

Din sökning på "*" gav 529352 sökträffar

Studies of molecular events during peripheral B cell differentiation

Popular Abstract in Swedish Immunsystemet skyddar oss mot de patogener (t ex bakterier eller virus) som vi dagligen utsätts för. Det består av flera olika samtidigt verkande system. De enklare består av vår hud och de olika slemhinnor som finns till exempel i halsen och i tarmsystemet. Vidare finns det olika typer av celler och blodproteiner som kan skydda oss mot många infektioner. Det mest utvecThis thesis focuses on molecular changes occuring during terminal B cell differentiation as well as on somatic hypermutation and the generation and maintenance of B cell memory. During T cell dependent immune responses the average affinity for the eliciting antigen increases with time. This affinity maturation is generated by somatic hypermutation and selection for B cells carrying a high-affinty

Gait re-education in transfemoral amputees The training programme, gait analysis, oxygen consumption and coping

Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med avhandlingen är att beskriva och utvärdera en behandlingsmetod, som avser att öka gångförmågan hos lårbensamputerade. Metoden, vilken tidigare inte är prövad för den här gruppen patienter, kombinerar sjukgymnastiska metoder, huvudsakligen använda inom psykiatrin, med vedertagna ortopediska och biomekaniska behandlingsprinciper. Den syftar till att öka kroppsmA gait re-education programme, combining physiotherapy with a psychologically conscious therapeutic approach, was applied to nine unilateral transfemoral amputees, whose amputation was caused by trauma or tumour. The participants trained once a week for a mean 10 months. The median age was 33 years (range 16– 51). They had worn a prosthesis for more than 18 months and had completed conventional re

Designing Rites to Re-Enchant Secularised Society: Cases from Contemporary Sweden

Detraditionalization in late modernity has both affected traditional religion and the domain of clinical therapy. New varieties of spiritualized therapy are rapidly increasing in contemporary Sweden, typical of which is to have added healing rhetoric to their agenda, such as "find your inner self" or "develop your inner potential". Four common denominators seem to guide these practices: self-made

Hungary, Romania, the Holocaust and Historical Culture

The Holocaust takes on different significance whether is it perceived as belonging to Jewish historical culture, to Hungarian historical culture or to Romanian historical culture – or whether these historical cultures are thought of, in ethnic terms, as bivalent. Thus, using the same concepts as the ones concerning certain individuals’ orientation in a bicultural environment, one can argue that th

A Process Approach to Robust Design in Early Engineering Design Phases

Popular Abstract in Swedish Robust konstruktion handlar om hur produkter skall konstrueras för att bli okänsliga mot oväntade störningar och variationer i t.ex. omgivningen under drift. Normalt har detta problem angripits med den sk. Taguchi-metoden, i vilken experiment utförs efter en viss metodik på en prototyp, varefter produktens beteende kartläggs och konstruktionsvariablerna väljs så att ettThe activity of robust design of mechanical products and how it can be accomplished in pre-prototype design phases, is discussed in this thesis. It is advocated that to be fully efficient and effective optimization of product robustness should commence already in the conceptual design phase. Moreover, since product optimization is a process, robust design should be perceived and implemented as a p

On the Fundamentals of the Engineering Design Process

Popular Abstract in Swedish I en alltmer konkurrenskraftig omvärld är det av störst vikt att i ett högkostnadsland som Sverige att innovera och utveckla produkter så effektivt som möjligt. För att uppnå dessa mål finns det klara indikationer på att våra nuvarande produktutvecklings- och konstruktionstillvägagångssätt saknar väsentliga egenskaper för att uppnå önskvärd effektivitet. Den frekvent mIn an industrial context when the product development cycles are shortened and constraints on technical innovations are high, it is very important to provide a very efficient and effective engineering design activity. In the current engineering design literature, most methodologies are by and large based on the so-called systematic engineering design approach. This approach is characterized by an

Generation and control of light

This chapter describes various kinds of artificial light sources of interest to the photobiologist (natural light is described in separate chapters), starting with incandescent lamps and their properties, and continuing with gas discharge lamps, flashlamps, light-emitting diodes, and lasers. After a section on light filters, the chapter concludes with a treatment of monochromators, in which the mo