Din sökning på "*" gav 529424 sökträffar
Understanding Post-Soviet Petty Corruption : Informal institutions, Legitimacy, and State Critisism
Osäkerhet. Ett nödvändigt uttryck för professionalitet eller ett tecken på okunskap?
The Anthropology of Global Systems: Historical Transformations and Global Process
Kvalitativa metoder i samhällsvetenskapen
Strategic choices: China's challenges of change
Generation and applications of high-order harmonic radiation
Refugees in Swedish private international law
Training opportunities report
The HILAS (Human Integration in the Life-cycle of Aviation Systems) project is a large, integrated European project which aims to improve safety in the civil air transport sector through the integration of human factors across the life-cycle, while simultaneously generating improved operational efficiencies. The Knowledge Integration strand plays an active role in ensuring that integration takes p
Semantic interoperability in digital library systems.
Digital bits and pieces after five days in Beijing
Freight forwarding activity
Från höglandskap till golflandskap
Nanosecond image processing using stimulated photon echoes
Processing of two-dimensional images on a nanosecond time scale is demonstrated using the stimulated photon echoes in a rare-earth-doped crystal (0.1 at. \% Pr3$+$:LaF3). Two spatially encoded laser pulses (pictures) resonant with the 3P0-3H4 transition of Pr3$+$ were stored by focusing the image pulses sequentially into the Pr3$+$:LaF3 crystal. The stored information is retrieved and processed by
Bollerup Skåne
LU blir värd EU-skola i fysik
International Geological Correlation Programme. Project 591 "The Early to Middle Paleozoic Revolution". Proceedings of the 3rd IGCP 591 Annual Meeting : Lund, Sweden, 9–19 June 2013
The abstracts within this volume were presented at the 3rd IGCP 591 Annual Meeting, which was held in Lund, Sweden, in June 2013. This meeting was co-arranged with the International Subcommission on Cambrian Stratigraphy (ISCS), the International Subcommission on Ordovician Stratigraphy (ISOS) and the International Subcommission on Silurian Stratigraphy (ISSS). The formal theme of the meeting was
Europeiska grupperingar för territoriellt samarbete (EGTS)
Sociologi för socionomer. En stående inbjudan
Antidepressant drug effects in vivo: Focus on pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic responses in different experimental paradigms
Popular Abstract in Swedish Leverencefalopati (LE) är ett neuropsykiatriskt sjukdomstillstånd som kan ses i samband med en försämrad leverfunktion. Den bakomliggande orsaken till LE är ofta levercirrhos (skrumplever) p.g.a. alkoholmissbruk, men andra orsaker såsom kronisk hepatit, kirurgi, och olika gifter kan också ligga bakom detta. Vid levercirrhos försämras leverns blodflöde p.g.a. en ökad kärPharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic activities of the antidepressants venlafaxine (VEN) and citalopram (CIT) were investigated in the portacaval shunted (PCS) rat, a model of chronic hepatic encephalopathy (HE), and normal/control rats. The levels of VEN in serum and brain were higher in PCS rats than in controls after a single injection and chronic treatment with VEN (10 mg/kg). After reducing th