

Din sökning på "*" gav 533777 sökträffar

Playing the game of law and healthcare – Non-binary people's access to and experiences of trans-specific healthcare in Finland

For non-binary people the law is not securing trans-specific healthcare in Finland. The current regulation is built on understanding of gender as binary and according to the Act on Legal Recognition of the Gender of Transsexuals (563/2002) a person can be confirmed to belong to the “opposite gender” if she/he fulfils the preconditions. One of the requirements is a mental health diagnosis prior to

"Ett mord är ett mord. En människa är en människa"

Brottslighet är någonting som väcker känslor och intresse hos människor, vilket gör det tacksamt att använda brott som grund för nyhetsartiklar. Speciellt grova våldsbrott, som mord, ges ofta stort fokus i nyhetsrapportering då det har ett naturligt nyhetsvärde. Syftet med studien är att analysera hur svenska nyhetsartiklar porträtterar offer och gärningspersoner i mordfall. Vidare syftar studien

How to analyze identification in storytelling?

This thesis examines the use of storytelling in advertising from a rhetorical perspective. Specifically, stories told in IKEA’s recent advertising campaign Där livet händer (Where life happens) will be analyzed. The purpose is to propose a way in which to analyze identification in storytelling. Departing from a Burkean perspective, building on Black’s concept of the second persona and Burke’s dram

Leading through a Pandemic: A study on Female Leadership & Covid-19 Outcomes

The purpose of this thesis is to examine if female-led countries fared the Covid-19 pandemic differently from male-led countries. To do so, I rely on a pooled OLS regression model, using data from 189 countries between January 2020 to March 2022. My results show that countries with female leaders have significantly fewer cases and deaths of Covid-19 than countries with male leaders. This is found

Optimization-Based Geometry Correction Of Blood Flow CFD Simulations Using 4D-Flow Data

Kan man kombinera Magnetisk Resonanstomografi, mer k ̈ant som MRI, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, med geometrioptimering av fl ̈odessimuleringar f ̈or att f ̊a fram mer detaljrika bilder av blodfl ̈odet? I denna studiehar vi arbetat med att vidareutveckla ett verktyg f ̈or att ̈oka uppl ̈osningen p ̊a tredimensionella bilder av blodk ̈arl i kroppen. Ett syfte med den h ̈ar tekniken ̈ar att ge l ̈akar4D-flow is a powerful tool capable of capturing 3-dimensional, time-resolved flow measurements of blood flow in the body. Their current use is limited by resolution and scan times. A proposed solution is to use Simulation Based Imaging (SBI). This combines lower resolution 4D-flow scans with CFD simulations to improve resolution and reduce scan times. Previous work has focused on inlet and outlet

Performance and Wear Behaviour of Coated and Uncoated Cemented Carbide Tools during Milling of Titanium Alloys

Purpose – The purpose of this project is to study the performance of uncoated versus coated cemented carbide tools when performing milling operations in heat treated titanium alloys, with the goal of establishing a base line of knowledge and methodology linked to these difficult-to-machine materials relevant for the metal cutting industry. Design/methodology/approach – The work that is carried out

The land carbon sink of Lithuanian forests in the light of climate change: A model approach

Forests form the backbone of the European terrestrial carbon sink (State Forest Service & Ministry of Environment, 2018). As the European Union (EU) strives to become climate neutral by 2050, forests are accounted for the natural carbon absorption mechanism (European Commission, n.d.). Currently, the European net land carbon sink is decreasing largely due to forest ageing (Pilli et al., 2022),

Low Energy Building Materials Suitable for Bhutanese Architecture - Wood Wool Slab

Rammed earth is commonly used to construct traditional Bhutanese buildings. In colder areas, the thermal performance of these buildings is poor leading to the easy ingress of cold air demanding more heating energy to make a comfortable indoor climate. Modern insulation materials are not common in Bhutan due to the lack of knowledge on the advantage of thermal insulating materials, the unavaila

UX Re-Design of an Image Management System in Healthcare

I långa vita korridorer med oräkneliga antal lysrör finns en värld som byggs upp av mjuka ting som läkare och sjuksköterskor, men även mer och mer hårda ting - teknik. Vad händer när bryggan mellan de mjuka och hårda tingen inte byggs med dem båda i åtanke? WHO beskriver att nästan ett av tio fel som sker med medicinsk teknik beror på användaren. Dessa fel skulle kunna undvikas om system designadeAs incidences of chronic diseases increase, the tools to diagnose, treat and monitor such conditions become more important. Medical imaging technologies, being one of these tools, still face challenges in safe and effective use. At the same time, poor design of medical devices causes errors that could be avoided using proper design methods. The master thesis is written in collaboration with Bild

Does religion impact economic growth? A study across countries and time.

Since the inception of Hinduism some 3500-4300 years ago, religion has been at the forefront of human, cultural, and social development, but how influential has it been on economic growth during the past century? This study examines this intriguing question to find whether or not religion is as prominent in the prosperity and development of modern economies as it once was. Seven carefully selected

Do Companies Value ESG? An investigation of the potential relationship between ESG performance and deal premiums paid in acquisitions.

This paper sheds light on companies’ valuation of ESG performance by examining the potential impact that the ESG-score of the target firm has on bid premiums in Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A). While extensive research has been conducted on sustainable investing, no consensus regarding the influence of ESG performance on M&A activities has been reached. With a sample of 224 deals complete

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What upsets and outrages today’s neighbors in a quiet suburban area in Norway? This study aims to explore the social order of neighbor-Facebook groups through a thematic analysis of three Facebook-groups and 83 posts related to deviance. By looking at posts concerning everything from adolescents smoking marihuana to stolen potted plants this study finds that deviance, even today, draws people toge

Effect of cutting parameters on hole defects while drilling Twill Reinforced Bio-composites

Composites like CFRP and GFRP have been a popular alternative in several industries such as aerospace, automotive, energy, marine and consumer goods. However, these materials being non-recyclable, bio-composite materials are being investigated to explore areas where it can replace the conventional composites. One such alternative is Flax-Polylactic acid(PLA)-based bio-composite which is 100 % recy

Commit or Emit: The Sustainability Characteristics of Danish Companies with Net-Zero Pledges

This thesis explores the characteristics and sustainability strategies of Danish companies with certified climate targets and the distinction with net-zero targets. The probability of having a net-zero target is modelled with three explanatory variables – life cycle assessments (LCAs), disruptive innovation, and carbon offsetting. The study is based on survey data gathered from thirty-four sustain

Föräldern som mellanhand. En kvalitativ studie om barn som anhöriga inom cancervården.

The aim of this study was to investigate how nurses and counselors at an outpatient clinic in cancer care experience working with children as next of kin. This was done by examining how the nurses and counselors describes working with children who have a seriously ill parent. The study was conducted through semi-structured interviews with four counselors and three nurses from two oncology clinics

A Storytelling and Brand Identity Connection

Title: A Storytelling and Brand Identity Connection - A multiple case study on companies communicating through storytelling and how it can connect to their brand identity. Date of Seminar: June 2, 2022. Course: BUSN39, Degree Project in Global Marketing. Authors: Erik Andrén and Therese Hermelin. Supervisor: Mats Urde. Key Words: Corporate Brand Management, Corporate Brand Identity, Storytel

Environmental Reporting Practices in German EMAS- registered Organisations: In-depth Content Analysis

Environmental standards are an important part of corporate sustainability efforts. According to signalling theory, they provide relevant information about a company’s efforts, while institutional theory assumes that firms use them to mitigate societal pressures by selectively disclosing information. The European Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) is a widely applied example of a voluntary envi