Central and Eastern Europe

Five hundred and sixty-one managers in Central and Eastern Europe were asked how much they relied on each of eight sources of quidance in handling eight relatively routine work events. A previous study indicated particularly strong reliance on one's own experience and training in the Czech Republic and Hungary. Managers from Poland and Slovakia relied more on superiors, while in Romania and Bulgar

Gene fusions in soft tissue tumors: Recurrent and overlapping pathogenetic themes.

Gene fusions have been described in approximately one-third of soft tissue tumors (STT); of the 142 different fusions that have been reported, more than half are recurrent in the same histologic subtype. These gene fusions constitute pivotal driver mutations, and detailed studies of their cellular effects have provided important knowledge about pathogenetic mechanisms in STT. Furthermore, most fus

Maladaptive plasticity of serotonin axon terminals in levodopa-induced dyskinesia.

OBJECTIVE:: Striatal serotonin projections have been implicated in levodopa-induced dyskinesia by providing an unregulated source of dopamine release. We set out to determine whether these projections are affected by levodopa treatment in a way that would favor the occurrence of dyskinesia. METHODS:: As an index of terminal serotonin innervation density, we measured radioligand binding to the plas

Oxygen-dependent copper toxicity: targets in the chlorophyll biosynthesis pathway identified in the copper efflux ATPase CopA deficient mutant

Characterization of a copA(-) mutant in the purple photosynthetic bacterium Rubrivivax gelatinosus under low oxygen or anaerobic conditions, as well as in the human pathogen Neisseria gonorrhoeae identified HemN as a copper toxicity target enzyme in the porphyrin synthesis pathway. Heme synthesis is, however, unaffected by copper under high oxygen tension because of the aerobic coproporphyrinogen

Delayed reactions to reusable protective gloves.

The materials in plastic protective gloves are thought to cause less contact allergy than rubber gloves. Our aim was to estimate the frequency of delayed reactions to different types of reusable protective gloves among dermatitis patients. 2 x 2 cm pieces of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) gloves, nitrile gloves, and natural rubber latex (NRL) gloves were tested as is in consecutive dermatitis patients t

Discordant HER2 overexpression in primary and metastatic upper gastrointestinal adenocarcinoma signifies poor prognosis.

Targeted therapy with trastuzumab has proven to be effective for patients with gastric cancer overexpressing the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2). Further studies are needed to determine the best method for assessment of HER2 overexpression. Moreover, the prognostic value of HER2 overexpression, including the significance of tumour heterogeneity, remains unclear.

Hand Joint Space Narrowing and Osteophytes Are Associated with Magnetic Resonance Imaging-defined Knee Cartilage Thickness and Radiographic Knee Osteoarthritis: Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether features of radiographic hand osteoarthritis (OA) are associated with quantitative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-defined knee cartilage thickness, radiographic knee OA, and 1-year structural progression. METHODS: A total of 765 participants in Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI; 455 women, mean age 62.5 yrs, SD 9.4) obtained hand radiographs (at baseline), knee radi

Frequent rearrangements of chromosomes 1, 7, and 8 in primary liver cancer

Fifteen primary liver carcinomas (PLCs), including 12 hepatocellular carcinomas and three cholangiocellular carcinomas, were investigated cytogenetically after short-term culture. Ten tumors displayed clonal chromosomal abnormalities, whereas only normal karyotypes were detected in four cases, and one sample failed to grow in vitro. Structural rearrangements most often involved chromosomes 1, 7, a

Determinants of increasing pulse pressure during 23 years' follow-up as a marker of arterial stiffness and vascular ageing.

The aim was to investigate clinical characteristics of increased brachial pulse pressure (PP) during long-term follow-up (23 years) as a marker of arterial stiffness in 9704 healthy subjects. The association of baseline variables with an increasing PP burden during the study period was analysed by univariate analysis. In addition, the association between different biological variables at baseline

Experimental poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis elicited by IgG Fc-binding M family proteins and blocked by IgG Fc fragment.

Burova L, Pigarevsky P, Seliverstova V, Gupalova T, Schalén C, Totolian A. Experimental poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis elicited by IgG Fc-binding M family proteins and blocked by IgG Fc fragment. APMIS 2012; 120: 221-30. The pathogenesis of acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis (APSGN), a major nonsuppurative complication of group A streptococcal (GAS) throat or skin disease, remains un