

Din sökning på "*" gav 534703 sökträffar

Estimation and Analysis of VaR on forwards' data in Nordic Electricity Market

It was intended with this research to estimate in-sample and out-of-sample Value-at-Risk(VaR) on forwards’ data in Nordic electricity market by using different parametric and nonparametric approaches and investigate which of them give the most accurate results after implementation of back-testing. There were two confidence levels of 95% and 99% used in this research. After implementation of data

Clickwrap och Point-and-click: Att ingå avtal och införliva standardvillkor genom elektroniska klick

I framställningen behandlas frågan om clickwrap och point-and-click kan användas för att tillskapa bundenhet vid vissa standardiserade villkor enligt svensk rätt. Förfarandena innebär att en användare genom ett elektroniskt ”klick” godkänner vissa standardiserade avtalsvillkor utan reell möjlighet att omförhandla dem. De utgör därför typexempel på anslutningsavtal där utbjudaren dikterar villkorenThe essay examines whether or not utilization of clickwrap and point-and-click agreements can give rise to legal obligations according to Swedish law. Both methods seek to incorporate and bind users to standardized terms through a “click” without giving any opportunity to negotiate the terms. They are contracts of adhesion, unilaterally put forward and dictated by one of the parties. For a standa

Den gudstjänstfirande församlingen i Svenska kyrkan

Den här uppsatsen är, som titeln anger, en analys av den gudstjänstfirande församlingen i Svenska kyrkan och dess betydelse hos teologerna Fredrik Modeus, Ragnar Persenius och Sven Thidevall. Bakgrunden till uppsatsen är att förtroendet för Svenska kyrkan fortfarande är starkt men dess betydelse har minskat för nutidsmänniskan. Medlemstrenden pekar neråt, allt färre firar gudstjänst på söndagen oc

Jura novit curia

Jura novit curia anses innebära att parterna inte kan binda domstolen vid vilken rättsregel som är tillämplig. Och inte heller hur denna rättsregel ska tolkas och tillämpas. Denna princip vållar emellertid vissa problem. Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att utreda om principen om jura novit curias omfattning enligt gällande rätt är välavvägd samt att annars ge förslag på bättre lösningar. PrinciIura novit curia implies that the parties cannot, with binding effect for the court, choose which law should be applied. Nor can they choose how the law should be interpreted or applied. The purpose of this paper was to investigate whether the extent of the principle of iura novit curia in Swedish law is balanced. If not so, the aim is to provide suggestions for a better solution. Iura novit curia

Principalansvar - En komparativ studie mellan Sverige och England

Sammanfattning En arbetsgivare kan i svensk och engelsk rätt bli ålagd ansvar för annans vållande. I svensk rätt kallas denna lära för principalansvar och stadgas i 3:1 SkL. I den engelska rätten kallas ansvar för annans vållande för vicarious liability och principen om en arbetsgivares ansvar har etablerats i praxis. Ansvaret kan ses som strikt i den mening att en arbetsgivare själv inte måste haSummary An employer can in the swedish and english legal systems be held responsible for the acts of an employee. In the swedish system this principle is called principalansvar and is established in 3:1 SkL. The english system names responsibility for others as vicarious liability, the principle in which the empoyeer is held liable for the empolyees tortious act came through court cases. There is

Institutional fragmentation in fisheries management: The case of the North Atlantic Ocean

When speaking in terms of institutional fragmentation in global environmental governance one might rather immediately notice that a certain degree of said fragmentation probably is a perennial characteristic in this context and, arguably, preferable. However, the degree varies rather widely in time, space and issue areas. Fisheries being an example of a relatively high degree of fragmentation, sin

New Microalgal Strains for Converting CO2 Rich Flue Gases into Valuable Biomass: An Assessment of Microalgal Diversity from "CO2 Fumarole - Dunsthöhle"

Popular science summary New microalgal strains for converting CO2 rich flue gasses into valuable biomass Global depletion of fossil fuels and climate change due to Green House Gases (GHGs) emissions are presently faced two serious challenges. It has been known from quite long that increasing concentration of greenhouse gases (mainly CO2) in the atmosphere is the key cause for global climate chan

Depictions of Women in American Literature 1860-2009

Have portrayals of women in literature changed over time? The assumption was that the portrayals of women have changed over time in one way or another. The analysis shows, quite contrary to the assumption, that there is no difference between the portrayals of women in the 19th century compared to the 21st century. All of the multiple correspondence analyses indicate that whether the novel was writ

Discontinuities handled with events in Assimulo, a practical approach

Often ordinary differential equations or differential algebraic equations do not constitute the problem alone. A common complement is finding the root of an algebraic function (an event function) that depends on the states of the problem. This formulation of a model enables the possibility of including discontinuities and saving or stopping the process more effective. The problem of root-finding d

"De fattar ju ingenting" - En studie om brister i den interorganisatoriska kommunikationen inom 3PL-samarbeten

Uppsatsen studerar brister i den interorganisatoriska kommunikationen i tredjepartslogistiska (3PL) samarbeten. Kommunikationens betydelse brukar betonas i interorganisatoriska samarbeten, men trots att den expansiva marknaden för 3PL-tjänster redan är av betydande storlek saknas studier som fokuserar på de brister som kan uppstå i kommunikationen mellan organisationer i dessa samarbeten. Syftet m

Att hantera säsongsutmaningar i reseindustrin

Service- och reseindustrin har vuxit mycket de senaste decennierna. I samband med det ökar konkurrensen bland företagen på marknaden. Det bidrar till att företag börjat se personalen som en resurs där bra servicekvalitet kan vara ett sätt att särskilja sig från konkurrenter för att skapa ett framgångsrikt företag. Forskning inom Service Management och Human Resource Management beskriver vikten av

Stepping outside the comfort zone : implementing electricity-saving practices on the municipal level taking a practice theory perspective

In this thesis, the effectiveness of municipal climate policies aiming to influence citizens’ electricity consumption to address the sustainability challenge of climate change was investigated. The cases of two policies of the city of Frankfurt am Main, the electricity-saving counselling and electricity-saving premium, were considered. A qualitative research approach was taken, by conducting twent

Can Private Equity Create Value

This thesis proposes an alternative way of comparing the performance of private equity funds and testing if they through active involvement can increase the value of their investments. Resent studies has shown that the true performance of Private Equity funds are about the same as the markets return so by measuring the performance of the companies that most resemble the private equity firms actual

Ett hållbart vittnesskydd: En analys av möjligheten till ett förbättrat vittnesskydd i ljuset av insynsrätten

Utsagor från vittnen är ett väsentligt inslag i en effektiv rättskipning. Hot och våld mot vittnen utgör därför ett stort hinder i det brottsbekämpande ar-betet. Om det allmänna inte kan erbjuda vittnen ett tillräckligt skydd vid så-dana angrepp, finns det risk att vittnen väljer att inte samarbeta med polisen, vilket i sin tur kan få till följd att grova brott förblir ouppklarade. I denna studie Statements by witnesses are an essential element of the efficient administra-tion of justice. The occurrence of serious forms of threats and violence to-wards witnesses and their relatives therefore constitutes a major impediment to the work in combating crime. If the public cannot offer witnesses suffi-cient protection from attacks, there is a risk that they will choose not to co-operate with the

Occupational-Based Effects of Retirement on Health

Many European countries have recently decided to increase their statutory retirement ages because the demographic change poses a challenge to the stability of social security systems. The success of this policy depends among others on the health effect of such a delayed retirement. This study analyzes the effect of retirement on mental and physical health and further examines whether the health ef

Doctrine of State Responsibility in the Law of Inter-state Marine Pollution Damage

The question of environmental protection has lately become essential due to the increased number of polluters and accidents that have occurred in recent decades. The starting point was the Torrey Canyon disaster which happened in March 1967 and exposed the entire international community to a great danger of environmental harm in general and marine pollution in particular. The accident also pointed

Utevarohandläggning i brottmål

The Swedish rules in RB 46 Ch. 15 a sets out a framework for when the courts can hold a main hearing in the absence of the accused. The rule is aimed at situations where the accused is deliberately evading court but also when the accused, for unknown reasons, is not present. The paragraph is intended to increase the efficiency of the court as well as to decrease the number of cancelled hearings by

Häktning och falska erkännanden - samband däremellan och domstolens prövning av erkännandet

Denna uppsats behandlar erkännandet i svensk straffrätt och hur domstolen prövar ett erkännande. Uppsatsen innehåller även en undersökning av den svenska häktningssituationen och förekomsten av falska erkännanden i svenska domstolar samt samspelet dem emellan. Syftet med arbetet är att redogöra för hur domstolens prövning av ett erkännande går till samt om och i så fall hur de svenska häktena och This thesis deals with confession in Swedish criminal law and the proceeding of it by the court. The thesis also includes a survey of the Swedish detention, the existence of false confessions in the Swedish courts and their interaction. The purpose of this work is to describe how the Court precedes the confession and whether and if so, how the Swedish detention rules are affecting people to confes