

Din sökning på "*" gav 533435 sökträffar

Relationship between Knowledge Sharing Security and Organizational Context in the Public and Private Organizations

One of the most significant current discussions in Knowledge Sharing (KS) is security. Security is an important component in KS, and plays a key role in reducing the risks in KS. However, relatively little study has been performed on KS security in the public and private sectors, and even less in the developing countries. This research intends to find the relationship between organizational contex

Critical perspectives on leadership

This chapter reviews the emerging body of literature on critical theories of leadership. It begins by putting critical approaches to leadership in the context of broader debates about leadership. It notes that most existing work builds on either functional or interpretive assumptions. After noting some of the shortcomings with these directions, this chapter offers an alternative set of ideas based

Performance Evaluation of Lighting and Daylighting Retrofits: Results from IEA SHC Task 50

This article presents some results from a large monitoring campaign performed in 22 buildings around the world as part of International Energy Agency (IEA) Task 50 “Advanced lighting solutions for retrofitting buildings”. This article mainly addresses the work of Subtask D, which aims to demonstrate sound lighting retrofit solutions in a selection of representative, typical Case Studies. In order

High-Throughput Crystallography : Reliable and Efficient Identification of Fragment Hits

Today the identification of lead structures for drug development often starts from small fragment-like molecules raising the chances to find compounds that successfully pass clinical trials. At the heart of the screening for fragments binding to a specific target, crystallography delivers structural information essential for subsequent drug design. While it is common to search for bound ligands in

Six Biophysical Screening Methods Miss a Large Proportion of Crystallographically Discovered Fragment Hits : A Case Study

Fragment-based lead discovery (FBLD) has become a pillar in drug development. Typical applications of this method comprise at least two biophysical screens as prefilter and a follow-up crystallographic experiment on a subset of fragments. Clearly, structural information is pivotal in FBLD, but a key question is whether such a screening cascade strategy will retrieve the majority of fragment-bound

Carbon atom fluorescence and C2 emission detected in fuel-rich flames using a UV laser

Laser-induced fluorescence from carbon atoms, excited at the two-photon resonances around 280 nm, has been detected in fuel-rich hydrocarbon flames together with Swan band emission from the C2 radical, which was non-resonantly excited at the same wavelengths. The emission from the C atom and from the C2 molecule exhibited several similarities, indicating a possible common photo-chemical origin.

Det autoimmuna jaget : om att sätta gränser

Att leva med en autoimmun sjukdom som typ 1-diabetes innebär att man tvingas till ställningstaganden som en frisk individ sällan eller aldrig behöver ta i beaktande. Dessa ställningstaganden kan utifrån sett tyckas vara obetydliga men är för diabetikern livsviktiga. Denna artikel är skriven utifrån ett första-personsperspektiv och lyfter fram aspekter som blir en del i en slags överlevnadsstrategi