

Din sökning på "*" gav 529364 sökträffar

Development of an innovative methodology for monitoring of in situ remediation of chlorinated solvents – the MIRACHL-project

BackgroundDense Non Aqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPL) such as chlorinated solvents are common pollutants stemming from different types of industries including dry cleaning facilities, and reports on cases showing serious risk to soil and ground water are frequent on a global scale. DNAPLs are especially problematic as they are denser than water and move down through the groundwater, not always followi

Visselblåsarrollen och ny teknik

Edward Joseph Snowden blev världsberömd när han visselblåste om USA:s statliga övervakningsprogram. Amnesty International kallade honom en hjälte som främjade mänskliga rättigheter och tvingade fram en viktig global debatt om massövervakning. Som en kontrast till detta skrev den faste skribenten i The New Yorker, Jeffrey Toobin, att Snowden är ”en grandios narcissist som förtjänar att sitta i fäng

Bees in space - Swarm technologies' unauthorised deployment of SmallSats and Art. VI of the outer space treaty

In March 2018, it became publically known that Indian Space Research Organisation ISRO's launch on 12 January 2018 deployed four space objects into orbit that were not authorised by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) of the United States of America (US). Prior to the launch with ISRO's Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle, US-based tech start-up Swarm Technologies had received a dismissal by th

Människan och etiken : Välgrundad moral i en polariserad tid

Människans reflektioner över etiska frågeställningar befinner sig i spänningen mellan att formulera vad som är allmänmänskligt och vad som kan betraktas som särskiljande för olika individer och grupper av människor. Hur ska vi leva tillsammans? Och vad är ett gott samhälle? Det som ska vara gemensamt och gränserna för olikhet måste (åter)erövras i varje tid. Och i varje tid samsas ”eviga” etiska s

The Public Debates on Violent Extremism in Sweden : New Concepts and Meanings

What has previously been referred to as terrorism or ideologically motivated crime in Sweden has recently increasingly been referred to as violence-affirming extremism. The new language use implies an expansion of the focus from actual violence use to including also those groups and ideologies that affirm the use of violence to fulfill political goals. The significant changes in the new language u

Effects of delayed compared with early umbilical cord clamping on maternal postpartum hemorrhage and cord blood gas sampling : A randomized trial

Objective. To investigate the effect of delayed cord clamping (DCC) compared with early cord clamping (ECC) on maternal postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) and umbilical cord blood gas sampling. Design. Secondary analysis of a parallel-group, single-center, randomized controlled trial. Setting. Swedish county hospital. Population. 382 term deliveries after a low-risk pregnancy. Methods. Deliveries were ra

Konstruktionen av högerradikala populistiska maskuliniteter i Sverige. En feministisk analys

Ov Cristian Norocels artikel diskuterar den svenska högerradikala populismenutifrån ett feministiskt perspektiv. Han kartlägger Sverigedemokraternas omtolkningar av den nationella metaforen om ”det svenska folkhemmet” och analyserar konstruktionen av maskuliniteter inom svensk högerradikal populism. Norocel för fram en specifik tolkning av den begreppsliga metaforteorin, en tolkning som innefattar

Opportunities and Challenges for GeoBIM in Europe: developing a building permits use-case to raise awareness and examine technical interoperability challenges

The integration of geoinformation with BIM (GeoBIM) is critical to underpin solutions to many city-related challenges. However, to achieve an effective integration it is necessary to consider not only data and technical options but also current practice and users’ needs. This paper describes work carried out within the EuroSDR-GeoBIM project to address this challenge. After investigating potential

Spontaneous Self-Assembly of Cesium Lead Halide Perovskite Nanoplatelets into Cuboid Crystals with High Intensity Blue Emission

Colloidal all-inorganic perovskite nanocrystals have gained significant attention as a promising material for both fundamental and applied research due to their excellent emission properties. However, reported photoluminescence quantum yields (PL QYs) of blue-emitting perovskite nanocrystals are rather low, mostly due to the fact that the high energy excitons for such wide bandgap materials are e

Agonist-dependent phosphorylation of the α2-adrenergic receptor by the β-adrenergic receptor kinase

Desensitization of the β-adrenergic receptor, a receptor which is coupled to the stimulation of adenylate cyclase, may be regulated via phosphorylation by a unique protein kinase. This recently discovered enzyme, known as the β-adrenergic receptor kinase, only phosphorylates the agonist-occupied form of the β-adrenergic receptor. To assess whether receptors coupled to the inhibition of adenylate c

Ung och högerextrem : Ungdomar och den högerextrema miljön i Sverige

Skriften beskriver hur våldsbejakande högerextremism ser ut i det samtida Sverige. Författaren gör en historisk tillbakablick, belyser internationella kopplingar, symboler och idéer. Inom nationalistiska ideologier har det länge funnits idealbilder om hur män och kvinnor ska vara. Kärnfamiljens betydelse betonas och att uppfostra nationens barn har betraktats som viktigt för att nationen ska överl

Direct streptozotocin toxicity on dispersed mouse islet cells determined by [ 51]CR-release

Dispersed islet cells were prepared from collagenase-isolated lean mouse pancreatic islets by Dispase-II and subsequent mechanical treatment in calcium depleted media. An average yield of 600 cells per islet was obtained, 84% of the cells being β-cells. Cells were incubated with radioactive chromium as a marker of cell viability. Optimal labelling of 1-2 cpm per cell was obtained by incubating 10

Site-specific antibodies distinguish single amino acid substitutions in position 57 in HLA-DQ β-chain alleles associated with insulin-dependent diabetes

The HLA-DQ β-chain gene shows a close association with susceptibility or resistance to autoimmune insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) and it has been suggested that the amino acid in position 57 may be of pathogenetic importance. To study the expression of the IDDM associated HLA-DQ β-chain alleles, we immunized rabbits with 12 to 13 amino acid long peptides representing HLA-DQw7 and -DQw8