

Din sökning på "*" gav 529352 sökträffar

Clinical and epidemiological aspects of invasive Streptococcus pyogenes infections in Denmark during 2003 and 2004

Active surveillance of invasive group A streptococcal (GAS) infections was conducted in Denmark during 2003 and 2004 as a part of the Strep-EURO initiative. The main objective was to improve understanding of the epidemiology of invasive GAS disease in Denmark. During the 2 years, 278 cases were reported, corresponding to a mean annual incidence of 2.6 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. The vast majori

On the Exel Crossed Product of Topological Covering Maps

For dynamical systems defined by a covering map of a compact Hausdorff space and the corresponding transfer operator, the associated crossed product C (*)-algebras C(X)a < S (alpha,a"')a"center dot introduced by Exel and Vershik are considered. An important property for homeomorphism dynamical systems is topological freeness. It can be extended in a natural way to in general non-invertible dynamic

Systematics, paleobiology, and taphonomy of some exceptionally preserved trilobites from Cambrian Lagerstatten of Utah

Mid-Cambrian biotas of the Spence, Wheeler, Marjum, and Weeks formations in Utah are exceptionally diverse. Continued collecting has produced additional trilobites here assigned to one new genus, Meniscopsia, and 25 new species. The new species, all known from complete or nearly complete dorsal exoskeletons, are Amecephalus jamisoni, Athabaskia gladei, Bolaspidella jarrardi, Bolaspidella reesae, B

Advancing the Frontier of Extended Producer Responsibility: The management of waste electrical and electronic equipment in non-OECD countries

Popular Abstract in Swedish El-avfall (avfall från elektriska och elektroniska produkter) har under det senaste årtiondet blivit ett växande miljöproblem också i de mindre rika länderna (icke-OECD länder). Informell återvinning i u-länder har lett till att giftiga ämnen, som t.ex. bly och kvicksilver från tv-apparater, PVC från sladdar och bromerade flamskyddsmedel från plastkomponenter, har läcktWaste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) has become a salient issue in non-OECD countries. With a growing awareness about serious damages to the environment and human health from a lack of safe treatment and recycling of WEEE, there has been a search for policy responses in several of these countries. This research finds that extended producer responsibility (EPR), a policy principle that

Lichenology in Germany: past, present and future.

Abstract in German Kurzbiographien zu 104 Lichenologen werden vorgestellt, beginnend mit der alten Zeit von Hoffmann im 18. Jahrhundert mit dem Schwerpunkt der Klassifizierung der Flechten, über das 19. Jahrhundert mit der Entdeckung der Flechtensymbiose durch Schwendener und Stahl, bis in die dynamische Periode des 20. Jahrhunderts mit ihrer enormen wissenschaftlichen Entwicklung. Eine neue GenerShort biographies of 104 lichenologists who have played a key role in the development of German lichenology are provided. These date from Hoffmann and the early days of lichen classification in the 18th century, through the 19th century with the discovery of the lichen symbiosis by Schwendener and Stahl, to the dynamic period of enormous scientific development of the 20th century. A significant bo

Palynological richness and pollen sample evenness in relation to local floristic diversity in southern Estonia

The relationship between palynological diversity and floristic diversity was studied on the basis of sediment surface sample pollen data from nine small lakes and vegetation data within a 250 m radius from the lake shore of each. The nine study areas are situated in the patchy cultural landscape of Southern Estonia and were chosen to represent landscape changes along a gradient from closed forest

Efficient Spectral Analysis in the Missing Data Case using Sparse ML Methods

Given their wide applicability, several sparse high-resolution spectral estimation techniques and their implementation have been examined in the recent literature. In this work, we fur- ther the topic by examining a computationally efficient im- plementation of the recent SMLA algorithms in the missing data case. The work is an extension of our implementation for the uniformly sampled case, and of

Grasping complexity: analysing risk for sustainable development

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hållbar utveckling ställer krav på nya riskanalysmetoder Hållbar utveckling bygger på vår förmåga att fatta beslut i dag som avgör vår morgondag. Det låter enkelt, men är en av mänsklighetens största utmaningar då mycket i vår värld hänger samman och framtiden är full av osäkerheter. Givet att osäkerhet tillåts påverka vår syn på vad framtiden har i sitt sköte, kan dSustainable development relies on our ability to make decisions today that will determine our tomorrow. Given that uncertainty is explicitly allowed to influence our view of what the future holds for us, most ex ante analyses of challenges for sustainable development can be viewed as analysing risk. Many frameworks for analysing risk exist today, but analysing risk for sustainable development enta

Bootstrap Percolation on a Graph with Random and Local Connections

Let be a superposition of the random graph and a one-dimensional lattice: the n vertices are set to be on a ring with fixed edges between the consecutive vertices, and with random independent edges given with probability p between any pair of vertices. Bootstrap percolation on a random graph is a process of spread of "activation" on a given realization of the graph with a given number of initially

Identified charged hadron production in p plus p collisions at root s=200 and 62.4 GeV

Transverse momentum distributions and yields for pi(+/-), K-+/-, p, and (p) over bar in p + p collisions at root s = 200 and 62.4 GeV at midrapidity are measured by the PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). These data provide important baseline spectra for comparisons with identified particle spectra in heavy ion collisions at RHIC. We present the inverse slope parameter

On Modeling of Heat and Mass Transfer and other Transport Phenomena in Fuel Cells

Depending on specific configuration and design, a variety of physical phenomena is present in fuel cells, e.g., multi-component gas flow, energy and mass transfer of chemical species in composite domains and sites. These physical phenomena are strongly affected by chemical/electrochemical reactions in nano-/micro-scale structured electrodes and electrolytes. Due to the electrochemical reactions, g

The human SIN3B corepressor forms a nucleolar complex with leukemia-associated ETO homologues

Background: SIN3 ( SWI-Independent) is part of a transcriptional deacetylase complex, which generally mediates the formation of repressive chromatin. The purpose of this work was to study possible interactions between corepressors human SIN3B (hSIN3B) and the ETO homologues ETO ( eight twenty-one), MTG16 ( myeloid-transforming gene 16) and MTGR1 ( MTG-related protein 1). In addition, the subnuclea

On problems, joint problem solving and change - A human behavioural approach in a construction sector context.

Critics maintain that there are a number of troublesome issues resulting from the construction sector’s way of operating and that these remain, despite widespread criticism and measures designed to change all of this. The construction sector’s and the critics’ manner of describing these problems fails to a large extent to take into consideration the way people function in connection with practical

Search for WZ resonances in the fully leptonic channel using pp collisions at root s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector

A search for resonant WZ production in the l nu l'l' (l, l' = e, mu) decay channel using 20.3 fb(-1) of root s = 8 TeV pp collision data collected by the ATLAS experiment at LHC is presented. No significant deviation from the Standard Model prediction is observed and upper limits on the production cross sections of WZ resonances from an extended gauge model W' and from a simplified model of heavy

Polyandry and alternative mating tactics

Many species in the animal kingdom are characterized by alternative mating tactics (AMTs) within a sex. In males, such tactics include mate guarding versus sneaking behaviours, or territorial versus female mimicry. Although AMTs can occur in either sex, they have been most commonly described in males. This sex bias may, in part, reflect the increased opportunity for sexual selection that typically