Den förtärande modern: Peter Walkers Frightmare och familjeideologin i 1970-talets skräckfilmer
Analys av kärnfamiljen och könspolitiken i Pete Walkers skräckfilmer med fokus på filmen Frightmare
Analys av kärnfamiljen och könspolitiken i Pete Walkers skräckfilmer med fokus på filmen Frightmare
The present thesis concerns development and application of dual-broadband rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (DB-RCARS) for temperature and species concentration measurements in combustion processes. Both fundamental development of the technique, including experimental as well as modelling results, and measurements in practical combustion devices were conducted. A code for calcula
An extended table of Shuurman's bounds on the state complexity of short binary linear codes is presented. Some new lower and upper bounds are obtained. Most of the newly found codes are based on the so-called double zero-tail termination (DZT) construction
We previously reported that soluble decay-accelerating factor (DAF) and coxsackievirus-adenovirus receptor (CAR) blocked coxsackievirus 133 (CVB3) myocarditis in mice, but only soluble CAR blocked CVB3-mediated pancreatitis. Here, we report that the in vitro mechanisms of viral inhibition by these soluble receptors also differ. Soluble DAF inhibited virus infection through the formation of reversi
Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen behandlar reglering av Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) motor dynamik. HCCI erbjuder möjligheten att kombinera hög effektivitet med väldigt låga emissioner. Återkopplad reglering är ett sätt att uppnå dessa mål. Avhandlingen diskuterar sensorer, återkopplingsvariabler och aktuatorer för sluten-loop reglering av HCCI förbränningen. Det är demoThe topic of the thesis is control of Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) engine dynamics. HCCI offers a potential to combine high efficiency with very low emissions. In order to fulfill the potential benefits, closed-loop control is needed. The thesis discusses sensors, feedback signals and actuators for closed-loop control of the HCCI combustion. Closed-loop control of the HCCI combu
Cardiac fibrosis, associated with a decreased extent of microvasculature and with disruption of normal myocardial structures, results from excessive deposition of extracellular matrix, which is mediated by the recruitment of fibroblasts. The source of these fibroblasts is unclear and specific anti-fibrotic therapies are not currently available. Here we show that cardiac fibrosis is associated with
In this paper we present an investigation of the dielectric response of H2O(1) and D2O(1) as a function of temperature from a supercooled state to near the boiling point. The data are obtained using THz-time domain spectroscopy, and covers the frequency range from 0 1-2 THz corresponding to 3 to 66 cm(-1). Before presenting the experimental results, we give a short introduction to some of the prop
We present the first observation, to our knowledge, of lasing from a levitated, dye droplet. The levitated droplets are created by computer controlled pico-liter dispensing into one of the nodes of a standing ultrasonic wave (100 kHz), where the droplet is trapped. The free hanging droplet forms a high quality optical resonator. Our 750 nL lasing droplets consist of Rhodamine 6G dissolved in ethyl
In vitro tests are commonly employed to assess nebulizer performance. Whether the square or sine waveforms employed during in vitro tests could alter the nebulizer performance compared to that observed when a patient breathes through the nebulizer is debatable. Accordingly, the aim of this in vitro study was to compare the rates of delivery from nebulizers with simulated human breathing patterns t
Popular Abstract in Swedish De skånska godsen har genom århundradena inte bara utgjort ett spektakulärt inslag i landskapsbilden, de har också varit centrum för politisk maktutövning och jurisdiktion. I denna bok kartläggs och analyseras de skånska godsens ekonomiska och arbetsorganisatoriska utveckling från dansk tid till 1800-talets andra hälft. Utvecklingen vid nio gods uppmärksammas i fallstudThe aim of this study is to systematically survey and analyse the Scanian manors’ economic and labour organisational development from the province’s Danish times to the middle of the nineteenth century. In this thesis the various surveys provides some clear results that make it possible to generalise the Scanian estate development. Manors were generally large at the end of the the seventeenth cent
A combined quantum chemical statistical mechanical method has been used to study the solvation of urea in water, with emphasis on the structure of urea. The model system consists of three parts: a Hartree-Fock quantum chemical core, 99 water molecules described with a polarizable force-field, and a dielectric continuum. A free-energy profile along the transition of urea from planar to a nonplanar
The effects of UV-C (254 nm) and UV-B (280-320 nm) on chlorophyll fluorescence induction and ultraweak luminescence (UL) in detached leaves of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L. were investigated. UL from leaves exposed to UV-B and UV-C radiation reached a maximum 72 h after irradiation. In both cases most of the light was of a wavelength over 600 nm. An increase in the percentage of long wavelength light
Analys av Edgar G Ulmers filmer med särskilt fokus på hans tidiga jiddisch-språkliga verk.
Trichoderma cellulases appear in several isoforms which makes their purification and analysis difficult. We used fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) to purify three major cellulases and to quantitate these enzymes in reconstituted mixtures during cellulose hydrolysis studies (in lack of specific substrates and because of the synergism between the enzymes such analysis is very difficult, if a
A comprehensive set of 4He(,n) absolute cross-section measurements was performed at MAX-lab in Lund, Sweden. Tagged photons from 23