

Din sökning på "*" gav 531351 sökträffar

Quantum mechanical wavepacket transport in quantum cascade laser structures

We present a viewpoint of the transport process in quantum cascade laser structures in which spatial transport of charge through the structure is a property of coherent quantum mechanical wave functions. In contrast, scattering processes redistribute particles in energy and momentum but do not directly cause spatial motion of charge.

A four-year follow-up study on the incidence of diabetic retinopathy in older onset diabetes mellitus

Out of 369 diabetic patients with an age at onset of diabetes > or = 30 years previously studied, 325 (88%) were included in an ophthalmological follow-up examination 4 years later. In patients treated with oral drugs at baseline, the incidence of any type of retinopathy was 30.8% and of severe retinopathy 5.7%. All patients who developed severe retinopathy received insulin during the follow-up pe

Woven convolutional codes II: Decoding aspects

An iterative decoding scheme for woven convolutional codes is presented. It operates in a window sliding over the received sequence. This exploits the nature of convolutional codewords as infinite sequences and reflects the concept of considering convolutional encoding and decoding as a continuous process. The decoder is analyzed in terms of decoding delay and decoding complexity. Its basic buildi

The hoverfly Criorhina ranunculi – a biodiversity indicator at the landscape level?

The hoverfly Criorhina ranunculi – a biodiversity indicator at the landscape level? The hoverfly Criorhina ranunculi is rare and red-listed in Sweden, but it may be overlooked. I made a detailed inventory of the species in the parish of Stenbrohult, southern Sweden, where the species was found at nine localities in 2006, at one of these with at least ten individuals. The study area, with many othe

Detection of malformations in chromosomally normal fetuses by routine ultrasound at 12 or 18 weeks of gestation - a randomised controlled trial in 39 572 pregnancies

Objective To compare the antenatal detection rate of malformations in chromosomally normal fetuses between a strategy of offering one routine ultrasound examination at 12 gestational weeks (gws) and a strategy of offering one routine examination at 18 gws. Design Randomised controlled trial. Setting Multicentre trial including eight hospitals. Population A total of 39 572 unselected pregnant women

Light exotic isotopes: recent beam developments and physics applications at ISOLDE

This paper is divided in three parts: (i) the measurement of yields and decay losses of Li and Be isotopes released from a thin foil tantalum target at the CERN/ISOLDE PS-Booster; (ii) results from β-decay experiments on 12Be and 14Be, an improved half-life of 21.49(3) ms has been obtained for 12Be; (iii) the β-decay of 9C. An outline of the analysis procedure to determine the branching at high ex

Gamma-ray Spectroscopy of the Doubly Magic Nucleus 56Ni

The doubly magic N = Z nucleus Ni-56 has been investigated with two fusion-evaporation reactions; Ca-40(Si-28, 3 alpha)Ni-56 at a beam energy of 122MeV and Si-28(S-32, 2p2n)Ni-56 at 130MeV. To detect gamma-rays in coincidence with evaporated particles the Ge-detector array Gammasphere was used in conjunction with the charged-particle detector system, Microball and a 1 pi neutron detector array. Re

New species of Xanthoria (Teloschistaceae) from Australia

New species of Xanthoria (Teloschistaceae) from Australia. Nuytsia 16(1) 63–76(2006). Xanthoria elixii S. Kondr. & Kärnefelt, sp. nov. and X. streimannii S. Kondr. & Kärnefelt, sp. nov. are described, illustrated and compared with allied taxa, and a detailed description of the common and widespread species X. filsonii Elix is also given. A key to Australian taxa of Xanthoria is provided.

Blood pressure and drug treatment in clinically diagnosed Lewy body dementia and Alzheimer's disease

The aim of the study was to investigate arterial blood pressure (BP) and the use of pharmacological treatment in patients with Lewy body dementia (cLBD) and Alzheimer's disease (cAD) diagnosed on clinical grounds. BP and pharmacological treatment was analysed based on the medical records of 200 deceased dementia patients. Forty-eight cases with LBD and 45 AD were diagnosed using clinical criteria.

Salman Rushdie och liberalismens heliga ko

Ställd inför det religiöst motiverade dödsdomen mot en välkänd författare har opinionen i väst stirrat sig blind på en enda aspekt av "Rushdie-affären": den hotade tryckfriheten. Denna artikel analyserar andra sidor av konflikten och söker dess rötter i problem som uppkommer i ett multikulturellt samhälle – problem som även finns i Sverige.

Quartic scaling evaluation of canonical scaled opposite spin second-order Moller-Plesset correlation energy using Cholesky decompositions

The scaled opposite spin second-order Moller-Plesset (SOS-MP2) energy expression is reformulated using Cholesky decomposition of the amplitude matrix. The resulting algorithm requires an auxiliary basis or Cholesky representation of the two-electron integrals and shows fourth-order scaling with system size. Based on an analysis of operation counts, we estimate that the present approach is computat

Genus och utbildning : ekonomisk-historiska studier i kvinnors utbildning ca 1870-1970

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen består av tre delar. Den första, Från utbildningsmarknad till of-fentlig utbildning. Svensk flickskola 1874-1962, behandlar dels integrationen av flickornas sekundärutbildning i den offentliga utbildningsorganisationen, dels förstärkningen respektive försvagningen av denna speciellt genuskodade utbild-ning. Sekundärutbildningen har varit könssegregerad och The thesis is divided into three sections. The first, “From an education market to public education. The Swedish girls’ school 1874-1962”, deals with the integration of girls’ secondary education into the public education system, as well as with the strengthening and weakening of this special, gender-coded education. Secondary education was gender segregated and integration involved a process of s