

Din sökning på "*" gav 529696 sökträffar

Decentralization and Participatory Development: A Case Study of Elgeyo Marakwet County,Kenya.

With promulgation of a new constitution of Kenya in 2010, Kenya changed to a devolved system of governance after the general elections of 2013. Public Participation in Development was one aspect of democracy that Kenyans looked forward to in the new system of governance. This system was welcomed with optimism that distribution of resources equally among the 47 countries would do away with marginal

Attitudes towards Swedish-English - Swedish upper secondary school students' evaluations of Swedish-English accented teachers

English can be seen, to some extent, as the second language of most Swedes, even though it has no official status in Sweden. Despite a high proficiency in the language throughout the Swedish population, Swedes seem to have issues identifying with English, as is evident in a widespread resentment towards a Swedish-English accented variety. The current study examines Swedish upper secondary school s

Hedging Instruments & Strategies For A Volatilie Asset In An Inefficient Market

This Bachelors thesis involves the creation of a market place for animal compound feed risk management, potential hedging instruments and applicable risk management strategies. The market place is a cross hedged portfolio of futures contracts that correlate with the price of animal compound feed in Sweden, defined as an index and referred to as Compound Feed Index. The thesis has been conducted i

Våldtäkt: en fallanalys av Lundamålet

Sexuellt våld är ett stort problem i samhället idag, och kvinnor är den dominerande offergruppen. Det finns även en problematik kring det svenska rättssystemet som försvårar bedömningen av våldtäktsbrott. Att samtycke inte har givits ska vara en huvudfaktor för att fälla förövaren. Men istället beaktas andra omständigheter vid bedömningen, och kan då bli avgörande för att gärningsmannen istället fSexual violence is a major problem in today’s society, and women are the major representing victim group. There is also a problem concerning how the Swedish legal system makes it harder to judge rape crimes. The consent that is not given at a rape should be taken into account as a key factor to convict the perpetrator. But instead there are other factors which are considered in assessing and can b

En berättelse om musik - att medvetandegöra musikundervisningen

Min uppsats; en berättelse om musik syftar till att undersöka mötet mellan ämnena musik och SO i den svenska grund- och gymnasieskolan, och att genom intervjuer identifiera hur lärare förhåller sig till detta möte, samt användningen av skönlitteratur som metod inom och mellan ämnena. Jag har skapat ett begrepp, musikmedvetande som ämnar att teoretisera kring mötet. Resultaten visar att skönlitteraThis essay; en berättelse om musik (a story of music) want to explore the meeting point between the two subjects music and social science in the Swedish Primary and Secondary education, and I want to identify the teacher’s approaches to the meeting point. I also want to take a closer look at using fictional literature as a method, both inside each subject but also as a bridge between them. I have

Investigation of Machine Learning Applicability on Mobile Device Diagnostics for Quality Prediction

Sony Mobile Communications (SoMC) perpetually collect large amounts of prototype device data into their database which is used for analysing their devices. Different areas are analysed individually using this data but no general model exists which encapsulates the overall performance. A desired model would include information from the different key performance areas and utilise machine learning wi

”Everyone seems to be white…” En kritisk diskursanalys av begreppet expatriate i en postkolonial kontext

Expatriate är en gränsöverskridande identitet i dagens globala samhälle som förknippas med en tillfällig arbetsposition utomlands. Den kritik som riktats mot begreppet, att det är ett begrepp reserverat för Vita västerlänningar, går i linje med en postkolonial teoretisk strävan att problematisera de begrepp och språkliga gränsdragningar som används i den globala diskursen. Uppsatsens syfte är att

Black-Litterman Portfolio Allocation Stability and Financial Performance with MGARCH-M Derived Views

2 Abstract This paper deploys methodology typically utilized in financial econometrics, namely univariate and multivariate GARCH-M forecasting techniques, as inputs into the Black-Litterman asset allocation process. While previous works have examined the usefulness in deploying select GARCH specifications as a source for the required Black-Litterman views vector, to the best of our knowledge, this

Physiology of Caulobacter crescentus grown on different carbon sources

Freshwater, obligate aerobic, Gram-negative bacterium Caulobacter crescentus strain CB2 is able to metabolise various types of carbon sources. In this degree project, growth characterization of C.crescentus was made on different substrates including glucose, xylose, and mannose using shake-flask cultivations and bioreactor experiments. Special emphasis was put on the xylose degradation pathway, th

Quantification of total antioxidant potential and its penetration through skin regarding cosmetic relevant formulation: An electrochemical assay

Människans hud består av flera olika hudlager som tillsammans bygger upp ett viktigt skydd mot den yttre miljön. Ett populärt sätt för att få aktiva substanser att gå igenom huden är genom att använda sig av så kallade ”cosmeceuticals”, ett mellanting mellan hudvårdsprodukter och läkemedel. Kosmetikaindustrin hävdar att dessa ska ha effekt, dock saknas många studier för att styrka dessa påstående.The skin is the outermost barrier that protects our body by performing several functions that is crucial for our survival. It prevents hazardous microorganisms in the outer environment from entering the body as well as preserving the inside by regulating heat and water loss from the body. Cosmeceuticals are cosmetic products which contains active ingredients that induces drug-like effects. For t

Hatbrott: en undersökning av hatbrottsoffrens attityder till polisen och deras anmälningsbenägenhet

The aim of this essay is to investigate how victims’ tendencies to report a hate crime to the police is influenced by their level of trust towards the Police. The method used was based on a qualitative data-collection, consisting of eleven interviews. The interviews were carried out with people who considered themselves to have been exposed to hate crimes, but also with police employees specialise

Embracing the Tides of Organizational Change - Explorations of the fixed-flexible continuum in attitudes towards organizational change

Purpose: The purpose of our research is to explore how employees who claim to embrace change consider the impact of personality and other factors as a reason for this attitude. Research questions: (1) How do individual employees who claim to embrace change talk about the impact of personality on their attitude towards change? (2) How do individual employees who claim to embrace change talk about


The fact that educational buildings are places where the majority of us spend most of our formative years, their design plays an important part in improving the education level and well-being of society. A number of changes have been made to the traditional design of these buildings in the last few decades and the old education system, where the teacher solely acts as an informer and the children

Learning hard or hardly learning? : exploring processes of experiential, transformative and social learning in an urban living lab

Cities will contain 70% of global populations by 2050, signalling the need to pursue solution-oriented approaches for sustainability challenges. Urban Living Labs are emerging as solution-based interventions, and share commonalities with efforts of sustainability science to broaden research for societal change alongside various actor sets. Currently there is a recognised lack of dedicated research

Customer Co-creation: Introducing the Motivators for Companies to Engage.

Purpose – The purpose of this study is to uncover what motivational factors exists for companies to use co-creational methods. It also aims to recognize what beneficial factors can come from using these methods. The restriction of using social media depending on industry or size of company will be reflected upon. The main research question is “What motivates companies to use customer co-creation a

Officialservitut i tomträtt - Gällande rätt och hantering i praktiken

Tomträtt är en nyttjanderätt som får upplåtas av staten och kommunerna. Tomträtt liknar äganderätten till fast egendom mer än någon annan sekundär rättighet. Tomträtt har på senare år fått minskad användning för småhusbebyggelse men har en fortsatt betydelse för kommersiella ändamål. I lagtext och förarbeten är det tydligt att motiven varit att tomträtt ska fungera som ett alternativ till äganderäSite leasehold right can be granted on land owned by municipalities or other public institutions. Site leasehold right is the strongest of the different rights of use, and is supposed to be an alternative to the right of possession of real estate. Easements can be granted in the site leasehold right, and be registered in the Real Property Register. Easements can either be formed by the national ca

Samverkan mellan LARO och Socialtjänsten – Kan det vara så svårt?

The aim of this study was to see how the interdisciplinary collaboration between the substitute treatment and the social services are working. I wanted to see how the different organizations looked at each other and what they were expecting of each other, and how that could affect the collaboration. The study was conducted using a qualitative approach, semi-structured interviews with social worker

Knops - A volume button for your ears

In night life and going out situations most people get exposed to loud music. Loud enough for inflicting permanent damage. Although almost everybody knows about the dangers and there are existing hearing protection solutions, almost nobody uses hearing protection. After investigating why almost nobody use hearing protection, ideation, conceptualising and a lot of prototyping and testing, Knops wa

Energieffektivisering av Exaktas elförbrukning

This thesis was completed at Exakta Printing in Malmo. The purpose of this work was to identify different elements that consume energy, such as lightning, machinery, compressed air, ventilation, etc., in order to present several suggestions on how to reduce the energy consumption and the costs within the chosen area. In order to make a detail analysis of the company's energy consumption a visu