

Din sökning på "*" gav 535574 sökträffar

Responses to Human Trafficking: Securing States or People? From State Security to Human Security Approach

Almost a decade ago, human trafficking became an issue of significant attention and a subject of international and regional legislation and initiatives. Human trafficking became a serious challenge for a global community since it involves such aspects as national criminal justice, national borders and immigration control that traditionally had been issues of internal state competence. Therefore, c

State Responsibility Regarding Domestic Violence Against Women With a Focus on Turkey

Domestic violence is one of the biggest human rights violations that affect women all over the world regardless of their color, nationality, or age. This problem has reached such a degree that women appear to be more at risk of facing violence inside of the home by a husband or partner, than outside by strangers. However, the traditional view that the State cannot be held responsible for acts of v

Medarbetarens kommunikativa roll vid strategisk förändring. En fallstudie av Skånes Universitetssjukhus, ur ett meningsskapande perspektiv.

Title: The communicative role of the co-worker during strategic change – A case study of Skåne University Hospital, from a sensemaking perspective. Many organizations of today go through major changes in order to adapt to a fast changing environment. These organizational changes have mainly been studied from a management perspective. In a new approach this empirical and qualitative case study sets

Delaktighet eller skendialog? En studie av medarbetarskapets betydelse för organisationers internkommunikation

Title: Participation or manipulation? A study of the importance of co-workership in organizations’ internal communication. Author: Josefin Levander and Kajsa Persson Advisor: Mats Heide Keywords: Internal communication, co-workers, co-workership, leadership, dialogue, participation, critical upward communication Problem: The field of internal communication lack studies of the importance of co-work

The Egoistic Union - EU from an Argentine perspective

In the lights of the reopening of formal negotiations between the EU and Mercosur, this thesis investigates the image of the EU in Argentina. How others’ view the EU is important for the union’s possibility to succeed with its foreign policy goals. Mutual understanding is crucial in order to make the cooperation run smoothly. The EU seems to expect that the cooperation automatically would benefit

Revisionspliktens avskaffande för mindre företag

Uppsatsens syfte är att redogöra samt att analysera för ett antal intressenters förväntningar på effekter av revisionspliktens avskaffande för mindre företag i Sverige. Uppsatsen bygger på aktuellt material kring revisionspliktens avskaffande och ett antal person- och telefonintervjuer. Vi har kommit fram till att: • Frivillig revision kommer att leda till att det blir lättare att starta och driva

Likvida Medel - en studie av svenska små och medelstora företag

Vi genomförde en studie bestående av ett urval på 252 svenska små och medelstora företag inom tillverkningssektorn. Sammanlagt blev det 1008 observationer över en period på fyra år från 2005 till 2008. Vi använde oss av Pecking order teorin, Trade-off teorin samt Free cash-flow teorin för att försöka förklara effekten av de studerade variablerna på företagens likvida medel. Paneldata regressionen

Indigenous Fertility in Mexico

The aim of this paper is to study the influence of indigenous identification on the fertility of Mexican women. It has been debated if the higher fertility of indigenous women in the Country is due to culture and traditions specifics of indigenous people, or if it is caused by socioeconomic and demographic factors. Controlling for socioeconomic and demographic variables, the results from an Ordina

Förmögenhet och konsumtion

The foundation of this study is a dynamic model, describing wealth effects on aggregate consumption in Sweden based on annual data 1980-2008. The dynamic model is conducted with reference to the life-cycle hypothesis, and results in a short-term as well as a long-term relationship between the examined variables. In general, its method is a conventional cointegration study, where the long term rela

Nordens förhandlare? Vem är det? - En studie om den nationella kulturens påverkan på svenska dotterbolags organisationsstruktur vid etablering i Danmark

Companies today are forced to expand and position outside their borders. The Öresund region is a common labor market for Swedes and Danes. Since 2000, with the opening of the Öresund Bridge, circumstances have improved for the region's business climate which is in a strong growth. Both Swedish and Danish companies are working across borders to take advantage of the region's dynamic and suc

Dutch Disease in Kazakhstan?

Kazakhstan has since its independence following the disintegration of Soviet Union undergone a transition from plan-to market economy and one part of this involved increased exports in oil. This development might induce Dutch Disease, a phenomenon that has negative effects on the country’s GDP growth. The main objective of this paper is to evaluate if Kazakhstan shows any signs of Dutch Disease. T

Ett effektivare bistånd - svenska civilsamhällesorganisationers implementering av biståndseffektivitet

In recent years several policies concerning Aid effectiveness has emerged for Swedish civil society organizations. This thesis investigates what facilitates and complicates implementation of these policies. The theoretical framework is constituted by a top-down perspective of implementation and three essential actor properties; understand, can and will, developed by Lennart Lundquist. The empirica

Marknadens värdering av nyval av kvinnliga styrelseledamöter

This essay is an event study of the share price of a number of companies listed at the Stockholm Exchange Market which prior to the dates studied only had men in their board. The purpose of the essay is to study whether the announcement of a new female board member affects the share price. The number of companies used in the study is 25. The essay builds its reasoning on theories on efficient mark

Alcoholics and workaholics

From the recent mortality trends in Central and Eastern Europe, it is clear that in the former socialist countries the economic transition had a different effect on male and female mortality: premature death became much more frequent among males, and the gender mortality gap increased as a result. The psycho-social stress hypothesis (Cornia and Paniccia, 2001) explains the Eastern European experie

Which Swedish industries could become pioneers in extensive Intellectual Capital disclosure?

It is difficult to assess and measure IC, and most companies lack extensive disclosure of IC. Meanwhile, theories advocate a higher level of disclosure as it is considered beneficial for companies, investors, and other stakeholders. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate in which industries IC disclosure has effect on market values. Further, we want to keep a theoretical discussion whether th