

Din sökning på "*" gav 532947 sökträffar

Does having previous working experiences in finance affect corporate hedging decisions made by the CEO? - a study on U.S. oil and gas producers

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate if a CEO with finance and accounting working experiences would affect corporate hedging decisions, in terms of the decision to hedge, the extent of hedging, and the type of hedging tools used. This thesis uses panel data regressions where the hedge ratio, binary hedging decisions and hedging types are dependent variables, controlled by independent varia

Nation branding – Ett synnerligen odemokratiskt fenomen

Nation Branding är idag ett utbrett fenomen som allt fler länder spenderar enorma resurser på. Sverige är ett land som aktivt arbetar med sin nation branding i syfte att förbättra omvärldens uppfattning om landet. Detta exemplifierades inte minst när de som första och enda land i världen lämnade över dess officiella twitterkonto till sina medborgare genom initiativet “Curators of Sweden”, som syftNation Branding is today a widespread phenomenon which more and more countries spend enormous resources on. Sweden is a country that actively works with its nation branding in order to improve the outside world's perception of the country. This was exemplified when, as the first and only country in the world, they allowed their official twitter account to their citizens through the "Curat

Modeling of pillow-shaped paperboard packages subjected to compression

This thesis treats compression testing of pillow-shaped paperboard packages. Virtual packages were defined and compression tests, simulated using a commercial software, were compared to physical compression tests of actual packages. The tests were conducted using different package configurations. Initially a single package was tested both physically, obtaining force-displacement data, as well as

A Gust of Trust

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of trust on the predictive power of the Solow growth model, extended to use human capital as a growth inducing factor. Previous literature widely agrees that non-economic variables are, indeed, of great importance in predicting the growth of economies, and hence, we choose to develop a growth model taking the levels of trust into account, seei

Att vara vaken

Det blir allt vanligare att opereras vaken under regional och lokal anestesi vilket ställer andra krav på anestesisjuksköterskan gentemot användningen av generell anestesi. Därav är det av vikt att systematiskt granska samt sammanställa den evidens som föreligger, för att beskriva patienters upplevelser av att vara vaken under operation. Studiens syfte var att systematiskt sammanställa litteratur

Profit-allocation based on value creation in the digital economy

With the proposed Directive by the European Commission to tax the digital economy more effective by introducing a digital permanent establishment, the question raises how to effectively tax it. Under the current profit-allocation principles, profits are allocated to the jurisdiction in which the significant people functions are situated. However, since a digital PE can exists without any people or

Medborgarnas kamp för Trädgårdsstaden Bromma - om ökad delaktighet i planering som potentiellt medel för självsegregation

This thesis aims to investigate the relationship between public participation and self-segregation. The Delegation for Sustainable Cities (2012) argue that it is problematic that measures against segregation often are project-based, with a unilateral focus on socioeconomic weak areas. The strong opposition that urban planners meet when implying efforts against segregation in socioeconomically stro

A Field Study in Shipping: Near Miss, A Mantra With Dubious Effect on Safety

Safety is intertwined with learning, without learning safety would be a static construct. To advance, safety concepts and theories all rely on the art of processing knowledge and though learning attaining a contributing effect. In shipping, the abstract of a near-miss is promoted as ‘good business and economic sense because it can improve crew performance and reduce costs’. Studies have shown th

Vilka förändringar i känsloreglering sker i samband med ERGT-behandling?

ERGT är en gruppbehandling som i Sverige idag ges till patienter i psykiatrisk öppenvård och som syftar till att hjälpa patienter till minskad användning av destruktiva beteendemönster genom att främja mer adaptiv känsloreglering. Patienterna som deltog i denna studie har genomgått ERGT vid mottagningen för Dialektisk Beteende Terapi på en psykiatrisk klinik i södra Sverige. Denna studie är en för

Exploring the use of different co-solvents combined with CO2 for glycoalkaloid extraction from potato protein

Från giftiga potatisar till användbara proteiner Potatis är en av världens mest odlade grödor. Den innehåller både kolhydrater och proteiner och har ett högt näringsvärde. Det talas ofta om att det är viktigt att få i sig proteiner, men sällan om proteinets emulgerande, konsistengivande och skummande egenskaper. Dessa egenskaper är högt värderade inom livsmedelsindustrin. Traditionell odling harPotato protein is an industrial side product with highly desirable properties which can be utilized if the toxic glycoalkaloids can be removed in a gentle way which doesn’t damage the protein. The challenge within this project is to find an extraction technique efficient enough to remove the toxic glycoalkaloids, but still mild enough to preserve the protein from denaturation. Supercritical CO2 ex

Patientens upplevda behov av information i samband med bröstcancerbehandling. En litteraturstudie.

Bakgrund: Bröstcancer är en av de vanligaste dödsorsakerna bland medelålders kvinnor i Sverige. För att patienten ska tas sig igenom den påfrestande upplevelsen av bröstcancer och dess behandlingar är information viktigt. Syfte: Att belysa patientens upplevda behov av information i samband med bröstcancerbehandling. Metod: En litteraturstudie genomfördes med integrerad analys. Tio vetenskapliga ar

DriVR - A driving school simulator in VR

Many driving schools request cheap, safe alternatives to driving lessons. Some VR (Virtual Reality) car simulators already exist today, but they are either too expensive or not adapted to the Swedish trac system. The purpose of this master thesis has been to investigate whether a virtual environment can be realistic enough for a driving school student to actually benet from using it. To answer the

En kritisk diskursanalys av riksdagsdebatt om den svenska regeringens förhållningssätt till Turkiets ockupation av Afrin

The interpellation debate on Turkey's invasion of Afrin has been mentioned and circulated in the Swedish parliamentary debate. It is debated and discussed why the Foreign Minister Margot Wallström has not yet condemned the invasion, although Turkey's actions clearly show that the attack on the city has mainly hit Kurdish goals and groups in the city. The purpose of this study is to critica

Journalism in Conflict

This thesis explores, through interviews, the journalistic norms that influence news workers in Iraq. Investigating their views of news media, its role in providing a space for peaceful resolutions to conflict and the current state of the Iraqi media landscape. After the defeat of ISIS and the prospects of the terrorist organization as a viable force in the region have diminished, old fault lines

Mänsklig säkerhet – en fråga med flera dimensioner: En studie av FNs fredsbevarande operation i CAR

The meaning of security has transformed due to the emergence of alternative security perspectives after the cold war, promoting the need for a security agenda centred around the individual. Since its popularization in the 1990s, the concept of human security has been characterized by debates regarding its relevance and what it should entail. As an important actor in maintaining peace and security,

Othering in the Olympics

Through the use of discourse analysis, this study examines how Russian identity claims have changed during increased tension with the West and to what extent it is noticed in the political arena of the Winter Olympics. The material consists of speeches and statements from leaders in the Russian government and the theoretical framework is based on Iver Neumann’s and Tzvetan Todorov’s theories on Ot

Swedish Feminist Foreign Policy: How can a feminist approach to foreign policy be understood?

This purpose of this thesis is to get a further understanding of what Swedish feminist foreign policy constitutes through a critical discourse analysis. By using gender mainstreaming strategies and feminist IR-theories as a theoretical framework for analysis, key aspects from these approaches are examined within the Swedish feminist foreign policy. This thesis mainly focuses on how the concepts of

Ansvar för att skapa hållbarhet : en begreppsanalys av ansvar i den svenska modeindustrins hållbarhetsredovisningar

Min uppsats ’’Ansvar för att skapa hållbarhet – en begreppsanalys av ansvar i den svenska modeindustrins hållbarhetsredovisningar’’, undersöker Hennes & Mauritz och Filippa Ks syn på begreppet ansvar i deras hållbarhetsredovisningar före och efter de globala målen för hållbar utveckling. Syftet med studien är att synliggöra om företagens syn på ansvar har förändrats sedan världssamfundet ställMy thesis ’’Responsibility to create sustainability – a concept analysis of responsibility in the sustainability reports of the Swedish fashion industry’’, investigates Hennes & Mauritz and Filippa Ks view of the concept responsibility in sustainability reports, be- fore and after the adoption of The Sustainable development goals. The purpose of this study is to uncover if the enterprises view