

Din sökning på "*" gav 531351 sökträffar

Concentration polarization and fouling during ultrafiltration of colloidal suspensions and hydrophobic solutes

Flux reductions experienced during ultrafiltration are due either to concentration polarization or fouling. It is usually difficult to distinguish between these two phenomena, but by using a turbulence-promoting module it is possible to determine the reversibility of a flux reduction, and thus distinguish between concentration polarization and fouling. By using a turbulence-promoting module, it is

Amplification of photon echo signals by use of a fiber amplifier

The efficiency of photon-echo processes typically lies in the 0.1–1% range. For many photon-echo-based applications suggested in optical storage and all-optical communication the photon-echo output pulses would need to be used as input data to a new photon-echo process. In such cases amplification of the photon-echo output signals would be necessary for an acceptable signal-to-noise ratio to be ob

Talande kroppar. Ritual och återupprättelse

I denna artikel diskuteras betydelsen av kroppen som en uppmärksam och aktiv aktör i rituell praktik, förankrad i en specifik social och historisk kontext, de kanadensiska mi’kmaqindianernas livsvärld. Mi’kmaqs möjlighet att arbeta om den kulturella kropp det dominerande samhället har implementerat i dem, öppnar nya vägar att göra sig av med destruktiva mönster som de medvetet eller omedvetet har

Att tänka med träd

Trees are present in the everyday life of most people, as eye-catchers, meeting points, obstacles, etc. Memories of people, events, and actions are also often connected to specific trees. But the same tree may acquire a range of different meanings, depending on personal experience. Adopting an analytical cultural perspective, "Thinking Trees: An Ethnological Study of Narratives About the Meaning o

Turning teratocarcinoma cells into neurons: rapid differentiation of NT-2 cells in floating spheres

Cells from the human teratocarcinoma line NTera-2 can be induced to terminally differentiate into postmitotic neurons when treated with retinoic acid. However, this differentiation process is rather time consuming as it takes between 42 and 54 days. Here, we propose a modified differentiation protocol which reduces the time needed for differentiation considerably without compromising the quantity

Byarnas bönder - de historiska källorna

Rapporten är ett supplement till Riksantikvarieämbetets bokprojekt "Skånska spår - arkeologi längs Västkustbanan". Det äldre historiska källmaterialet för fem medeltida byar (Glumslöv, Häljarp, Rya, Säby och Särslöv) presenteras och analyseras, främst med avseende på bebyggelse- och ägostruktur.

Properties of Poly(ethylene oxide)-Poly(butylene oxide) Diblock Copolymers at the Interface between Hydrophobic Surfaces and Water

The interactions between molecules of a low molecular weight diblock copolymer of poly(ethylene oxide) (E) and poly(butylene oxide) (B), B8E41, at hydrophobic surfaces were investigated experimentally by using two surface force techniques and ellipsometry. Extended mean-field theory was employed to describe the adsorption of EB diblock copolymers at planar surfaces as well as the forces between su

Idrott, motion och andra fritidsintressen: en enkätundersökning bland 17-åriga flickor och pojkar i Landskrona, Kävlinge och Svalöv

Vart är idrotten på väg? Det är en väsentlig fråga i det sk Landskronaprojektet inom Idrottsvetenskapligt centrum vid Lunds universitet, ICLU. I denna första rapport inom projektet presenteras 17-åriga flickors och pojkars intresse för motion och idrott. Här kartläggs till exempel hur stort intresset är, vilka idrotter de sysslar med, deras föreningsengagemang och inställning till ämnet idrott och

Hearing-Impaired Students in Jordan: A Study of Factors Influencing Indoor School Activities and Leisure Time Activities

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hörselskadade elever i Jordanien - en studie av faktorer som påverkar elevernas skol- och fritidsaktiviteter. Det övergripande syftet med studien är att beskriva och analysera faktorer som påverkar hörselskadade elevers skol- och fritidsaktiviteter. För att uppnå syftet konstruerades enkäter som distribuerades till hörselskadade elever, deras lärare och föräldrar. FakThe main aim of this study is to describe and analyse the factors affecting the daily life activities of hearing-impaired students in Jordan from the point of view of hearing-impaired students, their teachers, and their parents. Two questionnaires were developed, one directed towards the activities, and the other to the factors affecting these activities. The two questionnaires were distributed am

Burst detection and location in water distribution networks

An algorithm for the detection and location of sudden bursts in water distribution networks combining both continuous monitoring of pressure and hydraulic transient computation is presented. The approach is designed for medium and large bursts that are the result of the sudden rupture of the pipe wall or other physical element in the network and are accompanied by the transient pressure wave that

No title

José Asunción Silva is a Colombian poet most known for having renewed the metrics in Spanish poetry during the 19th century. José Asunción Silva’s only novel, De sobremesa 1887-1896 [After dinner, 1887-1896] written in 1896 is a significant and representative modernist novel in the tradition of Latin-American modernismo. Silva’s novel has been considered as a structureless, narratively disordered

SUR1 Regulates PKA-independent cAMP-induced Granule Priming in Mouse Pancreatic B-cells.

Measurements of membrane capacitance were applied to dissect the cellular mechanisms underlying PKA-dependent and -independent stimulation of insulin secretion by cyclic AMP. Whereas the PKA-independent (Rp-cAMPS–insensitive) component correlated with a rapid increase in membrane capacitance of ~80 fF that plateaued within ~200 ms, the PKA-dependent component became prominent during depolarization

Prevalence and type spectrum of human papillomaviruses in healthy skin samples collected in three continents.

In order to investigate whether previous findings of ubiquitous skin papillomavirus infection in Caucasians apply to populations from other parts of the world, skin swab samples from Bangladesh, Japan, Ethiopia and Zambia were analysed in parallel with Swedish samples. The prevalence of HPV DNA in the material from Bangladesh was 68 %, Japan 54 %, Ethiopia 52 %, Zambia 42 % and Sweden 70 %. A grea

Internal hemorrhoids: diagnosis with double-contrast barium enema examinations

The authors retrospectively studied 43 patients suspected of having internal hemorrhoids at double-contrast barium enema examination. At endoscopy, 24 patients (56%) had internal hemorrhoids, four (9%) had other pathologic lesions in the rectum without evidence of hemorrhoids, and 15 (35%) had no reported abnormalities in the rectum. Internal hemorrhoids were found at endoscopy in 10 of 20 patient