

Din sökning på "*" gav 527408 sökträffar

The Swedish Gypsy Experts

The study of the history of the Gypsies in Sweden shows a marked continuity over time in regard both to content and starting point.It deals with two themes: the particular 'nature' of the Gypsies and their relation vis-á-vis the authorities. The point of departure is that the Gypsies are a foreign, 'secretive' and 'inaccesible' people, whose 'otherness' can not be accepted. Consequently they must

The use of molecular markers for identifying species diversity and functional variation of ectomycorrhizal fungi

Ectomycorrhiza (EM) is a symbiosis between soil living fungi and the roots of woody plants. EM fungal communities are important in forest nutrient cycling, they are species rich and their structures vary between habitats and over time. An EM community in a phosphorus-poor forest was exposed to apatite and EM mycelia actively colonizing ingrowth bags were analyzed. Internal transcribed spacer (ITS)

Heating and Cooling of the Supply air in Fan-assisted Natural Ventilation

In schools the temperature of the indoor air is one of the most important factors in terms of the indoor climate. The resulting indoor air temperature is depending on many factors; the temperature of the supply air being one of the more significant one. One fan-assisted natural ventilation system includes a supply air system where the outdoor air should be passively heated respectively cooled when

Methodological reflections on gesture analysis in SLA and bilingualism research

Gestures, i.e. the symbolic movements that speakers perform while they speak, form a closely interconnected system with speech, where gestures serve both addressee-directed (‘communicative’) and speaker-directed (‘internal’) functions. This article aims (1) to show that a combined analysis of gesture and speech offers new ways to address theoretical issues in second language acquisition (SLA) and

Institutions and Social Mobilization

Social movements are series of sustained interactions and collective actions, contentious performances, displays and campaigns by ordinary people outside established political institutions. Yet, why do certain movements persist over a significant period of time while some do not? How do those that persist, sustain themselves and overcome constraints over time, especially those imposed by non-liber

On the Expanding Properties of Gallager's LDPC Matrices

This paper investigates expanding properties of ensembles of random bipartite graphs whose adjacency matrices are Gallager's low-density parity-check matrices. Two methods for calculating the expansion coefficient are demonstrated. It is shown that in the ensemble of the considered bipartite graphs, there exist graphs which have better expanding properties than the previously known expanders.

Design of close to optimal Euclidean distance MIMO-precoders

In this work we study the problem of constructing precoders for spatially multiplexed multiple-input multiple output (MIMO) channels with close to optimal minimum Euclidean distance. In order to exploit the full potential of such designs, an ML detector must be used. Our design takes the decoding complexity into account and constrain it to a reasonable level. For our simplest case, the ML detector

Från Bologna blåser förändringens vindar, reformering av juristutbildningen

Det har i olika sammanhang uttryckts att förändringarna med Bolognaprocessen skapar en chans att reformera utbildningen i Sverige på ett djupgående sätt och att det gäller att ta vara på möjligheten. Nuvarande förslag leder inte ens i bästa fall till någon genomgripande reform. Förändringarna, om de nu genomförs, får snarare betraktas som en anpassning än en grundläggande reform. Det är kanske klo

Features of request strategies in Chinese

As Blum-Kulka, House & Kasper 1989:1 point out, speech acts are “one of the most compelling notions in the study of language use”. The Cross-Cultural Speech Act Realisation Project (CCSARP; Blum-Kulka & Olshtain 1984) analyses two speech acts: requests and apologies across a range of languages and cultures to investigate whether there are universal pragmatic principles in speech act realis