

Din sökning på "*" gav 529683 sökträffar

Sino-African relations and ODA in the 21st century

This thesis investigates the relationship between Chinese aid and public expenditure in human development sectors in African nations. This is achieved through analysing the change of public expenditure in the education and health sectors of the top two African recipients of Chinese ODA – Ethiopia and Cote d’Ivoire, with an extended analysis to an additional five nations. Through a comparative anal

Influence of grain growth on the thermal structure of inner protoplanetary discs

Intresset för att studera protoplanetära diskar har ökat inom forskarvärlden i och med de observationer av dem som har gjorts de senaste åren. Observatoriet Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) i Chile har observerat flertalet protoplanetära diskar i enastående detalj. Dessa observationer har motiverat forskare till ytterligare teoretiska studier av protoplanetära diskar och deras dynamiska utvecProtoplanetary discs surround young stars for the first few million years after their formation and they are the birthplaces of planetary systems. The thermal structure of the discs is regulated by their dust content and the opacity that it provides. The aim of this project is to investigate the effect grain growth has on the structure of the protoplanetary discs. Hydrodynamical simulations have b

Nanotechnology as a General Purpose Technology. The Effect of Nanotechnology on Economic Growth in Europe, 1989-2013.

Currently, one can witness a Nanotechnology-hype across different economies and sectors based on its significant potential on the nanoscale. This causes debates about Nanotechnology’s future development and whether it can be characterised as a General Purpose Technology (short: GPT). Nanotechnology as an emerging technology benefits from the nanoscale on which many other sectors work, easing the d

Work-life conflict in the health-care industry: comparative study between male and female employees in Mexico and Sweden

The present article reports the results based on a study that explored the influence of gender-country interaction in the work-life conflict experience among a sample of employees in the health-care industry. It highlights the importance of cultural background, presuming that men and women will experience work-life conflict differently depending on their nationality/cultural background. Additional

Långsiktiga aktierelaterade incitamentsprogram

Examensarbetets titel: Långsiktiga Aktierelaterade Incitamentsprogram Seminariedatum: 31/5-2018 Ämne/kurs: FEKH89, Examensarbete kandidatnivå i Finansiering, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Sofia Bontin, Sarah Jängnemyr & Sara Oscarsson Handledare: Maria Gårdängen Nyckelord: Långsiktiga aktierelaterade incitamentsprogram, totalavkastning, sektortillhörighet, principal-agent teorin och NAS

Modeling and characterization of mechanical properties in Titanium alloys.

The industry today strives for the development of new materials and production methods to reduce CO2 emissions and production cost with lighter materials and more effective manufacturing processes. Scientists and engineers work with different methods and models to ensure the demands for new technology. The aim of this thesis is to experimentally measure the mechanical properties of two titanium al

Navigating in the Institutional Jungle of China - An Investigation of Competitive Advantages Through the Management of Institutional Contexts

Purpose: The purpose is to explore the institutional forces in a transitional regulated economy. Furthermore, the study seeks to gather information about firms’ perception of these forces and the way by which these firms seek to handle them and use them to build competitive advantages. Methodology: The study is of qualitative character with an instrumental case study design and a mix of deductiv

Länders kreditbetyg – samma idag som de en gång var? En studie av Moody’s betygsättningsprocess över tid.

Titel: Länders kreditbetyg – samma idag som de en gång var? Datum för seminarium: 31/05/2018 Kurs: FEKH89 Författare: Johanna Carlsson, Cecilia Malmberg, Åke Sundvall Handledare: Anamaria Cociorva Nyckelord: Kreditbetyg på länder, WGI, makroekonomiska variabler, utveckling över tid, konservatism Syfte: Att undersöka vare sig Moody´s blivit mer konservativa gällande betygsättning av länder samt de Title: Sovereign Ratings – Same Today As They Once Were? Seminar date: 31/05/2018 Course: FEKH89 Authors: Johanna Carlsson, Cecilia Malmberg, Åke Sundvall Advisor: Anamaria Cociorva Key Words: Sovereign credit rating, WGI, macroeconomic variables, development over time, conservatism Purpose: To examine the conservatism of sovereign ratings according to Moody´s rating standards as well as the under


I ett allt mer individbaserat samhälle, med ett skifte från normer när det gäller levnadssätt till allas unika livsval, ser vi ett ökat behov av boende för olika typer av konstellationer. Kärnfamiljen är inte lika självklar längre, ensamhushållen är fler och separationer är vanligt. Människor kan välja att bli förälder på egen hand och tvåsamhet som en självklarhet ifrågasätts helt och hållet. Vi In our individualized society, with a shift from strict norms on how we live our lives to everyone’s own unique lifestyle, we see a growing need for diversified housing for different types of constellations. The nuclear family is not a certainty anymore, the number of single residencies have increased and separations are common. People can choose to become a parent on their own and twosome relatio

Exploring capsule network

Artificiella neuronnät är en enkel matematisk maskininlärningsmodell som på vissa sätt påminner om de neuronnät som återfinns hos djur. Syftet med maskininlärning är att inte behöva programmera exakt hur en maskin ska lösa en uppgift eftersom detta i vissa fall kan vara väldigt svårt eller näst intill omöjligt. Istället låter man maskinen lära sig utifrån erfarenhet av att utföra en uppgift. DennaThe recently introduced capsule networks have already shown much success on image classification tasks. In this thesis, capsule networks are described and applied to a binary classification task, namely that of classifying hotspots from bone scintigraphy scans. The performance of capsule networks on this task is compared to that of convolutional neural networks. The results indicate that there is

Assessing edge pixel classification and growing stock volume estimation in forest stands using a machine learning algorithm and Sentinel-2 data

Sustainable forest management requires accurate and up-to-date baseline data regarding forest structural parameters and the definition of forest stand units. A crucial component in stand characterization is the identification of tree species and to correctly define the stand boundaries. The most common procedure used for this is land cover classification using remote sensing data. However, when cl

Japanese gender language: Perception of norm breaking speech styles

This thesis will examine the topic of gendered language in Japanese and the elements that contribute to making “feminine” and “masculine” speech what they are. This thesis will further try to distinguish the differences that can be found in women’s and men’s speech. The purpose of this thesis is to find out what perceptions exist of men and women who choose to either break or follow what are consi

Child undernutrition and women’s empowerment in Brazil

Child undernutrition is a worldwide problem with dire consequences that compromises the quality of life and economic growth on different scales (individual, household and community). It affects mainly highly vulnerable populations. Maternal characteristics have proven to be key determinants for child nutritional status. Recently, Brazil has been considered to be a role model in how to fight undern

Värdering och planering av företags teknologistrategi och affärsverksamhet: Betydelsen av ett integrativt konceptuellt ramverk

Bakgrund: Informationsteknologin har genomgått flera dramatiska förändringar under åren. Den senaste stora förändringen var uppkomsten av Internet. Internet skapade billiga och effektiva sätt att koordinera och utbyta information. Det skapade inte bara möjligheter utan även frågor om hur företag borde använda dessa teknologier för att skapa lönsamhet. Ett sätt för företag att svara på des

Undersökning av eventuella rörelser och sprickor i en betongplatta på ESS

Den här rapporten utvärderar en betongplattas termiskarörelser samt krympning. Betongplattan är approximativt 20m *20 m lång och bred, samt har en tjocklek om 500mm. Vidare undersöks vilka åtgärder och föreskrifter som hindrar plattan från att spricka eller utsättas för stora termiskarörelser. Huvudsyftet är att utvärdera om de observerade rörelserna skiljer sig från de beräknade och, om så är falThis thesis evaluates the thermal movements and shrinkage in a 20m *20 m concrete slab with a thickness of 500mm. Furthermore, it examines regulatory measures and other actions taken to prevent movements as well as cracks. The main purpose is to examine whether the observed movements are equivalent with the calculated movements and if not, whether the difference is of any concern. By the examinati

Political Ecology of Tin Mining A Discourse Analysis of the Human-Environment Relation in the Study of Illegal Tin Mining on Bangka Island

Bangka Island has been known as the most important tin producer in the world. Tin has developed the economy of the local people and even Indonesia in general. Unfortunately, mining is not only operated by corporations, but also by local people without proper procedures, resulting in a ruined landscape and ecosystem. Eventually, on 8th February 2016 a flood occurred and influenced the emotions of t

Att resurseffektivisera ett distributionsnätverk för asfaltslastbilar -En fallstudie hos Skanska Industrial Solutions AB

Problem - Skanska Industrial Solutions AB lays asphalt over a wide geographical area, and never in the same place and is also a work that is dependent on the weather. Asphalt is a product with low to no capacity to be stored. These factors contribute to a distribution that has the necessity to follow the JIT-principles. The asphalt production is in of a steady flow of asphalt being transported fro

Identifying Factors Behind Successful Market Establishment of ICT-based Medical Self-Care Solutions

Background Today’s healthcare faces a transformation, driven by an ageing population and an over encumbered care and welfare sector. Self-care solutions based on emerging information and communication technologies make it possible for patients to monitor their medical conditions from home, without the direct assistance of healthcare professionals. Thereby time and resources within the healthc