

Din sökning på "*" gav 529380 sökträffar

Model for Print Quality Evaluation of Hybrid Printer Matter

Pressure on reducing prices and a market demand for customisation and shorter production runs give cause for investigating alternatives to conventional printing. Traditional technologies, such as flexography and offset, are all using static printing forms, while a digital printing unit prints information directly from the data file. Hence, the latter alternative makes it possible to produce short

Vad tycker de som inte svarat på kursvärderingsenkäten?

Vid LTH ska lärare under kursers genomförande ha kvalitetsdialog med studenterna. I samband med kursslut ska studenterna ges möjligheten till kursvärdering med enkäten CEQ (Course Experience Questionnaire). Enkätdata från CEQ avses utgöra delar av underlaget för kvalitetsarbetet. Svarsfrekvenserna för kursvärderingsenkäterna vid LTH varierar stort, med ett snitt på drygt 50 %. När upplevelser, upp

I rörelse : politisk handling under 1800-talets första hälft

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling problematiserar rörelsebegreppets politiska dimensioner med utgångspunkt i bondeupproret i Skåne 1811 samt skandinavismen vid 1800-talets mitt. Avhandlingen skall läsas som en kommentar till nutida utomparlamentariska röelser.A political movement is often discussed in terms of ideology and shared values. It is the ideas that are considered interesting, and it is the ideas that are thought to determine the action. While the intellectual content is subjected to profound analysis, the concept of movement is ignored and not problematized. In this dissertation, the ideological dimensions of the concept movement have been re

In the wake of a bird - Quantifying aerodynamic performance of avian flight

Popular Abstract in English Insects, birds, bats and pterosaurs have all evolved the ability to fly, even though it requires a lot of energy. The advantage is obvious: one can move about vertically, to go where others cannot, find and access distant food sources or escape your predators. But flying is also a very fast mode of transportation, and when you count the amount of energy required to get Flight is an expensive form of locomotion, but also offers the ability to travel great distances at relatively low cost. Birds have developed various adaptations for optimizing flight performance. The main aim of this thesis is to identify how morphological variables in birds affect aerodynamic drag and flight performance. To this end I studied the aerodynamic performance of a jackdaw (Corvus mone

Ageing Populations and Intergenerational Risk-sharing in PAYG Pension Schemes

The purpose of this paper is to compare pension schemes with respect to their intergenerational redistributive effects caused by economic and demographic changes. It is shown how these effects depend on the specific design of the pension scheme, with special attention devoted to the indexation problem. There is a potential trade-off between financial stability of the pension system and a “desired”

Efficient Block and Time-Recursive Estimation of Sparse Volterra Systems

We investigate the application of non-convex penalized least squares for parameter estimation in the Volterra model. Sparsity is promoted by introducing a weighted !q penalty on the parameters and efficient batch and time recursive algorithms are devised based on the cyclic coordinate descent approach. Numerical examples illustrate the improved performance of the proposed algorithms as compared th

Theoretical foundation

Different theories about woman and woman's writing are surveyed. Showalter's theory on woman's culture is presented and modified, in order to create a theoretical platform for testing the hypothesis about woman's language existing outside the dominant language. The material chosen, women's letters from mainly the 18th Century in French, German, Swedish, and English, for testing this hypothesis, is

An Examination of the Robustness of the Vector Autoregressive Granger-Causality Test in the Presence of GARCH and Variance Shifts

The properties of the Granger-causality test in stationary and stable Vector Autoregressive (VAR) models are studied with different types of volatility processes imposed on the unconditional variance. For this test, it is examined how the size and power properties are affected by different magnitudes of GARCH processes and by structural shifts in the volatility. The study has been conducted by mea

Predictive modelling of heat and mass transfer in hamburger patties

This study concerns fundamental analysis and predictive modelling of heat and mass transfer in frozen hamburger patties cooked in a double-sided contact fryer. Mathematical and physical models are formulated and further developed to enable improved understanding of the transport processes and reveal the influence of essential parameters. Prediction and analysis of practical situations with heating

Modulation of Autoimmunity by Linomide treatment or interference with costimulation

Popular Abstract in Swedish Immunologi står för läran om immunförsvaret. Under evolutionens gång har vårt immunförsvar utvecklats med oss, och skyddar oss effektivt mot många olika virus, bakterier, parasiter och oönskade främmande ämnen. Hos ryggradsdjuren har immunförsvaret utvecklats till ett komplext system där flera olika specialiserade celler och molekyler samverkar för att uppnå ett optimalLinomide is a potent immunomodulator that has been shown to inhibit autoimmunity in several animal models of autoimmune disease. We have approached the cellular and molecular mechanism of Linomide by investigating its effect on thymocyte development and its capacity to modulate the expression of activation markers on antigen presenting cells (APCs). We found that Linomide treatment of mice resulte