Din sökning på "*" gav 533107 sökträffar
The Issue of Food Security in Malawi: The Study of How and Why one of the World's Poorest Countries Attained Food Security
Food security is vital for the further development of a state. The aim of this thesis is to examine how and why Malawi managed to obtain national food security despite being one of the poorest countries in the world. Malawi’s economy is predominantly agricultural based and the majority of its population live in rural areas and are employed in agriculture. Therefore, politicians who wish to gain su
THE MACHINERY OF IRAQI WATER INSTITUTIONS: The Development of Institutions in a Post War State
The current state of Iraq regarding water issues is quite poor despite ongoing efforts to rebuild water infrastructures. Investigating the underlying problems with failed water infrastructures, this paper aims at identifying water institutions as the key to the failure of water governance in Iraq. Utilizing the theories of New Institutionalism, a mechanical model of institutions is formulated, ide
Hur ska vi få Spara att Slösa igen? – en studie om modeföretags kommunikation i tider av finansiell oro.
Titel: Hur ska vi få Spara att Slösa igen? – en studie om modeföretags kommunikation i tider av finansiell oro. Författare: Johanna Kojan, Pamela Persson, Sanna Sultan Handledare: Mats Heide, Charlotte Simonsson Nyckelord: Kommunikation, trender, taktiker, modebranschen. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka genom vilka kommunikationsaktivieter företag stimulerar till försäljning i tide
Konsten att motivera monotont arbete
Litteraturstödet- En Extreme Makeover
The Swedish Arts Council supports, develops and initiates interaction between the state, the regions, municipalities and representatives for cultural life in Sweden. Since 1975 the Swedish National Council has provided literature grants for book publishers, who applies and are chosen for their newly produced titles. In order to get a grant the title has to meet certain criterias, such as high lite
Jämställdhet i nytt paket: handläggare om jämställdhet och jämställdhetsarbete i försvarsmakten
This essay aims to research how administratives working with issues of equality, LGBT, ethnicity and religion in the Swedish Armed forces considers equality and equality work. Drawing on theories that consider organizations as influenced by constructions of gender, theories on state, nation and citizenship the analysis focus on what equality means in the context of the Swedish Armed forces. My und
Haptiskt ritprogram
I det här examensarbetet beskrivs det hur jag utvecklar ett ritprogram med olika färger för blinda och synskadade personer. För att använda programmet utnyttjas the PHANToM, på svenska Fantomen, som är ett haptiskt användargränssnitt som används för att känna virtuella objekt. Fantomen ser ut som en robotarm med en penna som användaren håller i. När användaren för pennan i olika riktningar ger arm
Trygghetsradio i Uganda
Människor med funktionshinder i Uganda är en samhällsgrupp som ofta lever marginaliserat, utan tillgång till samhällets infrastruktur, i utanförskap och isolerat. En anledning till detta är att den kulturella synen på människor med funktionshinder är att de skulle vara straffade av onda makter för dåliga handlingar de utfört. Utomstående personer drar sig undan. Brist på stöd från myndigheter och
What's the Alternative to Alltournative? Examining the Potential of Community-Based Tourism for Sustainable Development of Rural Communities in Quintana Roo, Mexico
Tourism has recently been acknowledged as a potential means for sustainable development. This study examined what tourism has meant for the community members involved in community based tourism (CBT) projects in rural Quintana Roo, Mexico, with regards to the sustainable development of their communities. The study used a qualitative case study research design to compare two different approaches to
Corporate Identity in relation to Culture and Image in the Returns Department of IKEA Malmö
The growing focus on customer relationship forces enterprises to tailor their processes in a more customer oriented way. The concept of customer relations is a topic of marketing studies, but it has strong implications on organization studies because of its role in the formation of employee understanding. “Customer orientation” is said to be at the very heart of the IKEA way, especially in Returns
Köp 2 liter mjölk, få en utrotningshotad tiger på köpet! En studie om hur företag bör agera genom CM för att nå Generation Y.
Uppsatsens syfte är att analysera hur företag bör agera genom CM för att nå Generation Y. Vidare är också syftet att utreda CM och framtida CM-möjligheter för företag. I förlängningen innebär även detta att bidra till förståelse för hur Generation Y reagerar gentemot varumärkesallianser företag och välgörenhetsorganisationer emellan. Metoden utgår ifrån är ett abduktivt angreppssätt, innefattandes
Purpose: We intend to study what exactly happens to organizational identity construction during a crisis. Thereby we are particularly interested in elucidating the influencing factors and levels for identity construction. We investigate how organizational identity was deconstructed and want to suggest a discussion of the terminology as the notion of “identity construction” does not seem to be appr
Tracing the Portland Athletic Shoe Industry. Innovation, Time & Space
The athletic shoe industry in Portland, Oregon is examined in this paper. We argue that Portland’s athletic shoe industry is representative of an industry cluster, and go on to examine the roles of technology diffusion, innovation, local competition, local demand and local factor conditions in the growth of this industry in the Portland area. In addition, we consider the industry’s integration of
The learning organisation 2.0? A participative and exploratory case study on corporate blogging
The phenomenons called blogging and learning organisations are both contemporary and research is inconclusive (e.g. Easterby-Smith et al., 2000 and Wattal et al., 2009). This study aims to merge the two by means of a participative and exploratory case study on corporate blogging. By use of qualitative interviews and a data analysis focusing on concentrated meanings and thematic categorisation, the
Effekten av ideomotoriska träningsprogram på muskulär kraftutveckling - en litteraturstudie.
Hur kan musikundervisning utveckla och ge stimulans åt personer med intellektuella funktionsnedsättningar?
A lot of times during my teaching practice and during my summer jobs I have met something that I see as under-stimulation in people with intellectual disabilities. Learned helplessness is a phenomenon which can explain this behaviour. In my study “How can music teaching develop and stimulate people with intellectual disabilities?” I want to learn more about the conception learned helplessness in t
Barn i köpingen Löddeköpinge - in utero/in vivo/in morte/ - En studie av barndomens hälsa och status i en medeltida handelsort
This essay discusses the health and life of the children from Löddeköpinge, a medieval churchyard in Scania, Sweden (ca. 1000-1200 BC), investigated in the 1960s-1980s. This study views the children’s well-being and existence from 7 perspectives: demography, growth, odontometric sex assessment, enamel hypoplasia, cribra orbitalia, social age classes and gender. Approximately 1400 individuals were
Samlingsplatser under mesolitikum. - Om jägar-samlarsamhällens behov av att samlas och samlingsplatser i det mesolitiska Skandinavien
Larger meetings and gatherings of people is commonly discussed when it comes to prehistoric periods like the Neolithic and the Iron Age. When talking about the Mesolithic, people's need of gathering or hypothetical gathering places is seldom mentioned. This essay is an attempt to bring attention to phenomena like gathering and gathering places during the Scandinavian Mesolithic. In order to do
Nymphidia Monime och Cassia Victoria - en fallstudie av kvinnors roll inom augustalkollegiet
In the middle of the second century AD, the Augustales at Misenum decided to honor two women by co-opting one of them, Nymphidia Monime, into their collegium, and bestowing the title of sacerdos Augustalium, priestess of the Augustales, on the other, Cassia Victoria. The aim of this paper is to discuss on what grounds these two women were given access to what was normally an exclusively male conte