Din sökning på "*" gav 533753 sökträffar
Chernobyl sick child syndrome persisting through life: testing the infancy inflammation hypothesis conditioned by socio-economic origin
Previous research has shown that irradiation in-utero or during early childhood may cause longlasting damage. Studies on the Chernobyl accident have found that all birth groups which received high doses of radiation in early life may have severe persisting disadvantage in health. However, we do not know which of the groups irradiated in early life was the most vulnerable. We also do not know wheth
När hans värld blir hennes - en sociologisk studie om kvinnors upplevelser av sina destruktiva förhållanden.
Mäns våld mot kvinnor är idag ett stort globalt samhällsproblem som inte uppmärksammandes på allvar förrän 1990-talet. En förklaring till att det råder kvinnomisshandel, beror på den obalans som råder i maktförhållandet mellan kvinnor och män. Våld som sker i parrelationer kan förekomma bland alla sociala grupper och är oberoende av miljön. Studien ämnar studera den internaliseringsprocess som kvi
Undelivered Goods Under the Law of Carriage of Goods by Sea
Delivery of goods at the port of discharge is an obligation incurred upon the carrier under a contract of carriage by sea. The extent of the carrier’s obligation is to give the consignee a reasonable time to take proper delivery of the goods against presentation of an original B/L. Delivery of goods is currently not regulated in any international laws on carriage of goods by sea, it is only regula
Fostering innovation: Factors that attract and retain third party developers in mobile ecosystems
The popularity of smartphones and the related growth of mobile application markets created a need for mobile platform owners to open their software platforms up to third party developers in order to meet user demand for mobile applications. This external innovation provides a tremendous opportunity for mobile platform owners to develop a volume and diversity of products they could not develop in-h
Alternative Measures of Women’s Empowerment and Methods of Contraception: A Study of Selected African Countries
Women’s empowerment and its impact on adoption of contraception and on fertility has been a subject of growing interest in academia over the last decades, and channels for boosting empowerment have been suggested and evaluated. It is not merely the choice to use or not to use contraception that will determine the fertility outcome of an individual or a couple. This paper addresses the question to
Den förtäckta värdeöverföringen
Detta examensarbete handlar om den förtäckta värdeöverföringen. Även om termen förtäckt värdeöverföring inte går att finna någonstans i ABL, är frågor kring begreppet uppmärksammat i både förarbetena, rättspraxis och doktrinen. I samband med att ABL infördes kan den förtäckta värdeöverföringen sägas ha fått en definition genom 17 kap. 1 § st. 1 p 4 ABL. Enligt lagtexten ska med värdeöverföringar The present thesis covers the concept of covert transfer of value. Although the term does not re-appear anywhere in the ABL, questions regarding the concept are raised in legislative history, case law and doctrine. When the ABL first was adopted, it may be argued that the term was, in fact, rendered a definition through 17 kap. 1 § st. 1 p 4 ABL. In the statute book, transfer of value is referre
Utvecklingsarbete i kolonialismens skugga : en postkolonial studie av Plans utbildningsstrategi
Postcolonial studies is an academic theoretical field which often tend to have a strongly critical approach towards development organizations and their work and as a result the relation between the two fields is rather ambivalent. However, this paper will use postcolonial criticism as a tool to identify issues reproduced from the colonial era in an Education strategy which the organization Plan ha
Child Domestic Workers - Protected workers or forgotten children?
Millions of women around the world perform domestic work, in spite of this the work to a great extent remains undervalued and excluded from labour legislation. Domestic work is further one of the most common occupations for children, in fact it is estimated by the International Labour Organization (ILO) that it is the most common work for girls under 16. The thesis sets out to determine whether in
Medical Patents and Access to Medicines- how to incentivize the search for new drugs
The thesis deals with matters relating to neglected diseases and the lack of pharmaceutical R&D for the same diseases. Everybody is entitled to the right to health and subsequently the right to access to medicines, however not everyone has been receiving the benefits of this right. Currently there is an unsatisfying market-driven system, that can be changed by new and innovative approaches, su
Barn ska inte vara brickor i ett politiskt spel : en komparativ studie av Rysslands adoptionslagstiftning i förhållande till internationella riktlinjer kring adoption
The Russian Federation decided in late 2012 to ban adoptions to the United States. The adoption ban has been criticized from several directions for being motivated politically and that it did not take into account the children who were waiting for an adoption to the United States. Children who go through an adoption are often found in an unusually vulnerable position. Not only have they lost their
Svenskt blod, namn och tungomål - En analys av den svenska identiteten och bilden av dansken under perioden 1540-1560
Deal Terms Effect on Deal Pricing in a Venture Capital Context
This thesis aims to develop the research focused on the economic value of deal terms in venture capital (VC) contracts. The study looks at common features (covenants) in a Venture Capital contract such as preferred equity, ceased participation, liquidation preference, and dividends. Different deal terms (covenants) and their outcomes for the VC are tested in order to examine if significantly diffe
Jämställdhet och utveckling : en analys av huvudbudskapen i World Bank Report - ”Gender Equality and Develompent 2012”
The aim of this study is to investigate the World Bank Development Report from a perspective of human capabilities. Of interest is to understand the meanings of the deve- lopment issues stated in the report, and how they affect individuals living in development countries. In this way, the complexity of the problems can be illustrated. The purpose of this paper is to use Martha Nussbaum’s theory ab
EU:s rädsla för romer : en diskursanalys över Justitiekanslerns producerande diskursordning i romers sociala praktik
The critical discourse analysis demonstrates that when we say something, we do something as well. By using the critical discourse analysis on the office of the Chancellor of Justice investigation against Roma, this paper shows how the communicative event affects Roma’s social practice in the EU-countries. Roma is a marginalized group with a major impact on the EU-countries, which has lead the EU-c
Fritidshuset som planeringsdilemma
Fritidshus är ett vanligt och omfattande inslag i många svenska kommuner, främst i kust- och landsbygdsmiljö. Detta får avsevärda konsekvenser för kommunal planering. Forskningslitteratur och offentliga utredningar menar bland annat att det leder till en brist på billiga och attraktiva bostäder, en olycklig omvandling av permanenthus till fritidshus, spöksamhällen samt att intressekonflikter mella
Skiljeavtalet som rättegångshinder - En analys av artikel 8(1) i UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration
UNCITRAL:s Modellag har bidragit till en ökad användning av skiljeförfarande som tvistelösningsmetod vid internationella kommersiella tvister. Genom att allt fler länder antar Modellagen bidrar den till en ökad harmonisering av nationella lagstiftningar på området. Modellagen bygger på New York-konventionen och syftar till att genom en harmonisering öka användandet av skiljeförfarande som tvistelöThe UNCITRAL Model Law has contributed to an improvement of the use of arbitration as a dispute resolution mechanism in international commercial disputes. By its increasing popularity amongst jurisdictions worldwide, the Model Law contributes to an enhancement of the harmonisation of national legislation. The Model Law is based on the New York Convention and aims, as the New York Convention, to co
Fama and French Model VS. CAPM: Procyclical Stocks
The purpose of this paper is to examine whether Fama and French multi-factor model have indicative explanatory power over the CAPM to the excess returns of the 55 pro-cyclical, publicly owned companies from the UK and if so then to determine which risk factors from the model are significant in explaining the excess returns. We collect the necessary data and form portfolios according to the stocks’
Förstföderskors förlossningsupplevelser
Problembeskrivning: Förstföderskor är extra sårbara för att få en negativ förlossningsupplevelse. Detta kan leda till en försämrad psykisk hälsa postpartum och försvåra anknytningen till barnet. Upplevelsen kan påverka dem inför eventuell kommande förlossning. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa förstföderskors förlossningsupplevelse och vad de anser har påverkat upplevelsen i positiv eller negativ
Effects of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) sertraline on life history parameters and population growth rate of Daphnia magna
Abstract This study tested the effect of environmental concentrations of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) sertraline on the life history of Daphnia magna and how individual-level responses could predict effects on population growth rate. Individual-level responses related to reproduction, growth and feeding were quantified in a 39-day bioassay and used in a life-table matrix. Alt